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Version Date Released Features & Enhancements Resolved Issues Downloads
23.04.0 16 June 2023

What's New

Multi-tenancy support

Through Journey Analytics use of Organisations we have confirmed that the application is ready to support multi-tenanted Journey Manager instances. In this release, along with extensive testing, we identified and resolved Issues around Segmentation so that all Journey Analytics data is isolated by Organisation. 

Queue processing improvements

Improvements have been made to task processing in our GCP queues to provide better error logging and clean up of old tasks.

EventConsumer API Changes

We hardened our APIs this release. The following changes are noted but should not affect normal operation. No action is required due to the changes to EventConsumer APIs.

Required Analytics Info

Going forward, we will require the following information is populated (cannot be null, or ""):
- tmInstance in request JWTs
- customerId in request JWTs
- organization, space, form and formVersion data for form analytics payloads

If any required data is not supplied, a 400 Bad Request response will be returned.

This affects all types of EventConsumer API requests. For clarity, these include:

  • Metadata: recieves data about the Form or Job sent when a user session begins
  • Session: recieves data about each user sesssion for a form transaction
  • Analytics: receives data about user actions during a form transaction
  • Job: receives data about Job events during a Job transaction


Overall, impact is minimal. The changes only affect sending of custom analytics events. Now, if requests to the EventConsumer API lack required information, an appropriate error will be returned and the data will not be queued for storage.

The positive impact is that we will be reserving our resources for legitimate requests only. Prior to these changes, queues could accumulate many bad requests and as a result, a problematic customer environment would experience delayed data processing. We now provider faster feedback by identifying these issues at the interface itself.

Benchmarking design

Initial conceptual design for Benchmarking has begun and will continue into 23.10.

Legacy Dashboard deprecated

The Legacy Dashboard has been removed from the code base and is no longer available to clients. Public documentation has been update to remove Legacy Dashboard related content.

What's Fixed

This release also fixes the following issues:

  • Faster load time for Scope Selector data.
  • Updated the design for empty charts in the Dashboard Completion History and Current Activity for a better UX.
  • Increased the number of concurrent server requests possible.
  • Previously unreported Safari users on iPad are now being identified more accurately.
  • Completion History documentation improved.
  • Updated old UI screenshots in public documentation.

Release Details


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