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This version is now End of Life.
Version Date Released Features and Enhancements Resolved Issues Downloads
4.3.11 January 22, 2021
4.3.10 November 29, 2018
4.3.9 November 19, 2018
4.3.6 April 17, 2016
4.3.4 January 16, 2016
4.3.3 June 28, 2016
4.3.0 February 19, 2016

Release Details


The Resolved Issues list and Downloads are only for Transact users. You will need to be logged into your Avoka Community account and have the necessary permissions to view the lists.


Google Maps API Changes

Google recently launched their Google Maps Platform. This has impacted TransactField for users of the task map function (see below). Previously Maps API usage was free but is now charged and requires a valid API key (more information:

Without a valid API key, users experience a degraded map image.

TField pastedimage1543967883076v5

This version of TransactField now supports the use of a valid API key that allows the use of the Maps JavaScript API. Clients wishing to use this function will need to do the following set up:

1) Obtain a valid Google API key (see documentation=>

2) In Transact Manager under the "TransactField App" portal create a new portal property called "TField_Google_Key"

Note that this will be added by default in an upcoming release TM

TransactPortal Key

3) Add the valid API key to the "TField_Google_Key" property.

4) Ensure TransactField users synch with TM to port the API key to the App. Maps will then work.

Resolved Issues

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Restricted content

You need to login to access this content. If you still don't have access after logging in, you can request it by posting a new question and selecting the access you need in the Type dropdown.