Form Versions Overview

   MaestroThe UI design product.  |    Form Builder Platform Developer |   17.10 This feature was updated in 17.10.

Journey Maestro allows you to save a unique copy of a form by creating a new form version. You may want to do so when you are making significant changes to a form or each time a JM Form Version is built.

Creating a new form version at these points may save you the hassle of fixing your form should something go wrong. Let say you're adding a feature or changing the behavior of existing form items, but, while making these changes, something goes wrong. Form versions allow you to easily return to a previous working version of the form.

Maestro provides a convenient interface to create, edit, delete, tag, and export form versions.

When you create a new form, the initial form version depends on the Default Initial Version configured in the Project Details tab of a project. Although, you can change the Default Initial Version at any time, this only impacts new forms and assets within this project, whilst version numbers of existing forms are unaffected.

A form version can contain numbers and periods (.) and can only be up to three levels. Form version numbers are based on major, minor and patch releases. For example, if a form version number is 1.1.3, it means that 1 is major, 1 is minor, and 3 is patch number. If a version number includes less than three levels, Maestro will add the missing levels as 0. For example, if 1 is entered, the new form version will become 1.0.0 when you navigate away from the field.

The Temenos Journey Manager platform follows open source semantic versioning conventions, that is, all new form version names should start at the version 1.0-develop until they reach a production release version.

Semantic versioning provides the following benefits:

  • Standardize versioning of Maestro design artifacts which in turn makes management of different versions easier.
  • Align more closely with Manager's versioning scheme.
  • Assist Form Builders who are developing forms concurrently.
  • Lock down a form version using tags.

When working on any form, it is recommended that you do all your work on version 1.0-develop, which is the initial form version, until the form is ready for production. When a form is ready for production, you should create a tagged version of the form.


For more information, check the Introduction to Semantic Versioning video


If you are using Maestro 17.10.x with a Journey Manager 5.x environment, and your form version number is longer than 10 digits (e.g. "1.0-develop"), you will get an error when you attempt to import the Manager 17.10.x form to the Manager 5.x environment. In this case, it is recommended that you shorten the default suffix when creating new form versions in Maestro 17.10.x.

Next, learn how Manager handles form versions.