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This version is now End of Life.
Version Date Released Features and Enhancements Resolved Issues Downloads
19.11.7 11th February 2021
19.11.6 17th June 2020
19.11.5 25th May 2020
19.11.4 21st April 2020
19.11.3 9th March 2020
19.11.2 31th January 2020
19.11.1 13th December 2019
19.11.0 30th November 2019

What's New in 19.11

The main focus of Journey Manager 19.11 has been to extend the Fluent API to address use cases raised by customers through the IDEA's portal. As well as a large list of smaller Fluent API additions, we have built support for SSO Fluent Security Managers and provided a template for an out-of-the-box Fluent ADFS Security Manager. 

There has been a significant investment in aligning with the Temenos Security Policy and this has involved enhancements raised from Pen Testing, Code Scanning (HP Fortify) and Dependent Library Scanning (Whitesource). The Temenos Security Policy states that software is not released with Medium or above severity issues and Journey Manager is now aligned with this. 

This is a major release and we have taken the opportunity to upgrade a lot of third party libraries, Please see Manager Libraries for more details. 


The Groovy Runtime in 19.11 has been upgraded to 2.5.6 This is a major version upgrade please make sure you test your Groovy Scripts with this version. 2.5.6 is not the latest version of 2.5 but the newer versions were unstable as changes in 2.5.7 broke some critical features, current we are waiting for a fix to this from the Groovy team. Exchange and Springboard teams have run their tests against 2.5.6 and it proved stable. 

Key Features

General Fluent API Enhancements

There have been a host of generic updates to the Fluent API based on use cases raised by customers through the IDEA's portal, these include:

  • TxnUpdater, TxnQuery, TxnBuilder and Txn VO to enhance the transaction level capability of the Fluent API
  • Emailer and UserEmailer
  • new Job Builder class
  • and more, please see Fluent API JavaDoc and the Features and Enhancements page for more details.

Fluent API Receipting Enhancements

The Fluent API receipting capabilities have been enhanced to enable:

  • Support for calling a named receipt render service from within a Fluent Receipt Service to enable receipt merging while still generating a receipt for the associated transaction.
  • Support for generating a Web and Email received from a Fluent Receipt Service.
  • Externalization of the Core PDFUtils methods to merge receipt in Fluent. 

Fluent Security Managers

Support for a Fluent Security Manager has been added in 19.11:

  • 19.11 supports a Fluent User Authentication Provider, with a template for a skeleton Fluent Groovy User Auth Provider.
  • 19.11 supports a Fluent Security Manager, which includes a template for a skeleton SSO Security Manager and an out-of-the-box ADFS Security Manager.
  • Fluent Security Managers implementation has resulted in a number of new Fluent API classes to support the scripting within a Security Manager.

Overview of Fluent API Changes

Class Summary
JobBuilder New Class added to support creating job instances from Fluent API

Added Methods:








Added method:



Added method:



Added fields:









Added methods:



SpaceUtils New Class added to provide some basic Space related helper methods
RoleQuery New Class added to support querying of JM roles

New methods added:




UserEmailer New Class added to support the sending of standard JM emails to users.
MergeReceiptSvc New Class added to support the merging of receipts

New methods:




AccountUserDetails New VO object to represent users within a security manager authentication flow
AccountUserDetailsBuilder New Builder to create AccountUserDetails objects
NotSpaceUserException New Exception to represent a user not allocated to the space error
UserNotActiveException New Exception to represent a user not active error
SecurityMgr New VO object to represent a security manager
SSOAuthToken New Auto Token object for use with Fluent Security Managers

Behaviour Changes & Removed Features

Support for the following features have been removed:

  • Adobe Livecycle support has been removed, this is both for LiveCycle Forms for Dynamic Form rendering and LiveCycle Output for receipt generation.
  • The unused Card Payment Page has been removed from the workspace.

For other features which will be removed over the future releases, see deprecation schedule.

Release Details


Resolved Issues

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