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Version Date Released Features & Enhancements Resolved Issues Downloads
22.4.7 8 Oct 2024
22.4.6 9 May 2024
22.4.5 18 Mar 2024
22.4.4 6 Mar 2024
22.4.3 9 Jan 2024
22.4.2 14 Nov 2022
22.4.1 25 Oct 2022
22.4.0 8 June 2022


Journey Workspaces 22.04 is now generally available.

This release introduces a new Operations Assistance portal for operations staff and administrators. The Operations portal allows authenticated users to search and view transactions in a Temenos Journey Manager (TJM) system when providing operational assistance to banks and their customers. This release also includes enhancements to the Authenticated Applicants’ portal which now offers theming capabilities, as well as a new notes feature that provides the ability to take notes and communicate with bank staff. In addition, there are many other improvements to the Journey Workspaces portal including enhancements to the search, application timeline, and notes features.


Journey Workspaces applications require an environment running Journey Manager.

  • Journey Workspaces: Journey Manager 20.05 or higher
  • Authenticated Applicants / Operations Assistance portal: Journey Manager 22.04 or higher

The Journey Workspaces 22.04 application is deployed as an Open UX form using the command-line interface tool. If you are upgrading from a 20.05 or 21.11 release then you only need to make some minor changes to your existing configuration. However, if you are upgrading from an older release then you first need to migrate your configuration to work with the latest Open UX version of Workspaces. To learn more about what’s required, see Migration from v19.11 to v20.05 in the Workspaces technical documentation.

What is Journey Workspaces

Journey Workspaces is an integral module of the Journey Manager platform, designed to create outstanding banking customer acquisition and onboarding journeys.

  • Journey Workspaces for bank staff is a review and approval portal for banking staff, designed to support resolution and customer service activities for account opening and onboarding.
  • Journey Workspaces for authenticated non-bank users is a self-service portal for managing application creation, follow-ups, and keeping track of application progress. Workspaces enhances the bank customer experience and improves banking staff productivity by increasing efficiency and accuracy of the application review process, often a source of onboarding delays and customer dissatisfaction.

The new Operations Assistance portal is the first step in an initiative to revamp the existing Journey Manager administration console. Existing TJM console functionality is being migrated into dedicated mini apps that enable system administrators to manage core functions of the Temenos Journey Manager platform efficiently.

Who is Workspaces for?



Processing Staff

Workspaces offers review capabilities for pending applications that need manual action



Helpdesk Staff

Workspaces allows support staff to find applications quickly and easily when responding to inquiries



Assisted Channel Staff

Workspaces allows assisted channel staff to kick start the application process and track application progress



Managers / Supervisors

Workspaces provides tasks management capabilities for managers



Authenticated Applicants

Workspaces offers a self-service portal for managing application creation, follow-ups, and keeping track of application progress.



Operations Staff / Administrators

Workspaces offers a view for Operations staff to search and manage TJM transactions when providing operations assistance.

What's new in this release?

The Workspaces 22.04 release includes several new features and improvements.



Improved build and deployment process

Improved version control in Product Artifactory that allows easy access to a specific Workspaces release


Operations Space

A brand-new Operations portal that allows operations staff and administrators to search and view TJM transactions when providing operational assistance to banks and their customers


Theme support in Applicant space

Apply a theme to the Applicant space to match bank branding and color schemes


Notes feature in Applicant space

A new notes / comment feature in the Applicant space that allows applicants to communicate directly with bank staff for assistance during the application process


Search improvements

Improvements to the Workspaces search feature, allowing the user to return to the parent view quickly after completing a search


Timeline improvements

Improvements to the Application timeline feature to filter out tasks or transactions that are not required


Notes improvements

Improvements to the Workspaces notes feature to make it easier for bank staff to communicate with applicants in the Applicant Space


Migration to new automation framework

Migration from the old web driver framework to the Nightwatch framework for API, config, and UI automation

Release Details


Resolved Issues

Summary Description
Journey Workspaces: Fix for view form modal window taking long time to close

Type: Bug