Roles Overview

   Journey Manager (JM) The transaction engine for the platform.  |    System Manager / DevOps  |  All versions This feature is related to all versions.

A role in Manager contains a set of permissions that allow a user to perform specific functions within a form space or module. Manager has the following set of standard roles that are automatically created and configured during its first start-up:

Root Administrator
This is the most powerful role in Manager. Root administrators are assigned all permissions related to the Manager console and can access all restricted content. Critical operations, such as removing organizations and editing deployment properties, should be accessible to only these users. Root administrators can create new roles and customize any existing ones.
Developer / System Manager
These two roles have identical permissions. Developer/System Manager users have a wide range of permissions available to them to manage Manager configurations. Users in these roles can edit organizations, forms, and all related entities. Developers and System Managers are also able to view requests, view submissions as well as view a wide range of system configuration settings. These roles are extremely powerful but cannot access submission data and user accounts and are not able to modify roles.
Organization operation administrators can view submissions (included submitted XML data) and reports as well as various logs. Organization operation administrators are given permission to handle support requests submitted by space users.
However, they cannot access forms and associated configurations, nor can they access the details for user accounts stored in Manager.
Organization User Manager
Organization user administrators can create and configure users for their organization. This is a role that might be used in addition to other roles to give existing administrators access to user accounts, though it can also be used as a stand-alone role.
System Support
The system support role can be used by the support staff for debugging purposes. By default, this role has extensive read-only permissions to aid in debugging. However, XML data submitted by users cannot be viewed.
Transaction Data Access
This role provides access to transaction data entered by users and allows administrators to edit this data and make submission status changes. As this role provides access to sensitive information, this role should be assigned carefully.

You can always view the standard roles, customize them, or even create new ones as needed.

Next, learn how to view roles.