Data Retention Management Service

   Journey Manager (JM) The transaction engine for the platform. |   System Manager / DevOps |   18.05 This feature was updated in 18.05.

Manager comes with the Data Retention Management service, which is core global service performing the following steps in the transaction life cycle:

This service is periodically called by the Data Retention Job. The Transaction Processor service executes the Data Retention Management service, if its configuration has the Include Data Retention checkbox selected.


For performance reasons, you should use the Data Retention Management v2 service whenever possible.  |  24.04 This feature was introduced in 24.04

To configure the Data Retention Management service:

  1. Select Services > Core Global Services.
  2. Select the Data Retention Management from the Type dropdown list to show all services of this type.
  3. Locate the Data Retention Management service and click Edit.
  4. Check the standard service settings.
  5. Select the Parameters Edit tab to view and customize the service configuration.
    Manager configure data retention management service

    Some of the service's settings duplicate the global configuration, so you can override it. For more information on these settings and how to use them, see Configure Data Retention.

  6. Select the Log to Event Log checkbox to log the results of applying the data retention policy to the event log., so you can check what data was deleted from the system. The example of a message recorded in the even logs is shown bellow:
    Data Retention Management applied, 0 records deleted in 3 sec.
    "Table","Rows","Time (ms)","Percentage"
    "Delete Submission Data",0,77,2.0
    "Transaction History",0,4,0.1
    "Audit Log",0,4,0.1
    "User Auth Event",0,3,0.1
    "Error Log",0,13,0.3
    "Event Log",0,3784,96.2
    "Groovy Service Log",0,3,0.1
    "Offline Client System Log",0,3,0.1
    "Offline Sync Call",0,4,0.1
    "Offline Sync Log",0,3,0.1
    "Scheduled Job History",0,3,0.1
    "Security Manager Log",0,3,0.1
    "Email Queue",0,4,0.1
    "Composer Package Queue",0,3,0.1
    "Import Action",0,5,0.1

    Then you can search for particular retention event in the event logs using the following criteria:

    Manager check a particular retention event
  7. Edit the number of days in the Max Collaboration Job Abandon Age Days field to specify when a collaboration job and all its transactions become eligible for abandonment.

    You can disable collaboration job abandonment by setting the Max Collaboration Job Abandon Age Days to 0.


    Check collaboration job abandonment configuration in Configure Data Retention and Configure Organization Data Retention.

  8. Select the required purge mode from the PII Search Purge Mode dropdown list to specify when PII searching metadata, such as data extracts and transactions properties, will be deleted:
    • Form Completed - this is the smallest set of data to be deleted
    • Delivery Completed - this is a bigger set of data to be deleted
    • PII Purge Time - this is the biggest set of data to be deleted and it takes the longest time to do it
    • Blank - not defined
  9. Click Save to update the changes.

Next, learn how to view all core global services.