Delivery Channels Overview

   Journey Manager (JM) The transaction engine for the platform.  |    System Manager / DevOps  |   21.05 This feature was updated in 21.05.

Journey Manager comes with several delivery channels, which allow you to send user form submissions to a platform backend or a third-party system for processing. After a user submits a form, a delivery channel determines what happens to the submitted, abandoned or invalid form transactions.

A delivery channel transfers submitted user form details to a platform back-end or to a third-party system using one of the following mechanisms:

  1. PDF receipt - a readable copy of a form with user details
  2. Form XML data - a machine-readable copy of form details in XMLXML (Extensible Markup Language) is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. format
  3. Attachment - a file which is a part of a form submission, for example, a copy of a driver license

You can configure different delivery channels for:

  • An organization - you can configure the organization-wide delivery channels, which are used by all forms and form versions if their delivery channels are not configured
  • A form level - you can configure a delivery channel, different to the organization's one, for individual forms. This gives you an extra flexibility to have different delivery flows for various forms within one organization.
  • A form version level - you can configure a delivery channel, different to the form's one, for individual form versions. This means you can implement requirements when each form version of a form should use various delivery channels.  |  21.05 This feature was introduced in 21.05..

Manager determines a delivery channel to use in this order:

  1. The form version's delivery channel
  2. The form's delivery channel, if the above is not set
  3. The organization's delivery channel, if the above is not set
  4. The Trash Can delivery process, if the above is not set

Manager delivers a form submission only if all attachments are scanned for viruses and marked as free of viruses or malicious software.

A delivery channel can have one of the following delivery methods, which you can customize to suit your specific requirements and your company policies:

Let's look at each method in details.

Delivery Process


This is the most widely used method and is recommended as a more customizable approach for an immediate and secure form of delivery.

A Delivery Process invokes a service definition in Manager to perform delivery of submission details. This is typically a customizable Groovy service. A delivery is marked as complete if the service indicates that delivery has been successful.

If delivery has not been completed within the default 72 hours of a form been submitted, escalation emails are sent to all global and organization administrators in the Receive Delivery Escalation Alerts group.


The Email method sends the submission details as attachments to one or more configured email addresses. A delivery is marked as complete as soon as the email is sent. The email can include a link to the submission attachments, if they were added by a user.

Email Secure

The Email Secure method differs from Email in that the email sent does not contain any submission details. Instead, it contains a link to a secure page in Manager where the submission details can be downloaded.

A delivery is marked complete only after a user has accessed this secure page and confirmed that the submission has been received.

If delivery has not been acknowledged within a certain period, which is 24 hours by default, reminder notifications are sent to the recipients defined in the delivery channel. This continues daily until a recipient acknowledges it.

If the delivery channel's Email Addresses field is left blank, a reminder is sent to all global and organization administrators in the Receive Delivery Escalation Alerts group.

If delivery remains unacknowledged within the default 72 hours of a form been submitted, escalation emails are sent out to all global and matching organization administrators in the Receive Delivery Escalations Alerts group.

REST Service

The REST Service method stores the submission details within Manager and offers a secure method of the enterprise retrieving these submission details, using a REST endpoint, when convenient.

For more information, see the services guide.

Web Service

The Web Service method notifies your enterprise by making a web service call, using a pre-defined API. For more information, see the Manager Web Service API documentation.

Web services may be either defined as part of the Integration AgentTransact Integration Agent is a software appliance hosted inside the client organization’s data center, which receives form submission deliveries and file attachments from the Journey Manager server. or defined separately by a developer.

Delivery is marked as complete once the web service client confirms that it has received the submission.

If delivery has not been completed within the default 72 hours of a form been submitted, escalation emails are sent out to all global and organization administrators in the Receive Delivery Escalation Alerts group.

Trash Can

The Trash Can Delivery process is a do-nothing delivery process for form testing. This is usually configured as the default and won't be available in the organization configuration, but is available in the form configuration. The Trash Can Delivery process is essential in ensuring that every form has a delivery channel set up so its submissions and transactions can be purged from the system by Data Retention Management service.

Next, learn how to create a delivery channel.