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This release reached end of life on 15 June 2024.
Version Date Released Features & Enhancements Resolved Issues Downloads
21.05.4 7 May 2024
21.05.3 22 December 2021
21.05.2 04 November 2021
21.05.1 15 July 2021
21.05.0 15 June 2021

What's New in 21.05

We are pleased to announce our latest 21.05 release of Journey Manager  is ready for you to download! It includes new features and bug fixes. One of the exciting features is a Fluent API REST service. As you know, Manager comes with an extensive set of private Fluent API classes enabling you to implement various complex business requirements using Fluent Groovy scripts. And it all works. However, what happens when you want to invoke the same Fluent API functionality outside Manager. Now, we have a solution for you!

Key Features

Here is a list of the key features we've introduced or enhanced. To learn more about each feature, click a documentation link or read the Features and Enhancements section below.

  • We've introduced a 'Proof of Concept' service which exposes a set of significant Fluent API classes through a REST end point. If this is of your interest, please contact the support or the Journey Manager product team.
  • Enabled overriding a forms delivery services at the version level.
  • We've further expanded the Fluent API to expose more features to help reduce the dependency on the deprecated Core Groovy API. 
  • Form VO - Includes the form type through the getFormType() method. 
  • TxnUpdater, JobUpdater and TxnQuery - Includes features to view and manage comments against Transactions and Jobs
  • TxnUrlBuilder - Includes the capability to generate a secure URL for forms/transactions through the setSecured() accessor method.
  • TxnUpdator - Includes the capability to lock and unlock the save challenge lock state for a transaction.

Security and Library Enhancements

As with all Journey Manager major releases, many dependent libraries have been upgraded, including:

  • Upgrading to Open JDK 11.09
  • Upgrading to Wildfly 23.0.0
  • Upgrading to Groovy Runtime 3.0.8

For more information on minor library upgrades, see the Features and Enhancement sections below. 

Feature Removal/Change of behaviour:

  • We've enhanced the installer so that for AWS installs using MySQL SSL is enabled by default to improve server security. For more information, see the installation guide - Enable SSL over a JDBC connection to a MySQL database. 
  • Remove the PDF export option from the Transaction and Job Licensing reports because it uses iText, which requires a commercial license. 
  • Due to components requiring commercial licences, iText, Oracle and Luna dependencies are not included with installs by default. These will need to be deployed separately. For more information, see the installation guide - How to deploy libraries.

Release Details


Version Date Released Download Assets
21.05.4 7 May 2024
  • Journey Manager installers for Windows and Linux
21.05.3 22 December 2021
  • Journey Manager installers for Windows and Linux
  • Transact SDK installer
21.05.2 4 November 2021
  • Journey Manager installers for Windows and Linux
  • Transact SDK installer
21.05.1 14 July 2021
  • Journey Manager installers for Windows and Linux
  • Transact SDK installer
21.05.0 15 June 2021
  • Journey Manager installers for Windows and Linux
  • Journey Manager installation guide
  • Transact SDK installer
  • TIG installers for Windows and Linux
  • Fluent API Javadoc (zip file)
  • Core API Javadoc (zip file)


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