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Version Date Released Features & Enhancements Resolved Issues Downloads
24.04.0 31 May 2024

What's New


Timeline view displays a Benchmark which is derived from applicant behaviour from trusted form solutions to give a performance snapshot of the industry for the year. Users will be able to choose the Benchmark year for data available or turn off the Benchmark displayed. Metrics tabs have been reordered to emphasise the new Benchmarks functionality.

Export View UI

We redesigned the layout to make a more intuitive user interface for the Export view. The new design makes it easier to specify the type of applicant behaviour data to download.


New Benchmarks documentation has been added. Updated documentation is also available for the Segment Whitelist upload and download functionality that was released in 23.10.0. 

What's Fixed

This release also fixes the following issues:

  • Dashboard - Completion Summary layout issue on larger screen sizes. 
  • User Journey - Renamed 'Milestone Hit Rate' to 'Distribution' in Segment Cards.
  • Analyse module - null pointer errors cleaned up.

For detailed notes, please refer to our documentation: Journey Analytics Documentation.

Release Details


Features and Enhancements

EPIC ID TID Description
JM-595 JM-1575 Timeline view - Completion Rate and Median Time should be first tabs from left
JM-595 JM-1624

Cron job for Benchmark analysis

JM-595 JM-2330

Frontend for Benchmark - mock data and agree on response

JM-595 JM-2384

Timeline Benchmarks - Benchmark UI

JM-595 JM-2410

Scheduled Query for Benchmarks Computation, and Store a bq dataset on the app projects Across Multiple Projects

JM-595 JM-2411

Transfer Benchmark from Dataset and Write to Datastore Triggered by Cron Job

JM-595 JM-2412

Provide the benchmark data in the timeline endpoints via Dataprovider

JM-595 JM-2477

Benchmarks - Settle the list of customers to target for benchmarks

JM-595 JM-2478

Benchmarks - Timeline benchmark tooltip text

JM-595 JM-2504

Benchmarks - Need to determine name for bq dataset.table, Datastore kind, and scheduled query name

JM-595 JM-2588

Timeline View Benchmarks - Allow User To Deselect or Select Multiple Benchmarks

JM-598 JM-1649

Export does not validate that metric or group is selected

Resolved Issues


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