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This version is now End of Life.
Version Date Released Features & Enhancements Resolved Issues Downloads
5.1.13 March 29, 2018
5.1.12 March 3, 2018
5.1.11 December 14, 2017
5.1.10 November 10, 2017
5.1.9 October 20, 2017
5.1.8 September 20, 2017
5.1.7 September 8, 2017
5.1.6 August 11, 2017
5.1.5 July 25, 2017
5.1.4 July 11, 2017
5.1.3 May 30, 2017
5.1.2 May 12, 2017
5.1.1 May 4, 2017
5.1.0 April 12, 2017

Key Features

Transact is a system of engagement and not a system of record. To demonstrate this statement, the following changes have been made to the Data Retention Policy.

  • Transactions:            180 days  ->   90 days Transactions will now only be stored for 90 days.
  • Transaction History:      2 years -> 180 days Transaction history will now only be stored for 6 months (180 days).

Transaction History Data Warehouse Integration

It is now possible to publish transaction history directly to a data warehouse. To assist in this process, the following three publishing services have been added to the existing REST Transaction History API.

  • AWS S3
  • File system
  • Fluent Groovy

All three of these publishing processes allow for data to be kept longer and customized reports and analytics to be developed.

Automated Deployment

Transact Manager 5.1 has a new script-able install/upgrade mode for deployment automation. This mode is beneficial to both hosted services and IT professionals in that it helps to automate provisioning and upgrading, which in turn can improve quality by reducing operator errors.

Script-able Deployment also supports Continuous Integration (CI) testing (for developers).

Fine Grained Form Space Authentication Policies

In Transact Manager 5.1, forms can have different authentication policies in each space they are in. The list and screenshot below visualize different authentication policy examples.

  • Public-facing Web Plugin may support anonymous users
  • Business staff Work Space may require all access be authenticated


Fluent SDK and REST API

Transact Manager 5.1 includes the following new fluent service types.

  • Form version Selector
  • Receipt Render
  • Transaction History Publisher
  • Virus Scan Service

Transact Manager 5.1 includes the following new REST API.

  • Application Package API - This API allows applications to be downloaded and uploaded via the TM console.

Application Packages

Application Package enhancements in Manager 5.1 now add new for Organization Properties, Delivery Channels, and Service Connections.


Security Manger Logging

Transact Manager 5.1 includes a new Security Manager Logger that can be used in all Security Manager groovy scripts. The images below demonstrate the new Security Manager Logger.



A Security Manager can turn this feature on or off by selecting or deselecting the "Enable Logging" checkbox.


The Security Manager Logger has a similar use to the Groovy Logger that was implemented in a previous version of Transact Manager.


Update to latest Maestro Form from within Manager

It is now possible to update forms in Maestro and then click on a button in TM and have TM use the latest build of the Maestro form. Using this workflow, you can avoid the long winded Maestro Form Version Archive exporting and TM importing process.


Maestro Localization Support

Localization has been added to Transact Manager 5.1 and Maestro 5.1. Localization allows multiple languages to be added to a single form. This feature allows a form to change languages based on the users of the form.

Collaboration Jobs

Form and Service Version Pinning

Prior to this update, Collaboration Jobs would always use the current Form Version and the current Job Action version when creating tasks and executing actions. When this occurred, updates to the Collaboration Job or Form could affect the in-progress job.

With this update:

  • The form code for Review Tasks is no longer necessary. Task Assign actions that do not specify a Form Code will by default use the same form code and version as the previous submission.
  • The Form Version can be explicitly set in the Job Definition.
  • The Job Action Version can be explicitly set in the Job Definition.

Job History Logging

The state of the job is recorded and logged at the end of each branch of processing completes.

The Job History feature can be turned on for a particular job by selecting the Log Job History checkbox.


When the Log Job History checkbox is selected, an extra History tab is added to the "Operations" -> "Collaboration Job" -> "Job Details"


Viewing the details shows the state of the job steps and actions.


Release Details


Resolved Issues

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