The Temenos Journey Springboard solutions for deposit account opening (DAO) and lending enables US banks to rapidly deliver an outstanding digital customer acquisition journey using a ready-made solution on an extensible platform that grows with the financial institution.
Springboard solutions offer a quick path to market, requiring configuration only. This is achieved by pre-building many of the typical components required to support US DAO solutions on the Temenos Journey Manager platform, and providing extensive configuration options for these components. Examples of pre-built components include an optional product selector, a Maestro template and forms, functions including third-party integration, and a standard workflow or collaboration job that supports manual review and decision-making.
The Lending solution is pre-integrated with the Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite (LMS), enabling LMS customers to go to market quickly with a lending solution for personal loans, credit cards, and auto loans. The same pre-built components and configuration options in the US Springboard DAO solutions are available in the US Springboard Lending solution as well.
"Springboard Deposit Account Opening gives financial institutions a digital account opening and onboarding solution prebuilt with best-in-class customer experience and Fintech integration. The integrations with 3rd party Fintech service providers that can qualify and decision applications coupled with an extensible platform provides financial institutions the flexibility to deliver a differentiated customer experience."