Journey Manager (JM) The transaction engine for the platform. | System Manager / DevOps | 24.10This feature was updated in 24.10
Manager provides the a broad range of permissions to control user access to restricted content. The permissions are mapped to the standard roles, so you know what roles to assign to users to allow them the use of certain product functionality. This is listed in the table below:
Permission | Description | Role |
Admin Directory |
This is permission is required to access the Manager console. Users accessing the Manager console must be granted at least one role with this permission, otherwise they will not be able to use it. |
System Manager Organization User Manager Transaction Data Access Operations System Support Administrator Developer |
Audit View |
Provides access to the system audit log and user login history. |
System Manager System Support Administrator Developer |
Bill Edit |
Allows users to generate bill records using Fluent API. | 24.10 This feature was introduced in 24.10 |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Bill View |
Allows users to view bill records using Fluent API. | 24.10 This feature was introduced in 24.10 |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Collaboration Job View |
Provides read-only access to collaboration jobs, including viewing details about a collaboration job and its steps, actions and events. This permission is also found in each of the form spaces. However, it would grant different types of privileges for a form space. |
System Manager Operations System Support Administrator Developer |
Collaboration Job Edit |
Allows users to manage collaboration jobs by pausing, triggering job processing, editing job properties and action details. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Collaboration Job Remove |
Allows users to delete collaboration jobs. Only canceled collaboration jobs can be deleted. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Core Service Edit |
Allows users to edit Core services' settings and options, for example, Remove Service, as well as some collaboration job related services. This permission is not assigned to any of the standard Manager roles, so you must use it with care and only when absolutely necessary, as there is a risk some essential core services, such as the Transaction Processor service, can be deleted. You should seek advice from the Support Team before assigning this permission to a user. |
System Manager Administrator Developer |
Data Retention View |
Allows users to view global data retention settings. |
System Manager Operations System Support Administrator Developer |
Data Retention Edit |
Allows users to modify and apply global data retention settings. |
System Manager Administrator |
Db Version Update View |
Allows users to view the database version history. |
System Manager Administrator |
Delivery Details View |
Allows users to view the list of delivery channels and trigger delivery actions for submissions manually. |
System Manager Operations System Support Administrator Developer |
Delivery Details Edit |
Allows users to create, edit and delete delivery channels. |
System Manager Administrator Developer |
Delivery Details Remove |
It is not currently in use, so apply the Delivery Details Edit permission instead. |
System Manager Administrator Developer |
Deployment Property View |
Allows users to view the list of system deployment properties and their values. |
System Manager System Support Administrator Developer |
Deployment Property Edit |
Allows users to edit deployment property values, access and modify email settings. |
System Manager Administrator Developer |
Document Type View |
Allows users to view document types and their details. |
System Manager Operations System Support Administrator Developer |
Document Type Edit |
Allows users to create and edit document types. |
System Manager Administrator Developer |
Document Type Remove |
Allows users to remove document types. |
System Manager Administrator Developer |
Email Delivery Acknowledge |
It is related to delivery of type Email Secure, where administrators receive an email notifying them of new submissions, asking them to acknowledge delivery by accessing a page on Manager and confirming. This permission controls access to this page. Must be assigned to only administrators involved in processing secure email delivery. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Email Queue View |
Allows users to access the system email queue, but does not allow them to view each email details. You need to assign the Email Queue Edit permission for that. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Email Queue Edit |
Allows users to create, edit and access email queue details. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Error Log View |
Provides access to the error log and error details. It also enables links to error log entries from various Manager tabs. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Event Log View |
Provides access to the event log and event details. It also enables links to event log entries from various Manager tabs. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Export Application Package |
Allows users to export application packages, including form bundles and services, for organizations they have access to. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Export Form |
Allows users to export a form and all its versions. |
Export Form Version |
Allows users to export a single form version. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Export Groups |
Allows users to export one or more groups. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Export Metadata |
Allows users to export the set of global metadata tags. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Export Organization |
Allows users to export an organization. |
Export Portal |
Allows users to export a form space. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Export Roles |
Allows users to export one or more roles |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Export Services |
Allows users to export one or more service definitions. |
Export Security Managers |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Form View |
Allows users to view forms and most of their configuration in a read-only mode. Displays the Recent Forms card on the Journey Manager Home Dashboard. Enables links to forms from various Manager tabs. If you need to view form version or form data configuration details, you need to add the Form Edit permission. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Form Edit |
Allows users to view all details about a form as well as create and edit forms. It includes editing form versions and form data configuration. It also lets users edit forms in Maestro from Journey Manager Home Dashboard by enabling the following options:
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Form Service Edit |
Allows administrators to manage service definitions related to form development. This permission is a less powerful than the Service Edit permission. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Form Test |
This permission exposes links to access forms on a form space for testing. It also allows users to access the PDF receipt test harness, such as a link in the Form URLs section of the form edit page. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Form Data Retention |
Allows users to edit form specific data retention settings. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Form Remove |
Allows users to delete forms, form versions, form promotion entries and form data extract mappings. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Groovy Console |
Allows access to the Groovy console. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Groovy Log View |
Allows access to the Groovy service log. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Group View |
Allows users to view the list of groups, but it does not allow access to group detail information, so you should add the Group Edit permission for that. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Group Edit |
Allows users to create, edit and view group details. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Group Remove |
Allows users to remove groups. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Group Assign |
Allows users to assign users to a group. It is also necessary to access the Forms panel on the group edit page. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Import Action View |
Allows access to the import log. It does not include read-only access to import action details. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Import Action Edit |
Allows users to view and edit import log details . It is also necessary to import form and form space archives exported from another Manager server, along with the import permission corresponding to the entity to be imported. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Import Action Remove |
Allows users to delete entries from the import log. Only completed import actions can be deleted. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Import Application Packagev |
Allows users to import application packages, such as form bundles and services, for organizations they have access to. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Import Composer Form |
Allows users to import forms published by Composer and view the import details. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Import Form |
Allows users to import form version archives created by exporting a form version from another Manager server. to import form version archives successfully, users also currently need the Import Action Edit permission. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Import Groups |
Allows users to import group archives created by exporting one or more groups from another Manager server. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Import Metadata |
Allows users to import metadata tag archives created by exporting one or more metadata tags from another Manager server. In addition, this permission is needed to upload files with values for metadata tags of types List and List Hierarchy. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Import Organization |
Allows users to import an organization archive, which contains organization configuration but no forms, exported from another Manager server. Only administrators with access to more than one organization can see the import button. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Import Portal |
Allows users to import a space archive, which contains form space configuration but not the backing WAR file, exported from another Manager server as well as space WAR files. To import space archives successfully, users also currently need the Import Action Edit permission. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Import Roles |
Allows users to import role archives, which contains roles and associated permissions, exported from another Manager server. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Import Security Manager |
Allows users to import security manager archives exported from another Manager server. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Import Services |
Allows users to import service archives, which contains service definitions and their service connections, exported from another Manager server. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Import TPac |
Allows users to import TPacs directly into Manager. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Licensing Edit |
Allows users to edit system licensing information and configure how licensing report data will be published to Avoka. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Licensing Report View |
Allows users to access the Transact Licensing and Job Licensing reports, otherwise these reports don't appear in the Reports menu. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Metadata Tag View |
Allows users to view metadata tags and their details. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Metadata Tag Edit |
Allows users to create and edit metadata tags. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Metadata Tag Remove |
Allows users to delete metadata tags. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Metadata Value View |
Allows users to view values configured for metadata tags on the organization or form version levels. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Metadata Value Edit |
Allows users to create and edit values configured for metadata tags on the organization or form version levels. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Metadata Value Remove |
Allows users to delete values configured for metadata tags on the organization or form version levels. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Notification View |
Allows users to view the list of notifications configured for form spaces. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Notification Edit |
Allows users to create and edit notifications configured for form spaces. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Notification Remove |
Allows users to delete notifications configured for form spaces. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Offline Sync Log View |
Allows users to view the T.Field related offline sync and client logs. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Operation Chart View |
Allows users to view a number of Manager analytics charts. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Operation Export Report View |
Not used. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Operation Form Events View |
Not used. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Organization View |
Allows users to view organization information and part of its configuration. It also enables links to organizations. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Organization Edit |
Allows users to create and edit organizations and associated configuration, such as categories and application packages. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Organization Remove |
Allows users to remove organizations. Because deleting organizations will also delete all associated forms and submissions, this is a permission that should be assigned sparingly. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Organization Copy |
Allows users to create a copy of an existing organization. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Organization Portal Assign |
Allows users to assign spaces to an organization for form hosting purposes. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Organization Payment Edit |
Allows users to view and modify an organization's payment gateway. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Organization Property View |
Allows users to view the set of organization property values. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Organization Property Edit |
Allows users to edit and delete organization property values. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Organization Property Remove |
Not used. The edit permission confers deletion privileges. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Organization Storage Edit |
Allows users to edit organization data storage and retention settings. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Payment Log View |
Allows users to view details of payments made by form users. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Portal View |
Allows users to view details of form spaces and modules. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Portal Edit |
Allows users to edit form spaces, modules and all associated configurations. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Portal Content Edit |
Allows users to edit form space content, such as pages and resources. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Portal Style Edit |
Allows users to edit some form space content related to styling, such as the index page, childportal.css and all resources of JPG type. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Portal Remove |
Allows users to remove form spaces and modules. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Promotion View |
Allows users to view the form version promotions and a tab on the form edit page. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Promotion 1 Development |
Allows users to promote form versions to be in the Development status. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Promotion 2 Ready For Test |
Allows users to promote form versions to be in the Ready For Test status. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Promotion 3 Test Failed |
Allows users to promote form versions to be in the Test Failed status. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Promotion 4 Test Passed |
Allows users to promote form versions to be in the Test Passed status. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Promotion 5 Ready For Production |
Allows users to promote form versions to be in the Ready For Production status. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Promotion 6 Not Ready For Production |
Allows users to promote form versions to be in the Not Ready For Production status. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Promotion 7 Production |
Allows users to promote form versions to be in the Production status. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Property Type View |
Allows users to view property types. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Property Type Edit |
Allows users to create and edit property types |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Property Type Remove |
Allows users to remove property types. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Report View |
Allows users to view reports, but it does not give read-only access to report configuration details, so you should add the Report Edit permission for that. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Report Edit |
Allows users to create and edit reports. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Report Remove |
Allows users to remove reports. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Report Render |
Allows users to render reports on screen and access the organization report schedules. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Report Schedule View |
Allows users to view report schedules on the organization level. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Report Schedule Edit |
Allows users to create and edit report schedules on the organization level. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Report Schedule Remove |
Allows users to remove report schedules on the organization level. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Report Schedule Trigger |
Allows users to trigger report schedules on the organization level that send an email for the most recent reporting period. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
REST Application Package API |
Allows users to access the Application Package REST service endpoint for listing application packages, and importing and exporting application packages in Manager. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
REST Archive API |
Allows users to invoke the REST Archive API. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
REST Configuration Service API |
Allows users to invoke the REST Configuration Service API. For more information, see Configuration Service. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
REST Delivery Service API |
Allows users to invoke the REST Delivery API. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
REST Fluent API |
Allows users to invoke Fluent API via the REST service. | 21.05 This feature was introduced in 21.05. |
Administrator |
REST Form Groups API |
Allows users to access the Form Groups REST service endpoint for querying and creating Form Groups in Manager. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
REST Groovy Service Invoke |
Allows users to access the Groovy Service REST service endpoint to invoke a Groovy service. This service endpoint can be used to perform operations such as uploading reference data for use in dynamic data or form prefill services. Enable the service parameter REST Invoke Enabled service parameter. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
REST JS App Deploy API |
Allows users to invoke the REST JS App Deploy API. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
REST Service Definitions API |
Allows users to invoke the REST Service Definitions API. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
REST Tasks API |
Allows users to access the REST Tasks API service endpoint for creating and updating tasks in Manager in a secure and efficient manner. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
REST Test Center API |
Allows users to access the REST TestCenter API service endpoint for performing test operations in Manager. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Allows users to access the REST TPac API service endpoint for deploying TPacs, and downloading or deleting TPac archive files in Manager. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
REST Transaction History API |
Allows users to access the REST Transaction History API service endpoint for querying the OLAP Transaction History table in a secure and efficient manner. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
REST Transactions API |
Allows users to invoke the REST Transactions API. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Role View |
Allows users to view roles, but it does not give read-only access to role configuration details, so you should add the Role Edit permission for that. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Role Edit |
Allows users to create, edit and view role details. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Role Remove |
Allows users to remove roles. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Role Assign |
Allows users to assign user accounts to a role. The set of roles that a user can assign is further restricted based on whether the user is a global administrator. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Security Manager View |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Security Manager Edit |
Allows users to create, edit and view all details of security managers, including managing authentication providers. The Service Edit permission currently controls access to some content, such as creating security managers and authentication providers and parameters. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Security Manager Remove |
Allows users to remove security managers. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Service View |
Allows users view the full set of service definitions, service connections, collaboration job definitions, server nodes, and scheduled jobs in a read-only mode. Displays the Recent Services card on the Journey Manager Home Dashboard. If you need to view services configuration details, you need to add the Service Edit permission. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Service Edit |
Allows users to create, edit and view configuration details of service definitions, service connections, collaboration job definitions, server nodes, scheduled jobs, and system data retention settings. For a form developer to modify their own form related services, without giving them access to all service types, you should use the Form Service Edit permission instead. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Service Remove |
Allows users to remove service definitions, service connections, collaboration job definitions, server nodes, and scheduled jobs. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Submission View |
Allows users to view form transactions, transactions history, transaction delivery, saved transactions, abandoned transactions. It also enables links to submissions on other pages. Access to the actual content submitted by users is not granted by this permission, so you should add the Submission Data View and Submission XML Data View permissions.
Allows users to view form transactions, transactions history, transaction delivery, saved transactions, abandoned transactions. Displays the Latest Transactions card on the Journey Manager Home Dashboard. Enables links to submissions on other pages. If you need to view the actual content submitted by users, you need to add the Submission Data View and Submission XML Data View permissions. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Submission Edit |
Allows users to modify submission statuses and retry delivery. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Submission Data View |
Allows users to view non-XML submission content, such as receipt and attachment content, but not the submitted XML, submitted by the user. It also provides access to the set of submission data extract values, including the form submission data. Allows access to user entered data, so you must handle it carefully. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Submission XML Data View |
Allows users to view XML submission content, such as the data entered into the form by the user. The data can contain Personal Identifiable InformationPersonally Identifiable Information (PII) is information about an individual that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual‘s identity, such as name, social security number, date and place of birth, mother‘s maiden name, or biometric records; and any other information that is linked to an individual. In Europe, PII is known as personal data. (PII), so you must handle it carefully. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Submission XML Data Edit |
Allows users to edit XML submission content, such as the data entered into the form by the user, and delete submission data extract values. The data can contain Personal Identifiable InformationPersonally Identifiable Information (PII) is information about an individual that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual‘s identity, such as name, social security number, date and place of birth, mother‘s maiden name, or biometric records; and any other information that is linked to an individual. In Europe, PII is known as personal data. (PII), so you must handle it carefully. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Submission Save Edit |
Allows administrators to open and fill in saved transactions. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
System Health View |
Allows users to view system health. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
System Info View |
Allows users to access some pages that provide information on system info, server performance, and LiveCycle performance. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
System Report Schedule View |
Allows users to view report schedules for global reports. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
System Report Schedule Edit |
Allows users to create and edit report schedules for global reports. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
System Report Schedule Remove |
Allows users to remove report schedules for global reports, but you should also add the Report Schedule Edit permission for this to work. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
System Report Schedule Trigger |
Allows users to trigger report schedules for global reports that sends an email for the most recent reporting period. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Task View |
Allows users to view the list of task submissions. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Task Edit |
Allows users to create task submissions and edit related task. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
TPac Remove |
Allows users to remove imported TPacs. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
TPac View |
Allows users to view the imported TPacs. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
User View |
Allows administrators to view user accounts, but it does not include a read-only view of user details, so you should add the User Edit permission for that. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
User Edit |
Allows administrators to create, edit and view User Edit user properties. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
User Remove |
Allows administrators to remove user accounts. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
User Bulk Import |
Allows administrators to bulk import user accounts defined in an Excel spreadsheet. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
User Profile Edit |
Allows administrators to create and edit user profiles, as well as mark a profile as the default one for a user. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
User Profile Remove |
Allows administrators to remove user profiles. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
User Property View |
Allows administrators to view user properties. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
User Property Edit |
Allows administrators to create, edit and view user properties. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
User Property Remove |
Allows administrators to remove user properties. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Web Service Invoke |
Allows users to invoke Manager's web services. |
System Manager Operations Administrator Developer |
Next, learn how to view roles.