View Transactions History

   Journey Manager (JM) The transaction engine for the platform.  |    System Manager / DevOps  |  All versions This feature is related to all versions.

Manager allows you to view transactions history of form submissions made by users. It provides a view of finished transactions which have been are either Completed or Abandoned. Once a transaction history record has been created, it will not be updated later. Journey Analytics reports on transaction Request Time and not Completed Time.

To view transactions history, select Operations > Transactions History.

Transactions are shown page by page, with the maximum number of records per page configured via the user's preferences.

Manager view transaction history

The list displays the following details:

  • ID: a unique transaction ID.
  • Tracking Code: a tracking code of a transaction.
  • Form: a form name.
  • Org.: an organization that a form belongs to.
  • Space: a form space a form is hosted on.
  • Request Time:
  • Completed Time:
  • Receipt Number:
  • Authenticated:
  • Form Status: a status of a form, which can be one of the following:
    • Completed
    • Abandoned
  • Abandon Type: a type of the transaction abandonment, which can be one of the following:
    • Bounced: a transaction is bounced
    • Started: a transaction is started
    • Saved: a transaction is saved
    • Cancelled: a transaction is canceled
    • Ineligible: a transaction is ineligible
    • Submitted: a transaction is submitted
  • Abandonment Details: a reason why the transaction was abandoned.

To filter or search the transactions by one or more criteria, specify the following settings and click Search:

  • Transaction's name or part of a name
  • Form status
  • Abandon Type
  • Time, which can be one of the following:
    • Request:
    • Completed:
  • Start Date: the date and time of a transaction.
  • End Date: the date and time of a transaction.

Click Clear to reset the search criteria.

You can perform the following actions:

Click Export Data to export the displayed data as a Microsoft Excel (XLS) file.

Next, learn how to view form requests.