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What's New in 22.04

We are pleased to announce our latest 22.04 release of Journey Manager is ready for you to download! It includes new and enhanced features, security improvements and updated libraries, plus bug fixes. We've updated a few Fluent API classes as well. Read on to find out more!

Version Date Released Features & Enhancements Resolved Issues Downloads

31 July 2024


31 May 2024


26 October 2023


24 May 2023


21 December 2022


27 September 2022


14 July 2022


8 June 2022

Key Features

Here is a list of the key features we've introduced and enhanced. To learn more about each feature, click a documentation link or read the Features and Enhancements section below.

Status Management

Enhancements have been made to the Status feature introduced in 21.11. The existing notification messages page has been improved to let you create and schedule status change of various entities, such as form spaces, organizations, forms, and form versions
Added a new status management scheduled service to automatically execute scheduled entity status changes.

Workspaces API updates

Provided a set of new REST API endpoints to expose existing Operations as a service in support of the workspaces operation portal coming in future platform release.

New Maven Plugin for Journey SDK

We've introduced a new Maven plugin for Journey SDK. The Journey SDK Maven plugin provides goals and lifecycles to build and deploy JM applications via the Maven command line. We've changed the underlying framework of the integration points between Journey Manager and the SDK to accommodate these improvements. You'll need to download and use our Journey SDK Maven Plugin to enable the integration.

Upgrades & Security

Updated third-party libraries.

Automatic Collaboration Job Abandonment

We've added a new feature that automatically abandons collaboration jobs that are older than a specified time. You can define this time using the Collaboration Jobs Abandonment option, which is added to the Data Retention configuration on both the system and organization levels. The organization data retention configuration takes precedence over the system (global) data retention configuration. For more information, see Data Retention Management Overview.

To learn more about which collaboration job parameters are used to abandon the job and how to change it or even disable it, see Configure Data Retention.

Also, check Configure Organization Data Retention and Data Retention Management Service.

Feature Deprecations

As part of the ongoing modernization of the platform, we have deprecated a number of older Workspace pages: the WetSignature, Landing, and TermsAndConditions pages. These pages are part of the old Non-FTX portal flows that is now handled within form design itself.

Manager UI, such as Form Flow Configuration and Form Dashboard, has been updated to accommodate these changes. 

Release Details


Features and Enhancements

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