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Version Date Released Features & Enhancements Resolved Issues Downloads
23.10 21 December 2023


The 2023 Springboard Fall release, also known as the 23.10 release, is primarily focused on US Retail DAO, with a few updates made to US Lending with LMS and US SMB DAO. Themes of this release are to simplify implementation, expand configuration ability through Journey Setup, and provide a Credit Union-specific Retail DAO journey.

Solution versions

  • Retail DAO 4.1.0
  • SMB DAO 1.4.0
  • Lending with LMS 1.1.0


All three solutions received the same upgrades.

  • Journey Manager 22.10
  • Journey SDK 22.10
  • Journey Maestro 22.10
  • Journey Workspaces 22.10
  • iOvation 1.8


Resolved alternative text and contrast issues across all three channels. Accessibility updates are ongoing and will include smart focus improvements for tabbing with an upgrade to Maestro 23.04 (December 2023), and further smart focus improvements for screen readers arriving with an upgrade to Maestro 23.10 (May 2024). Note that at the time of implementation, it is the responsibility of the implementation team to ensure all images have alternative text and all colors meet contrast guidelines.

Known issues

Speeding up page

At the Speeding up page, if the applicant elects to use Prove to prefill, submitting their mobile phone number and the last four digits of their SSN, waits a few moments, then clicks < Back, an unrecoverable error is displayed. This issue is present in the following solution versions:

  • Retail DAO 4.1 and 4.0
  • SMB DAO 1.4 and 1.3
  • Lending with LMS 1.1 and 1.0.

Prefill with Prove

Old email address is being returned. The user needs to edit the information and update their email address. A patch fix will be available to partners by the end of November 2023.

Residential Address page appears in edit mode when prefilled

When Residential Address information is prefilled, the Residential Address page appears in edit mode rather than a summary page with edit options.

Phone number not validated when field focus is lost

Phone number validation does not occur when the field loses focus. However, phone number validation does occur when the user clicks Continue.

US Retail DAO 4.1

  • SSN validations to align with current Social Security Administration number issuance and simplify implementation efforts.
  • Account Options card carousel bug fix when multiple card offering products selected.
  • Assisted Channel joint applicant support for in-branch experience.
  • Credit Union support and additional pages to simplify implementation and expand configurability.
    • Eligibility is included by default when brand is a Credit Union. Eligibility page is 100% configurable via the Journey Setup tool.
    • Automatically add a membership share to the shopping cart if the applicant is new or is found not to have a membership share.
    • Automatically remove membership share from the shopping cart if the applicant is found to have an existing membership share.
    • An Employment Information page.
    • An Account Beneficiary page.

Journey Setup

  • Includes for certain third-party services that simplify implementation and expand configurability. The following are standard inclusions, and you can now opt not to include them via configuration. Not including the following and connecting to other providers is customization.
    • Include Mitek selected by default
    • Option to show Mitek on mobile only
    • Include Prove selected by default
    • Include Alloy selected by default
  • Option to include an Employment Information page.
  • Option to include an Account Beneficiary page.
  • Indicator that the brand is a Credit Union. Selecting this automatically adds the Eligibility page and implements the membership share workflow.
  • Indicator that a product is a membership share (used by credit unions only).
  • Configure Eligibility page content.
