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This version is now End of Life.
Version Date Released Features & Enhancements Resolved Issues Downloads
20.11.8 31 July 2024
20.11.7 7 May 2024
20.11.6 22 December 2021
20.11.5 4 November 2021
20.11.4 15 July 2021
20.11.3 22 April 2021
20.11.2 9 March 2021   
20.11.1 11 February 2021   
20.11.0 12 January 2021

What's New in 20.11

Journey Manager 20.11 is a major release with new features and bug fixes listed below. The major release can include changes in behavior that may affect integrations and Groovy services. While Temenos tries to minimize these changes, please review the details of the enhancements to determine how these may affect your implementations. 

20.11 is a small release that upgrades a host of third party libraries and adds some enhancements to the control of the contents and names of attachments uploaded to a transaction. 

The upgraded key third party libraries are listed below:

  • WildFly to 21.0.0
  • OpenJDK to 11.0.9
  • Spring Security to 4.2.18
  • Groovy Runtime to 2.5.13

Key Features

Magic Byte Checking 

Journey Manager has been enhanced to include a new category of service - Media Type Scan. When activated, this service will scan the contents of a uploaded attachment to make sure that the file content matches the extension type. An out of the box implementation of this service is provided using the Apache Tika library

Attachment File Name Whitelist

A system level deployment property Attachment File Name Regex has been added, so you can configure a regex to match all attachment file names against and, thus, stop malformed filenames from being provided or undesirable characters from being used in the file name. 

Behaviour Change

The interpretation of default value for the 'enableDoctypeProcessing' server setting has been updated so that it makes more sense. False now means that DocType processing for Xml objects is not enabled. Turning this off is a better security stance and this means by default the standard installation will have DocType processing disabled. This can be turned on in the standalone.xml but our recommendation would be to stay with the default setting for security reasons.

Release Details


Resolved Issues

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Resolved Issues

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