What's New in 24.04 COMING SOON

   PlatformApplicable to all products in Temenos Journey Manager.  |   All Personas |  24.04 This feature was introduced in 24.04

The 24.04 release has a number of new exciting features and enhancements across the whole range of Temenos Journey Manager products. The updated products and their changes are listed below.

Journey Maestro

This release of Maestro includes long awaited updates and bug fixes of many early features, so you'll be delighted to upgrade your current product to the latest version of our software.

Structure Tree Usability Enhancements
We've enabled searching for a field ID in the View pane while showing labels.
Initialize Event Hook
We've added a new component - Initialize Event Hook - with one-off create event that runs the onCreate rule when the object is created. Depending on where you drop this component on the form it will potentially run more times.
Additional Notification
We've added support to the Login pages' info panel to show to users the Maestro upgrade dates.

Maestro documentation enhancements:

Maestro Form Debugging
We've collated and enhanced the documentation on how to debug Maestro forms.

Reference Data

We've improved the structure of documentation to show different techniques of accessing reference data.
We've added more details about shared styles and managing them.

Multi-Lingual Forms

We've extended form's translation documentation and showed different ways of storing translation files in Manager

Journey Manager

The 24.04 major release of Journey Manager has been focused around improving the developer's experience, particularly around pipeline automation, as well as platform stability and enhancement. Below are some of the highlights of the new and improved features that will be available once you upgrade to the latest software.

Data Retention Enhancements
We've created a new version of the data retention management service, which provides more efficient purging processes and added resilience to issues caused by bad data. These improvements will help prevent abnormal database growth that often leads to performance degradation. We have also added more visibility through enhanced logging that help narrow down the individual steps during the data purging process.
Configuration Service Extension
The Configuration Service can now create properties and parameters. We have also extended the coverage of the Configuration Service, which includes setting of form space and module context paths, updating security manager parameters and scheduled job parameters, form page tracking, as well as a few other minor areas. For more information, see Import Forms, Import Form Spaces, Import Groups, Import an Application Package, Import an Organization, Import Roles, Import a Security Manager, Import Services, Topics, Import TPacs, Import Scheduled Jobs.
Scheduled Jobs
We've added export and import support for scheduled jobs via both the Manager module UI or SDK/API.
Platform Updates
We have updated to Open JDK 21 and Wildlfy 31.0.1. For more information, see 3-rd party library updates.
Eventing Enhancements
There is ongoing work to allow for Journey Manager to digest events from a Kafka queue. The initial framework of this enhancement is going to be included with 24.04 so users can play around with the feature and provide feedback.

Manager documentation enhancements:

We've improved TPacs documentation.
API Authentication
We've explained how security managers perform authentication of REST API calls.


We plan to upgrade the existing Exchange packages for the latest release.

Mitek Tiden update
Add new Service Parameter saveFullBackImage for saving full back image of driver's license in addition to barcode image.
Mitek Tiden update
Upgrade Mitek Tiden's v2 APIs to v5.
Salesforce upgrade
Relaunch of the Journey Manager Salesforce connector.

Journey Analytics

We are pleased to announce the latest release of Journey Analytics. The enhancements improve existing functionality and incorporate the following updates.

Timeline view now displays a Benchmark which is derived from applicant behaviour from trusted form solutions to give a performance snapshot of the industry for the year.
Export UI
A more usable user interface for the Export view makes getting access to application data simpler.
Documentation updates
Segment Whitelist import/export documentation added.
Developer Experience
Miscellaneous minor improvements to the Visualiser application.

Journey Workspaces

This Journey Workspaces release introduces many exciting new Workspaces features and enhancements. The key new features and enhancements are:

Introduction of Right to Left (RTL) layout
Responsive UI layout that flips the content on the screen for RTL languages.
Introduction of a new type of custom card - iframe card
A new type of iframe card that allows displaying web contents within Workspaces such as url's / htmls / pdfs or images.
Introduction of custom actions to custom card
An ability to call a custom action from the custom cards that works similar to global custom actions.
Configuration Editor app enhancements - UI editor (experimental)
An experimental UI editor for the configuration app that allows editing configurations without working with JSON interface.
Enhancements for displaying lengthy text within custom cards
Enhancements to view lengthier text and even copy the value when displayed within the custom cards.
Enhancements for session expiry
A new alerting mechanism is added to prompt users about upcoming session expiry
Enhancements to the snackbar notification messaging system
An ability to cascade multiple snackbar notifications when there are multiple messages to display.
Support for sub-table layout for mobile devices in the listing table
Enhancements to support fully functional sub-table layout within the listing table for mobile devices
Accessibility improvements for Journey Workspaces and Journey Brokers
Accessibility enhancements are incorporated for both Journey Workspaces and Brokers.

Journey Springboard

The Springboard 24.04 release impacts all US Springboard solutions, the Retail DAO, Lending with LMS, and SMB DAO solutions, with an emphasis on simplified implementation and expanded configuration ability. This release includes new versions of all Springboard solutions.

Infrastructure upgrades
All Springboards upgraded to JM 23.10.0, JM SDK 23.10.1, Maestro 23.10.1, and Workspaces 23.10.
Prove integration updates
Multiple updates to the Prove integration package, such as deprecated eligibility/v2, replaced eligibility v2 with /trust/v2, and added trust score threshold validation. Validation changes include firstly, setting a Prove recommended threshold of 630, and secondly, improved validation exception handling, where service failure retry is limited to 3 attempts only, enter bad SSN limited to 3 attempts; and enter bad phone number limited to 3 attempts.
Sensitive information strengthening
Moved sensitive information such as endpoints, credentials, auth key, etc to Service Connections instead of service parameter for environment configuration service.
Accessibility fixes on Product Selector and debit card carousel on Account Options page.
Bug fixes
Various minor bug fixes implemented.

Next, learn more about the Temenos Journey Manager platform.