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What's New in 22.10

We are pleased to announce our latest 22.10 release of Journey Manager (TJM) is ready for you to download! It includes new and enhanced features, security improvements and updated libraries, plus bug fixes. Read on to find out more!

Version Date Released Features & Enhancements Resolved Issues Downloads
22.10.5 31 May 2024  
22.10.4 9 November 2023  
22.10.3 24 May 2023  
22.10.2 8 March 2023  
22.10.1 21 December 2022  
22.10.0 16 November 2022

Key Features

Here is a list of the key features we've introduced or enhanced. To learn more about each feature, click a documentation link or read the Features and Enhancements section below.

  • Event Based Architecture – This release contains the first phase of TJMs new Event Based Architecture. This feature allows users to configure events based on changes to manager entities. These events are then published to Kafka message queue. 
    This feature is still in development and may be subject to changes.
  • OpenShift Support – As of this release, TJM is now support for deployments in OpenShift containerization
    This feature is still in development and may be subject to changes.
  • Major Library Updates - Along with the normal library updates to address security vulnerabilities 22.10 contains some updates to major core technologies:

    • Wildfly Updated to 26.1.2.Final
    • Open JDK Updated to jdk-

  • Added support for billing - more fine grain control added to allow for setting of billing flag on transactions.
  • New manager UI styling - Manager UI has been given a new style overhaul.
  • New Operations Portal - New operations portal can be deployed with Journey Manager. This is the first release of the new manager UI updates.

Release Details


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