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What's New in 24.04

We are pleased to announce our latest 24.04 release of Journey Manager is ready for you to download! It includes new and enhanced features, security improvements and updated libraries, plus bug fixes. Read on to find out more!

Version Date Released Features & Enhancements Resolved Issues Downloads
24.04.3 29 January 2025
24.04.2 30 August 2024
24.04.1 31 July 2024
24.04.0 31 May 2024

Key Features

Here is a list of the key features we've introduced or enhanced. To learn more about each feature, click a documentation link or read the Features and Enhancements section below.

Data Retention Management Enhancements
We've created a new version of the data retention management v2 service, which provides more efficient purging processes and added resilience to issues caused by bad data. These improvements will help prevent abnormal database growth that often leads to performance degradation. We have also added more visibility through enhanced logging that help narrow down the individual steps during the data purging process.

When you install or upgrade Manager, the Data Retention Management v2 service is not set as the default service for the Data Retention Management type - the Data Retention Management service is set by default. However, as with any other services, you can change it by following these steps:

  • Apply any existing Data Retention Management service settings to the Data Retention Management v2 service. This is particularly important as every client has their own customized settings which are aligned with particular business requirements and legal obligations to keep and purge PII data.
  • Set the Data Retention Management v2 service as default by clicking Make Default or selecting the Service Type Default checkbox.
  • Test the Data Retention Management v2 service in your lower environments, such as DEV and TEST.
  • Confirm successful results before moving to the next environment.
  • Enable it in your production environment when you are completely satisfied with test results.
Configuration Service Extension
The can now create properties and parameters via the Configuration Service. We have also extended the coverage which includes setting the module context paths, updating security manager parameters, form page tracking, as well as a few other minor areas. For more information, see Import Forms, Import Form Spaces, Import Groups, Import an Application Package, Import an Organization, Import Roles, Import a Security Manager, Import Services, Import Service Connections, Import TPacs, Import Scheduled Jobs.
Developing Scheduled Jobs
We've added export and import support for scheduled jobs via the Manager Admin UI, SDK and API.
We've also enabled updating of scheduled jobs parameters via the Config Service.
Platform Updates
We've updated to Open JDK 21 and Wildlfy 31.0.1. For more information, see 3-rd party library updates.
We've added support for a new OS, Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS, this version can now be provisioned in our cloud environments as well as it is available in the 24.04 installer for on premise environments.

The installer versions 23.10, 23.04, 22.10, 22.04, 21.11, 21.05, 20.11, 20.05 have been back-ported to support OS.

Ubuntu is a very secure, widely used open-source operating system with strong community support. It is enterprise-compatible and has proven to be performant and efficient. Ubuntu is the standard Temenos OS for Linux based systems in cloud environments. For more information, see System Requirements.
We've removed support for 9 and 7, because 7 will reach end of life (EOL) on June 30, 2024 and we have made a decision to continue with Ubuntu OS. For more information, see What to know about CentOS Linux EOL.
We've added support for Oracle MySQL 8 database service.
We've enabled configuration of a context path of a module during software installation, so the can be run right after that to perform other system configuration tasks. For more information, see Installation > Context Path.
Eventing Enhancements
TJM now support incoming events from Kafka. These events can be used to perform REST API calls within Manager.
We've added 2 new types of services - and Inbox Processor - to define services that consume topics and performs REST API calls specified in the topics. These services are Event Listener Configuration Service and Event Inbox Processor Service.
You can view all configured Event Listener Configurations and stop and start them as needed.
We've introduced 2 new deployment properties - Eventing Error Log Flood Threshold Count and Eventing Error Log Flood Threshold Time - to control the growth of the table if the above services fail and thus generate a high number or error entries.
We've added 2 new deployment properties - Allowed File Name Extensions In JM and Disable Render Link for Portal Resources - to prevent users from uploading malicious files on the portal resource page and subsequently rendering them, causing the malicious code to execute.

Release Details


Features and Enhancements


Module Description
JM-17928 Manager Update secret keys/passwords storage location
JM-17962 Manager Upgrade Puppeteer
JM-17945 Security Add protection against Host Header Injection Vulnerability

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