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Version Date Released Features & Enhancements Resolved Issues Downloads
24.04.1 3 June 2024
24.04.0 31 May 2024


The 2024 Springboard release, also known as the 24.04 release, is primarily an upgrade of Springboard services, libraries, forms, and Workspaces to be compatible with the 23.10 release of Temenos Journey Manager (TJM) and Journey SDKJourney Maestro, and Journey Workspaces.

Springboard 24.04.1

The Springboard 24.04.1 release addresses several issues found in the Springboard 24.04.0 release.

Any new clients with Journey Manager 23.10.x need to use this version of Springboard.

Infrastructure Upgrades

All Springboard solutions have received the same upgrades.

  • JM 23.10.0
  • JM SDK 23.10.1
  • Maestro 23.10.1
  • Workspaces 23.10.0

Prove integration updates

There are multiple updates to the Prove integration package:

  • Update to deprecate /eligibility/v2 and replace it with /trust/v2.
  • Added an optional Narrative parameter called minTrustScore . By default, the service uses Prove recommended minimum Trust Score threshold (630), but if a customer prefers to use a lower or higher threshold, the minTrustScore Narrative parameter can be used.
  • Exception handling to limit service failure retry to three times.
  • Exception handling to limit user data entry error retry to three times. The user must use a different method and will be declined after their data is collected.

Sensitive information strengthening

To block security holes, the username, password, API access key, etc that used to be saved in the Springboard Configuration file are moved to Service Connections, which provides better protection for stored data. The Springboard configuration file contains the svcConnectionName parameter that points to the Service Connection. For example:

googlePlaces-search-svcConnectionName = Google


Accessibility fixes have been made on the Product Selector, speeding up pages, and the debit card carousel on the Account Options page. 


Release Details


Resolved Issues


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