Job Services Overview

   Journey Manager (JM) The transaction engine for the platform. |   System Manager / DevOps |  All versions This feature is related to all versions.

Job services are specialized services used in Journey Manager to create and process collaboration jobs.

Manager provides different job service types and comes with pre-configured job services and job service templates to help you create new job services.

Job services are defined per an organization. Each organization must have at least one job service configured. There is no limit on the number of job services an organization can have. Each form within the organization can use these job services. You can create new job controllers and job actions to implement your requirements.

Manager provides job service templates, which are enhanced job controller services. Templates allow a user to customize collaboration jobs without having to modify the job service definition. Templates are organization agnostic and you can't edit them.

It's important to understand a difference between a job service and a Transact function. A Transact function is usually used to fetch some data or make a payment. A job service, on the other hand, is used to create a workflow when a form application requires a workflow, for example, for back office employees to verify and review customers' applications. You can't replace a job service with a Transact function. You can create a form that triggers a job service and at the same time the form can trigger a number of fluent functions.

Next, learn how to view job services.