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This version is now End of Life.
Version Date Released Features and Enhancements Resolved Issues Downloads
5.1.4 September 22, 2017
5.1.3 August 25, 2017
5.1.2 July 7, 2017
5.1.1 June 7, 2017
5.1.0 May 5, 2017

Transact Maestro 5.1.0 is a major release of Maestro with significant features as well as bug fixes.

Key Features


Translation has been added to Maestro 5.1. This feature allows multiple languages to be added to a single form with the ability to easily switch languages in real time. Set up of the translation scripts can be carried out in Maestro via a new Translation UI that lists all the translatable fields in a form and maps these to the required languages. Translation files can also be directly uploaded to Transact manager and be associated to this form. This supports clients who send the fields to be translated to a 3rd party for translation and return a file.



Code View

This feature allows a developer to view, create and modify business rules in one place. The view is similar to the design tree view where the form structure is shown however business rules will be shown under the components that contain them. There is an ability to search and filter the rules. When a rule is selected in this view, a design view is shown similar to the existing rule editor. New rules can be added by right clicking the elements in the tree.

The following screens display the code view with rules shown under the elements.



Compatibility Mode

We have introduced version compatibility in the Maestro 5.1 release. Composer users will be familiar with this concept although it works a little differently in Maestro.

When an environment is upgraded to version 5.1, organizations can choose whether projects remain in version 5.0 or are upgraded to use the 5.1 release features. By default all projects remain in 5.0 until the project's release version is manually changed in the UI. When a form, component or template is opened the system will check the release version that the project is using. This determines the version of software and libraries that are used when opening the form. Users will see a different URL depending on the version being used.

The compatibility mode feature allows organizations to continue working in the version they were using prior to the upgrade, ensuring there is no change in behaviour to their forms. It is important to note that once a project is upgraded it can't be returned to the lower version. Our recommendation for upgrading a project is to copy the organization via an export/import and upgrade the copy. This allows a switch back to the older version backup if required.

Compatibility mode is only applied to the design view (editing forms, components, templates). The dashboard view (organizations, projects etc) always uses the latest release version.

The following screens show compatibility mode for 2 projects. The first shows "5.0 Organization" running 5.0 libraries (1.0.22). The second screen shows an updated project using 5.1 libraries (5.1.1).

The release version dropdown is used to upgrade projects.



Styling Improvements

Styling Inheritance

In Maestro 5.1, we have introduced item level styling inheritance. This feature compiles the shared styles on an item in the order that they appear in the styles tab (Highest means higher precedence). There is an ability to move a Shared style up or down using a right click context menu.

The following screens show an item in a form called "First Name", the first screen shot shows the Blue Label Style at the top of the shared style inheritance order.

The second screenshot shows the "Red Label" being right clicked and Move Style Up being selected. The final screenshot shows the "Red Label" style at the top of the inheritance order.


Improved Save Shared Style Flow

This feature improves the flow of modifying and saving an existing shared style. When you select and modify a style, you will see an asterix next to the style name as well as a save and clear button.

The following screens show a modified style called "Red Label", notice the asterix and save / clear buttons

image2017-5-2-15_33_4 image2017-5-2-15_34_4

Once you navigate away from an item or select a different style, the modified changes will no longer appear in the wireframe.

If you try and Preview, Save or Build the form you will be prompted to either "Save Styles and Continue", "Discard Changes and Continue" or "Continue Editing Design"


Saving a shared style will remove the asterix and remove it from the modified style list.

Revamped Form Build Process

Form Designs in Maestro 5.1 have a new button called "Build" which replaces the old "Publish" button (note: only in form designs).

This button allows the users to quickly build their form and download the TM Form Version archive in one click as well as perform additional options upon opening the extra menu.

The first option performs as above, the second builds and renders the form in a new tab (using the web-plugin space).

The third and last option opens a dialog which allows the user to change their user accounts build options as well as build and render or download the form.

The screens below depict the above build option buttons

image2017-5-2-15_57_3  image2017-5-2-15_57_21

The following screens show the "Build with Options" dialog and the Build Flow for this option. The Build Options are saved to your user account.


Release Details


Resolved Issues

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