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This version is now End of Life.
Version Date Released Features & Enhancements Resolved Issues Downloads
20.05.10 31 May 2024
20.05.9 21 December 2022
20.05.8 17 June 2021
20.05.7 11 February 2021
20.05.6 11 February 2021
20.05.5 21 December 2020
20.05.4 08 September 2020
20.05.3 24 August 2020
20.05.2 13 July 2020
20.05.1 17 June 2020
20.05.0 1st May 2020 (GA)

What's New in 20.05

Journey Manager 20.05 is a major release with significant features and bug fixes. The major release can include changes in behavior that may affect integrations/Groovy services, while Temenos try to minimize these changes, please review the details of the enhancements to determine how these may affect your implementations. 

The main focus of Journey Manager 20.05 has been to add support for the Azure Cloud. There have also been updates to support automated deployment and testing by extending the capabilities to deploy any Journey Manager ZIP archive at system start and also extensions to the bulk user import spreadsheet to support auto provisioning of users

In Journey Manager 20.05 we have taken the opportunity to upgrade a number of third party libraries. This release has undergone the standard Temenos Pen Testing, Code Scanning (HP Fortify) and Dependent Library Scanning (Whitesource).


The Groovy Runtime in 20.05 has been upgraded to 2.5.9 This is a minor version upgrade please make sure you test your Groovy Scripts with this version.

Key Features

Azure Cloud Support

Journey Manager 20.05 now supports Azure Cloud, including:

Sustained Agility

Journey Manager 20.05 includes updates to support automatic deployment of Journey Manager environments and testing:

  • The ExampleImportService, which was used to import example artifacts into Journey Manager on initial startup, has been extended to support all archive types. This is useful to import test artifacts used for automation testing. 
  • The bulk user import spreadsheet has been expanded to support Groups, Roles and Organisation and hooked into the ExampleImportService.

Open Source Library Upgrades

Journey Manager 20.05 includes a number of open source library upgrades, such as WildFly, OpenJDK and Groovy. For more information, see Resolved Issues. 

Release Details


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