Property Data Types

   Journey Manager (JM) The transaction engine for the platform. |   System Manager / DevOps |  All versions This feature is related to all versions.

Journey Manager allows you to define property using several property types, which act as a template to ensure property values are entered correctly. Also, a property type enforces a scope of a property that can be one of the following:

  • Client - a property configured for an organization and its forms, so it obtains its value dynamically from an organization.
  • Form - a property configured for form versions, so it obtains its value directly or dynamically from a form version. This property can override Client's scope property.
  • User - a property configured for user profiles, so it obtains the value from a user’s profile of a logged user.

When a property type has already been associated for a property, for example, within an organization, it is not able to be associated with another property within that same organization.


When opting for CSV, Image or Long Text, the user can upload a data file as its Property Value.

You can use one of the following data types when defining a property:

Data Type Value Example


true or false

A Yes/No response to a question.

Signature Required


Comma separated values format.

A property of this property type can be entered in Value or, alternatively, can be uploaded from a CSV file.


HTML format

An email message


Image of type PNG, GIF, and JPG that can be uploaded.

Your company logo


JSON format.

Any property of this property type can be entered in Value or, alternatively, can be uploaded from a CSV file.


List where each value is entered on a separate line.

Since Journey Manager 17.10, it is recommended to use the Reference Data feature instead.

A list of states that are used for populating a dropdown list in a form

Long Text 

Text file with HTML-style formatting, having no length restrictions.

A property of this property type can be entered in Value or, alternatively, can be uploaded from a TXT or HTM file.

Terms and Conditions of a form.


Numeric characters (0-9, etc.)

ABN number


A string

name of a country

Next, learn how to view property types.