Deployment Properties

   Journey Manager (JM) The transaction engine for the platform.  |    System Manager / DevOps  |   23.10This feature was updated in 23.10

Manager comes with a set of deployment properties that allow you to control and customize applications' functionality without the need to rebuild them. You can view and configure deployment properties. Each property is initialized to its default value during Manager installation, but you can change it. However, you must understand the impact of the change as it may affect various parts of Manager.

Some deployment properties are pertinent to other products, such as Journey Analytics and Journey Maestro, so you may need to update these properties to control product's features.

To view the deployment properties, select System > Deployment Properties.

Deployment properties are shown page by page, with the maximum number of records per page configured in the users preferences.

Manager deployment properties

To filter or search deployment properties, enter the property name or part of the name and click Search. For example, to find all deployment properties that contain Maestro keyword, type maestro and click Search.

Click Clear to reset the search criteria.

Click Export Data to export the displayed data as a Microsoft Excel (XLS) file.

To configure a deployment property:

  1. Locate a deployment property and click Edit.
  2. Update the property value in the Value field.
  3. Click Save to update the changes.

Default Deployment Properties

Manager has the following default deployment properties:

Property Name Description
Abandon Job based on Time Created

Allows you to specify whether to abandon collaboration jobs based on their Creation Time or Last Processed Time parameter. You can do it by setting this property to:

  • true - to use Creation Time
  • false - to use Last Processed Time

This property affects how a time interval defined with the Collaboration Jobs Abandonment parameter in the Data Retention configuration is used by the Transaction Processor service.

 |  22.04 This feature was introduced in 22.04.

Alternative Redirect User Agents

Describes a set of user agents requiring alternative HTTP redirect mechanisms

Attachment Allowed File Name Extensions

Allowed attachment file name extensions list (comma separated list)

Attachment File Name Regex

A regular expressionA regular expression (regex) is a sequence of characters that define a search pattern. Usually such patterns are used by string-searching algorithms for "find" or "find and replace" operations on strings, or for input validation. (regex) for validating a file name, including a file name extension, when a customer uploads an attachment. This is the system level deployment property. If it doesn't exist, then the attachment functionality operates as normal. If the regex fails, the attachment upload operation fails.

You can use a standard regular expression, for example, ^[\w,\s-]+\.[A-Za-z]{3}$

 |  20.11 This feature was introduced in 20.11.

Attachments Max Embedded Size

The maximum size of a single embedded (PDF) attachment

Attachments Max Total Size

The global maximum combined size of all attachments for a single submission.


Contact your System Administrator or cloud service team to request this value changed.

Cache Timeout

Deployment property cache timeout in seconds

Config Directory

Manager configuration root directory.

Date Format Long

Long date format.

Date Time Format Long

Long date time format.

Debug Mode

System is in Debug mode, if it's set to true.

Duplicate Submission Rejection Delay

Time in milliseconds after which a duplicate submission is rejected.

Email Default Sender

Default sender email address for emails sent by Manager.

Email Duplicate Payment Message

Body text template for emails notifying administrators of a duplicate payment.

Email Duplicate Payment Subject

Subject template for emails notifying administrators of a duplicate payment.

Email Fraud Payment Message

Body text template for emails notifying administrators of a possibly fraudulent payment.

Email Fraud Payment Subject

Subject template for emails notifying administrators of a possibly fraudulent payment.

Email Lost Password Message

Lost password email message.

Email Lost Password Subject

Lost password email subject.

Email Promotion Message

Form promotion notification body.

Email Promotion Sender

The email address for the promotion notification messages.

Email Promotion Subject

Form promotion notification subject.

Email Report Message

Report delivery email message.

Email Report Sender

Report delivery sender email address.

Email Report Subject

Report delivery email subject.

Email Submission Status Message

Submission processing status update email message. You can overwrite it on the organization and form level by using organization and form version properties.

Email Submission Status Subject

Submission processing status update email subject. You can overwrite it on the organization and form level by using organization and form version properties.

Email Task Notification Message

Task notification body.

Email Task Notification Subject

Task notification subject.

Email Task Sender

The email address shown as the sender for task notification messages.

Email Welcome User Message

User welcome email body.

Email Welcome User Subject

User welcome email subject.

Enable REST/Web Service Delivery

Enable REST and web service delivery for submissions.

Enable Script Submissions

Enable test submission scripts by switching off submission request log checks.

Enable transforming javax to jakarta Enable the transformation of Javax to Jakarta Groovy scripts of services inside archive files during the import process. This is mainly used for Exchange components. This option is disabled by default.  |  23.10 This feature was introduced in 23.10

Enable XSS Protection On Controls

Enable XSSCross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of security vulnerability that can be found in some web applications. XSS attacks enable attackers to inject client-side scripts into web pages viewed by other users. A cross-site scripting vulnerability may be used by attackers to bypass access controls such as the same-origin policy. protection for HTML controls, such as a TextField, TextArea, and so on, by validating user's input text for specific "at risk" HTML tags, deemed to be a part of the XSS attack, and removing them. This option is disabled by default.  |  22.04 This feature was introduced in 22.04.

For more information, see

Eventing Feature Enabled

Enable the Eventing Feature to publish events to Kafka topics. This option is disabled by default.  |  22.10 This feature was introduced in 22.10.
Enable Virus Scan for JM Uploads Enable virus scan check for all uploads via the Manager UI. The check is triggered with HTML FileField control. It's enabled by default.  |  23.04 This feature was introduced in 23.04

Enable Web Service Delivery

Enable web service delivery. This can be used to temporarily suspend web service delivery, for example, during high load or web service maintenance.

Groovy Logging Enabled

Enable logging of Groovy service calls.

Groovy Script Timeout

Groovy script execution timeout in milliseconds.


Port on which HTTPS operates.

LC Form Servers Deployed

If this instance of Manager does not use any Adobe LiveCycle servers, set this property to "false"

LC Form Servers Load Balanced

Enable this setting to use load balancing when assigning tasks to Adobe LiveCycle nodes.

LiveCycle Repository Domain

Relative location of LiveCycle repository domain for form version publishing.

Online Save Enabled

Option to globally disable Online Saving of forms. If set to true, the individual form's setting will be used.

Report Internal URL

Location where reports are run internally by the application, that is http://localhost:9080/webreport

Report Reschedule Delay

Amount of time in minutes to wait before rescheduling a running report.

Server Real Time Health Monitoring

Enable real-time server health monitoring. Set it to false to disable the Manager server metrics on your local server instance temporarily.


SMTP email server hostname (

SMTP Password

SMTP email server authentication Password (mail.smtp.password).


SMTP email server Port (mail.smtp.port).


SMTP email server authentication User (mail.smtp.user).

Supported Delivery Methods

Supported delivery methods.

TxnUpdater Return Behavior

This allows you can specify the default behavior of the TxnUpdater to control the unforeseen performance side affects of the previous change to the TxnUpdater when asked to return a Txn object. Now, you can specify the following options for TxnUpdater Return Behavior:

  • Return null - TxnUpdater will return null. This is the default option.
  • With all - TxnUpdater behaves as if withAll() was used.
  • With none - TxnUpdater behaves as if withNone() was used.

 |  19.05 This feature was introduced in 19.05.

Important Deployment Properties

You should modify the following deployment properties after installing Manager:


Manager uses directories to store various objects such as attachments and report files. By default, these files are stored in a sub-folder of the folder where the Manager server is installed. You can adjust this by setting the Config Directory property to any directory you want. However, make sure that the service has read and write access to the directory.

Edit the property LiveCycle Repository Domain and enter the path, relative to the LiveCycle repository, where Manager should publish its forms. If multiple Manager instances are sharing the same LiveCycle repository, make sure to enter a unique path, for example, /tm-test-thirdparty/JourneyManagerRepository/.

SMTP Server

If you want Manager to send emails, for example, for delivery purposes, you have to configure the SMTP settings.

Duplicate Form Submissions

Manager offers some options to control duplicate submissions, which are multiple submission attempts of a requested form. This can happen either because the user attempts to submit the same form multiple times (by double-clicking the submit button or saving the form offline and then opening multiple copies of it) or commonly in system testing, where scripts are used to automate a number of submissions.

By default, Manager blocks duplicate submissions when they are more than a certain time interval apart, which is configured using the Duplicate Submission Rejection Delay property. If duplicate submissions occur within a certain short period, Manager assumes that they originate due to accidental double-clicking of the submit button and ignores the duplicates.

To enable duplicate submissions , for example, for load testing, change the Enable Script Submissions deployment property to true.

To customize the message displayed to form space users when a duplicate submission is rejected, use the in-built form property Submission Duplicate Message.

Journey Analytics Deployment Properties

Manager provides you with the following Journey Analytics deployment properties:

Property Name Description

Insights Application ID

Journey Analytics Application ID. This should be PROD for production instances. Must be one of PROD, DEV, DEV1, DEV2, DEV3, LOCAL, TEST, TEST50 or STAGING.

Insights Enabled

Enable Journey Analytics.

Insights Version

Journey Analytics version identifier. Leave blank for the default version.

Journey Maestro Deployment Properties


You must have the certain permissions set by an Administrator to see this section. For more information, see Administrator's documentation.

Next, learn how to configure modules.