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This version is now End of Life.
Version Date Released Features and Enhancements Resolved Issues
18.11.0 December 13, 2018

What's New

Journey Analytics 18.11.0 is a major release and introduces a new user interface called the ‘Visualizer’, a modern user interface that brings together modern best practices to deliver a refreshed user experience. This UI will replace the ‘Dashboard’ UI from previous versions, and will be available when Journey Manager is upgraded to 18.11.

Journey Analytics 18.11.0 also extends support for event collection to include Open UX applications, including Out Of The Box React implementations, such as Springboard implementations, so they can now be analyzed using Insights, and also provides Collaboration Job analytics to monitor workflow level analytics.

This release also includes a major responsiveness enhancement and decrease in load times by use of modern best practices for a more responsive user experience.

For more information, please see the official product documentation here - Transact Insights Documentation.

Key Features


Journey Analytics has a brand-new UI that brings together modern best practices to deliver a refreshed user experience. This was achieved by a major redesign of the frontend.

This new UI is called Visualizer, and will replace the Dashboard UI from previous versions.


The improvements achieved include:

  • A streamlined UI to deliver new features swiftly
  • Improved filtering capabilities
  • Summary screen with functions you can conduct without opening the application
  • Consistent look and feel across product lines for an easier and more intuitive experience
  • Faster performance

For more information on the Visualizer UI watch this video:


Customers will need to upgrade their Journey Analytics version to 18.11 to have access to the new Visualizer UI. For Journey Manager versions earlier than 18.11, the existing 18.05 Dashboard UI will still be used.

Access the original Dashboard

The original Dashboard can still be accessed from new 18.11 Journey Manager instances by going to /insights/secure/dashboard instead of /insights/.

Open UX support

Insights extends support for event collection to include Open UX applications, including Out Of The Box React implementations, such as Springboard implementations and framework agnostic wrappers for ECCL integration.

This means that open UX applications can now be analyzed using Journey Analytics, the same way Maestro applications can be analyzed.

Collaboration Job support

Journey Analytics now provides Collaboration Job analytics to monitor workflow level analytics.

A new visualization has been developed to represent Collaboration Jobs and captures the workflow and all relevant metrics to assist customers to optimize both the user journey and the workflow.


The Collaboration Jobs shows the percentage of jobs visiting a step in the workflow, the percentage of jobs flowing through each path, and the percentage of jobs that do not progress any further.

Included in the metrics are the median times to reach a step, the time taken to complete all Job actions in the step, and the average times a step is visited within a job.


Release Details


Features and Enhancements

Reference Summary Feature
TID-2020 Add AbortController polyfill for IE11 Visualizer
TID-2019 Add URL/URLSearchParams polyfill for IE11 Visualizer
TID-2144 Handle dates as UTC Visualizer
TID-2121 Implement automatic refetching of data on filters change Visualizer
TID-2145 Transform UI data to selected TZ Visualizer
TID-1987 Preferences View (Modal) for TI-Visualiser (segment whitelist) Visualizer
TID-2013 Implement Log-out logic for the new UI Visualizer
TID-2124 Metadata fetching blocks UI loading Visualizer
TID-2079 Form selector Visualizer
TID-2080 Job selector Visualizer
TID-2088 Region Filter Visualizer
TID-2089 City Filter Visualizer
TID-2096 Connect visualiser to metadata Visualizer
TID-2087 Country Filter Visualizer
TID-2081 Milestone Filter Visualizer
TID-2083 Device Type Filter Visualizer
TID-2084 Operating System Filter Visualizer
TID-2085 Browser Filter Visualizer
TID-2086 Screen Size Filter Visualizer
TID-2107 Period filter Visualizer
TID-1985 Create scorecard component Visualizer
TID-2143 Set timezone from TM Visualizer
TID-1788 Upgrade to Redux 4.0 Visualizer
TID-1904 Support for dynamically adding/removing Reducers Visualizer
TID-1913 Implement the new Shell visual design Visualizer
TID-1920 TM module for ti-visualiser Visualizer
TID-552 Consider transitioning away from frame model Visualizer
TID-1912 TI-Visualiser App Engine setup Visualizer
TID-1905 Set up Material UI Visualizer
TID-1967 Unit and Integration Testing Infra Visualizer
TID-1895 TI Visualiser Testing Infrastructure - Gitlab-ci.yml for e2e + docker image Visualizer
TID-1966 e2e boilerplate using wdio, cucumber, typescript Visualizer
TID-1910 TI-Visualiser security hardening Visualizer
TID-1980 Connect visualiser to dataprovider Visualizer
TID-1850 Investigate jest + gherkin-jest + for unified approach to testing Visualizer
TID-1854 Evaluate approaches to universal rendering Visualizer
TID-1887 TI-Visualiser Scaffolding Visualizer
TID-1179 Set up react-hot-loader for frontend dev Visualizer
TID-1911 TI-Visualiser gitlab-ci setup Visualizer
TID-1995 Integrate redux-saga with TI-Visualiser (+ code splitting) Visualizer
TID-1996 Update Icons for Nav Menu items Visualizer
TID-1998 Implement Material <BottomSheet> component Visualizer
TID-2048 Add Aggregation options for the Timeline Chart Visualizer
TID-2047 Support for chart options - Timeline View Visualizer
TID-2049 User Journey - Milestone selection interaction with node graph Visualizer
TID-1997 Implement @connectDataProvider decorator shell Visualizer
TID-2045 Identify data required for Collab Job Queries Visualizer
TID-2051 Add filtering to @connectDataprovider Visualizer
TID-2050 Add basic options for @connectDataProvider Visualizer
TID-2052 User Journey - interaction for Milestone-Segment pairs modal select Visualizer
TID-2064 Create Completion Panel Visualizer
TID-2062 Create Field Panel (scorecard only) Visualizer
TID-2066 Add chart to completion panel Visualizer
TID-2063 Create Device Panel Visualizer
TID-2065 Create Activity Panel (scorecard only) Visualizer
TID-2067 Add chart to activity panel Visualizer
TID-2091 Design styled input wrapper Visualizer
TID-1986 Period selector Visualizer
TID-2094 Timelinechart - Add X-axis labels Visualizer
TID-2132 Help text for Visualiser Dashboard Page Visualizer
TID-2142 Finalise user journey core functionality Visualizer
TID-2125 Implement timezone selector (UI) Visualizer
TID-1885 Confirm Requirements and have design discussion on what to collect and what metrics to show with capabilities Collaboration Jobs
TID-1888 UI design changes to remove the concept of Projects Collaboration Jobs
TID-1396 Add JobStepId and JobActionId to Insights FormRequest Collaboration Jobs
TID-2041 Create Collab Job data in TM for use in testing Collaboration Jobs
TID-2147 TM - JobActionStatus "Completed" not sent for TaskAssign actions Collaboration Jobs
TID-2053 Analyse Queries for Collab Job analytics Collaboration Jobs
TID-2056 Create dataprovider endpoint for collab job view. Collaboration Jobs
TID-2054 Collab Job Dataprovider SQL Query Collaboration Jobs
TID-2146 Add Job and JobVersion data to metadata output Collaboration Jobs
TID-1894 Insights backend for Collab Job Analytics Collaboration Jobs
TID-1899 Collab job analytics requirements Collaboration Jobs
TID-1809 TM Insights collab job related events spec Collaboration Jobs
TID-1916 UI design for the new view Collaboration Jobs
TID-1981 Implement the Collab Job Insights view Collaboration Jobs
TID-2005 Finalise sub-job analytics collection Collaboration Jobs
TID-1961 Complete TM collab job lifecycle event sending Collaboration Jobs
TID-1960 Review new TI-Common models and publish to archiva Collaboration Jobs
TID-1853 Create a wire-frame for the user journey through the new UI Collaboration Jobs
TID-2150 Collab Job mock data + workshop Collaboration Jobs
TID-2127 Connect visualiser collab job view to backend Collaboration Jobs
TID-2152 Implement Job and JobVersion filters on backend Collaboration Jobs
TID-2138 Open-UX template Insights example Open UX support
TID-1918 insights-react Higher order components Open UX support
TID-1917 OpenUX Insights Support Open UX support
TID-1919 Determine how SystemProfile and other prefill data is exposed to OpenUX applications Open UX support
TID-1970 Open UX Insights - Review Open UX support
TID-1932 Create Open UX Insights wrapper module Open UX support

Resolved Issues

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