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We are pleased to announce our latest 24.10.0 release of Journey Analytics is now available! It includes new and enhanced features, security improvements and updated libraries, plus bug fixes. Read on to find out more!

Version Date Released New Features Improvements Fixes Security CVE
24.10.0 04 Dec 2024 Changelog Improved Changelog Fixes Changelog Security 3rd Party Libraries


Journey Analytics latest version includes new capabilities like the exporting custom milestones and segmentation data, some UX improvements to User Journey view as well as a new cap on how far back applicant behaviour can be analyzed.

Export Milestone and Segmentation data

Using the Export view, the user can now export custom Milestone and Segmentation data. The data is exported to CSV and can be used for analysis outside the Journey Analytics app.

Historical analysis now limited to past 4 calendar years

Journey Analytics now caps the past analytics to only include the previous 4 calendar years. For example, on December 31, 2024, data since Jan 1, 2020 is available for analysis. Prior to this release, Journey Analytics store analytics indefinitely.

Security architecture rework

This recently includes the introduction of a new security architecture to provide remote key management for our cloud services. This new approach allows Journey Analytics more robust controls in case of any breach or abuse of the services we offer. No changes are required to take advantage of the new architecture.

Runtime upgrades

Journey Analytics is now upgraded to use Java 17 (from Java 11) for all our cloud services. No changes are required from users to take advantage of these upgrades. We expect a boost in performance as well as a more modern stack to enable future development.


Changelog New New

  • Export Milestones and Segmentation
    Users can now use the existing Export view to analyze applicant behavior in CSV format.
  • Analysis capped at previous 4 calendar years
    Applicant behavior is not capped to only the previous 4 calendar years from the current date.

Changelog Improved Improved

  • Switching to see Counts in User Journey view now includes segmentation

    When switching to view raw counts in User Journey, users will now also see the raw counts for segmentation stats, visible within the segmentation cards in the right panel.

Changelog Fixed Fixed

  • Date Picker display issues
    Addresses an issue that affected the way calendars are rendered in Firefox browser.
  • Benchmarks year selector state persistence
    Fixes an issue in Timeline view where the users' selection for Benchmarks year was not retained when switching views.

Changelog Security Security

  • Security Architecture redesign
    Remote key management capabilities are now in place for Journey Analytics platform. This allows more robust controls to protect against abuse and unauthorized access.

3rd Party Libraries 3rd Party Libraries

  • Runtime upgrades: Java 17
    Journey Analytics runtime for all Java services was upgraded to Java 17.
  • Nightwatch end-to-end testing upgrades
    Updates to continuous integration tests to be more robust and reliable.