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Journey Workspaces 24.10 is now generally available. This release includes exciting new features and enhancements, plus some bug fixes. Read on to find out more.

Version Date Released New Features Improvements Fixes Security CVE
24.10.1  20 Dec 2024 Changelog Fixes
24.10.0 4 Dec 2024 Changelog New Changelog Improved Changelog Fixes
The 24.10.1 release fixes a session timeout issue introduced in the 24.10.0 release. When upgrading any Journey Workspaces application to the 24.10 release from any earlier release, we strongly recommend upgrading your application to 24.10.1. To learn more, see Upgrade Journey Workspaces from 24.04 to 24.10.


Journey Workspaces applications require an environment running Journey Manager.

  • Journey Workspaces: Journey Manager 24.10 or higher
  • Journey Applicants: Journey Manager 23.10 or higher
  • Journey Brokers: Journey Manager 23.10 or higher

The Journey Workspaces 24.10 application is deployed as an Open UX form using the command-line interface tool. Upgrading from Workspaces 20.05 or a later release requires only minor changes to your existing configuration. However, if you're upgrading from an older release, you first need to migrate your configuration to work with the latest Open UX version of Workspaces. To learn more about what’s required, see the Workspaces migration guide for this release and any earlier Workspaces releases after the one you’re upgrading from.

What is Journey Workspaces?

Journey Workspaces, Journey Applicants, and Journey Brokers form an integral module of the Journey Manager platform, designed to create outstanding banking customer acquisition and onboarding journeys.

Journey Workspaces is a review and approval portal for bank staff, designed to support resolution and customer service activities for account opening and customer onboarding. Workspaces enhances the bank customer experience and improves banking staff productivity by increasing the efficiency and accuracy of the application review process, often a source of onboarding delays and customer dissatisfaction.

Journey Applicants is an authenticated portal for applicants, aimed at providing a secure way to perform any follow-up actions as part of the application process, and to keep track of application progress.

Journey Brokers is a new Workspaces app targeted at non-bank users, like brokers, who work for their clients to onboard them to a financial institution. Journey Brokers provides all the features these users need to create and manage applications on their clients' behalf.

Who is Workspaces for?



Processing Staff

Journey Workspaces offers review capabilities for pending applications that need manual action.



Helpdesk Staff

Journey Workspaces allows support staff to find applications quickly and easily when responding to inquiries.



Assisted Channel Staff

Journey Workspaces allows assisted channel staff to kick-start the application process and track application progress.



Managers / Supervisors

Journey Workspaces offers task management capabilities for managers.



Authenticated Applicants

Journey Applicants is a portal for applicants to complete follow-up requests and monitor application progress.



External (non-bank) users / Brokers

Journey Brokers is an authenticated portal for non-bank users (like brokers) to manage application creation, perform follow-up actions, and monitor application progress.


Journey Workspaces 24.10 includes some exciting new features and enhancements. For a full list of new features and improvements, see the changelog below.

This release's highlights include:

  • A fresh new look Journey Applicants portal supporting flexible theming options.
  • In-app notifications for task assignments and new notes/comments in Journey Workspaces.
  • A new Out-of-office feature.
  • Data highlighting enhancements for list tables and custom cards.
  • Search within long lists; for example, when selecting a user from a list.
  • Configuration option to show or hide the Documents and Notes cards.
  • Support for rendering images within custom cards.
  • Options for displaying actions with icons or in a menu.
  • New data formatting options for custom card values.
  • Improvements to localizations and page history.


This changelog lists the new features, improvements, and fixes in this release.

Changelog New New Features

The following new features are introduced in this release.


Journey Workspaces has a new notification system. Users are notified when a task is assigned to them or when a note/comment is added to an application they're currently working on. To learn more, see Getting started > Notifications.

Out of Office

Workspaces users with access to multiple spaces can set their Out of Office status so that other Workspaces users can see when they're unavailable, allowing them to make better-informed decisions. For example, managers can see when their review staff are away and reassign urgent tasks to other users. To learn more, see Getting started > Out of Office.

Changelog Improved  Improvements

The following improvements are included in this release.

Journey Applicants

Journey Applicants has been redesigned with a fresh new look and feel, and built on a highly configurable style system that supports customizable themes. To learn more, see Journey Applicants > Configuration > Theme.


Improvements to the Workspaces user interface and user experience include:

  • A revamped UI for SLA indicators, now displayed with more meaningful data, provides improved accessibility.
  • New data highlighting options, such as bold font or background color, can be applied to data in tables and help to make important data stand out from the crowd.
  • An in-place search on menus/lists enables users to find items faster in long lists (more than 5 items). This is supported for task assignment and when starting a new application.
  • Global actions displayed in a menu are displayed as a button instead if there is only one action in the list.


New configuration options include:

  • Configure custom actions and custom card actions to be displayed as icons or in a menu/list.
  • Enable or disable the Notes and Documents features through configuration.

Custom cards

A host of custom card enhancements have been added:

  • Various UI enhancements for the Table and Extended Table custom card types.
  • Render images directly within the Table, Table Extended, and List Extended custom card types.
  • New data formatting options in custom cards give you more control over how data is displayed. These include:
    • Map Boolean values to custom text.
    • A new 'percent' data format, allowing values like 0.10122112 to be displayed like 10%.

PDF Viewer

The PDF Viewer, displayed in a modal window, has been enhanced with new features including:

  • Zoom control
  • Removing metadata text


Default date formats are now applied based on the current language selected in the language Language selector.

Session timeout

Page history tracking upon a session timeout has been improved.


Key technical upgrades of dependencies include:

  • Replace Create React App with Vite
  • Incorporate pdf.js library 

Changelog Fixed Fixes

This release fixes the following known issues.

All apps

(Workspaces, Applicants, Brokers)


  • Fixed the broken session timeout issue introduced in the 24.10.0 release (JM-18399)


  • Handling for missing stepper’s step configuration in Journey Apps (JM-17577)
  • Missing loading indicators for custom cards that loads data from fluent functions (JM-1756)
  • Incorrect date format Is applied for Chinese locales (JM-17629)
  • Chinese locales are not displayed under the language switcher (JM-17610)
  • View form modal window is not dismissed immediately after closing the window (JM_17568)


Journey Brokers

  • Button to copy text is not displayed in the custom cards in Journey Brokers (JM-17586)