Journey Manager Features

   Journey Manager (JM) The transaction engine for the platform. |   System Manager / DevOps |  24.04This feature was updated in 24.04

Journey Manager comes packed with the wide range of features empowering you to create complex customer onboarding and user journey solutions. Some of the main product features have now become its core functionality. Click on each feature to learn more.

Main Features

Features by Release

Each release of Manager is shipped with new features and bug fixes to provide you with the best-in-class software and to accelerate business agility and improvements across the board.

The key features for each major Manager release are listed below.


Data Retention Enhancements
We've created a new version of the data retention management v2 service, which provides more efficient purging processes and added resilience to issues caused by bad data. These improvements will help prevent abnormal database growth that often leads to performance degradation. We have also added more visibility through enhanced logging that help narrow down the individual steps during the data purging process.
Configuration Service Extension
The Configuration Service can now create properties and parameters.
We have also extended the coverage of the Configuration Service, which includes setting of form space and module context paths, updating security manager parameters and organization security settings, such as CSP, as well as scheduled job parameters and form page tracking. For more information, see Import Forms, Import Form Spaces, Import Groups, Import an Application Package, Import an Organization, Import Roles, Import a Security Manager, Import Services, Import Service Connections, Import TPacs, Import Scheduled Jobs.
The Configuration Service now supports pipeline deployments.
Scheduled Jobs
We've added export and import support for scheduled jobs via the Manager UI, SDK and API.
We've also enabled updating of scheduled jobs via the Configuration Service.
Platform Updates
We've updated Manager to Open JDK 21 and Wildlfy 31.0.1. For more information, see 3-rd party library updates.
We've added support for Ubuntu OS, such as Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS, so this version can now be provisioned in our cloud environments as well as it is available in the Manager 24.04 installer for on premise environments.

The Manager installer versions 23.10, 23.04, 22.10, 22.04, 21.11, 21.05, 20.11, 20.05 have been back-ported to support Ubuntu OS.

Ubuntu is a very secure, widely used open-source operating system with strong community support. It is enterprise-compatible and has proven to be performant and efficient. Ubuntu is the standard Temenos OS for Linux based systems in cloud environments. For more information, see Journey Manager System Requirements.
We've removed support for CentOS 9 and 7, because CentOS 7 will reach end of life (EOL) on June 30, 2024 and we have made a decision to continue with Ubuntu OS. For more information, see What to know about CentOS Linux EOL.
We've added support for Oracle MySQL 8 database service.
We've enabled configuration of a context path of a Manager module during software installation, so the Configuration Service can be run right after that to perform other system configuration tasks. For more information, see Installation > Context Path.
Eventing Enhancements
We've added 2 new types of services - Event Listener Configuration and Inbox Processor - to define services that consume Kafka topics and performs REST API calls specified in the topics. These services are Event Listener Configuration Service and Event Inbox Processor Service.
You can view all configured Event Listener Configurations and stop and start them as needed.
We've introduced 2 new deployment properties - Eventing Error Log Flood Threshold Count and Eventing Error Log Flood Threshold Time - to control the growth of the error log table if the above services fail and thus generate a high number or error entries.
We've added 2 new deployment properties - Allowed File Name Extensions In JM and Disable Render Link for Portal Resources - to prevent users from uploading malicious files on the portal resource page and subsequently rendering them, causing the malicious code to execute.
We've implemented a data type validation for file upload when you create or edit organization reference data object.
We've added a new deployment property - Regex Pattern For Url Fields, which is regular expression used to validate the URL fields of form space properties, module properties, security managers and form flow configuration.

For more information, see Manager 24.04 Release Notes.


Global Form
We've introduced a feature that allows rendering of forms across multiple organizations. Submissions can be rendered against a global form from other organizations allowing for single deployment of solutions that can be shared. Also, new or existing forms can be configured as global. For more information, see form import, form details and form view.
We've changed the way global services, functions and tasks obtain correct organizations. For more information, see Create a Service, Create a Transact Function and Create a Task.
System Issues
A new card has been added to the Journey Manager Admin Home Dashboard that displays unresolved system problems that are affecting performance and maintenance. This dashboard report is driven by the database integrity checker introduced in 23.04.
Security Enhancements
We've introduced the following:
  • Default Admin Password – You can now set the Administrator password for new Journey Manager instances during the installation process. For more information, see the installation via the UI or a script.
  • Virus Scanning on Admin UI – Uploads to the Manager UI will now be virus scanned, but this feature can be disabled, if needed.
Enhanced Configuration Service
The Configuration Service has been further extended to cover additional entities in Journey Manager.
Renamed Work Space

The Work Space form space has been renamed to Journey Space, so there is no confusion with the Workspaces portal. The Context Path URL has also been changed from to

For the changes to take effect, you need to have a fresh installation of Manager or the Journey Space form space. If you only upgrade Manager, you still have the old Work Space name with the old Context Path URL as  |   23.10This feature was updated in 23.10.

OS and Database
We've added support for CentOS LinuxCentOS (Community Enterprise Operating System) is a Linux distribution that provides a free, enterprise-class, community-supported computing platform functionally compatible with its upstream source, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). 9 and Microsoft SQL ServerMicrosoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft. As a database server, it is a software product with the primary function of storing and retrieving data as requested by other software applications—which may run either on the same computer or on another computer across a network (including the Internet). 2022 and 2019. For more information, see Journey Manager System Requirements.

For more information, see Manager 23.10 Release Notes.


Configuration Service
Introduced a few Configuration Service allowing you to quickly and easily reconfigure a server instance by uploading a configuration file containing all relevant information.
Database Integrity Checker
Added the Database Integrity Checker service and scheduled jobs to validate database integrity periodically. This service will generate a report for any issues in the Manager database that need to be addressed.
New Database Integrity Checker Event Type and Configuration Service Event Type
Introduced 2 new event types in Event Log.
Changes to Jakarta EE
Replaced Java EE with Jakarta EE. This is a requirement for WildFly, and will affect all groovy services within Journey Manager for customers upgrading. For more information, see Migrate to Jakarta EE.
Jakarta Migration Support
In order to support our customers upgrading Journey Manager, we've created a service allowing you to convert Groovy services and security managers to be Jakarta EE 10 compatible. You can download this service ( from the download page. We have also enhanced our SDK documentation with strategies for migration of services.
Upgrades & security
Updated 3-rd party libraries with the normal library updates to address security vulnerabilities as well as with some updates to major core technologies, such as Jakarta EE and WildFly.

For more information, see Manager 23.04 Release Notes.


Event-Based Architecture
Introduced the concept of Event-Based Architecture where you can publish and subscribe to events using Kafka. In this release, you can only publish events.
Apache Kafka
Created a Kafka service connection to establish a connection to Apache Kafka 3.2.3 to publish events.
DocuSign OAuth service connection
Added a new DocuSign OAuth service connection to connect to DocuSign services using OAuth user authentication.
OpenShift support
Added support for Journey Manager deployments using OpenShiftOpenShift is a family of containerization software products developed by Red Hat. Its flagship product is the OpenShift Container Platform — a hybrid cloud platform as a service built around Linux containers orchestrated and managed by Kubernetes on a foundation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. containerization.
Billing support
Added support for billing with more fine grain control to allow for setting of a billing flag on transactions. A billable flag on the Submission class is also exposed via Fluent API, so you can access it via Txn objects and update it via TxnUpdater.
Operations portal
The new operations portal can be deployed using the Journey Manager installer
Upgrades & security
Updated 3-rd party libraries with the normal library updates to address security vulnerabilities as well as with some updates to major core technologies, such as Wildfly 26.1.2.Final and Open JDK
New look and feel
Rebranded the Manager product according to Temenos' vision, mission and strategy.

For more information, see Manager 22.10 Release Notes.


Status Management
Improved the existing notification messages interface to let you create and schedule status change of various entities, such as form spaces, organizations, forms, and form versions.
Added a new status management service to automatically execute scheduled entity status changes.
Workspaces API updates
Provided a set of new REST API to expose existing Operations as a service. These API will be consumed by new Workspaces functionality.
Added new permissions to the Workspacesform space to provide fine-grained control for new Workspaces Operational Portal REST API, such as txn/query, txn/status, txn/task, and txn/purge, as well as the existing txn/cancel.
Maven SDK
Included a new version of the Journey SDK, which requires the Journey SDK Maven Plugin to run. We've modified the underlying framework of the integration points between Manager and the SDK to accommodate this change.
Upgrades & Security
Updated 3-rd party libraries

For more information, see Manager 22.04 Release Notes.


New Statuses added for organizations, form spaces, form versions and forms
Introduced a new set of statuses for organizations, form spaces, forms and form versions, so you have fine control over each of the entities.
New ServiceUser Role
Scheduled Groovy services now run using the ServiceUser role, which defaults to a admin level role. This role can be limited to enhance the security around these services, if required.
New CSRF Protection Option
Added the CSRF Protection option to the Workspaces, Workspace and Web-plug spaces.

For more information, see Manager 21.11 Release Notes.


New REST service - Proof of Concept
A new service which exposes some of Manager's Fluent API via RESTREST or RESTful API design (Representational State Transfer) is designed to take advantage of existing protocols. While REST can be used over nearly any protocol, it usually takes advantage of HTTP when used for Web APIs. end points.
Fluent API

We've further expanded the Fluent API to expose more features to help reduce the dependency on the deprecated Core Groovy API:

  • Form VO - Included the form type through the getFormType() method. 
  • TxnUpdater, JobUpdater and TxnQuery - Included feature to view and manager comments against Transactions and Jobs
  • TxnUrlBuilder - Included the capability to generate secure URL for forms/transactions through the setSecured() accessor method.
  • TxnUpdator - Included the capability to lock and unlock the save Challenge lock state for a transaction
Manager Installer
We've enhanced the installer so that for AWS installs using MySQL SSL is enabled by default to improve server security. For more information, see the SSL JDBC Connection Enforcement for MySQL section of the installation guide.
Due to components requiring commercial licenses, iText, Oracle and Luna dependencies are not included with installs by default. These will need to be deployed separately. For more information, see the Manual Libraries Deployment section of the installation guide.
Remove the PDF export option from the Transaction and Job Licensing reports because it uses iText, which requires a commercial license.

For more information, see Manager 21.05 Release Notes.


Core Services
Added support for:

For more information, see Manager 20.11 Release Notes.


Azure Cloud support
Added support for:
Automatic deployment and testing
Added support for:
  • The ExampleImportService, which is used to import example artifacts into Manager on initial start-up, now supports all archive types. This is useful to import test artifacts for automation testing.
  • The bulk user import spreadsheet is expanded to support Groups, Roles and Organization. This is also incorporated into the ExampleImportService.

For more information, see Manager 20.05 Release Notes.


General Fluent API enhancements
Added support for:
  • TxnUpdater, TxnQuery, TxnBuilder and Txn VO to improve the transaction level capability of the Fluent API
  • Emailer and UserEmailer
  • Added a new Job Builder class
Fluent API receipting enhancements
Added support for:
  • Calling a named receipt render service from within a Fluent Receipt Service to enable receipt merging while still generating a receipt for the associated transaction.
  • Generating a Web and Email received from a Fluent Receipt Service.
  • Externalization of the Core PDFUtils methods to merge receipt in Fluent.
Fluent Security Managers support added
Added support for:
  • A Fluent User Authentication Provider, with a template for a skeleton Fluent Groovy User Auth Provider.
  • A Fluent Security Manager, which includes a template for a skeleton SSO Security Manager and an out-of-the-box ADFS Security Manager.
  • Fluent Security Managers implementation has resulted in a number of new Fluent API classes to support the scripting within a Security Manager.
Form version import enhancements
Form version import options include Form Function now.
Removed Features
Adobe LiveCycle support removed
Card Payment page removed from the Workspace

For more information, see Manager 19.11 Release Notes.


Release Key Features Description

Workspace API

Enhanced to support the development of the new help desk persona for the Workspaces, including:

  • Transaction search using multiple criteria
  • Additional updates to Txn and Job Queries
  • Security enhancements

Fluent API

Enhanced to reduce the dependency on the Core API and improve upgrade supportability, including:

  • New PaymentLog Query class
  • Improved TxnQuery transaction search capabilities
  • New feature to support collaboration jobs
  • Added form expiry information to the Form object

Security enhancements

Improved CORS support for form spaces

Chromium puppeteer receipt service

Added a new Chromium puppeteer receipt service to render forms as PDF receipts

Library upgrades

Upgraded the dependent libraries, including:

  • Apache Cayenne 4.0
  • Spring Security 4
  • Wildfly 16

Removed features


  • Birt and PayPal Payment gateway. It is replaced with the Transaction and Job Licensing screens for transaction usage information.
  • PayPal Payment gateway.

For more information, see Manager 19.05 Release Notes.


Release Key Features Description

Workspace API

Introduced new REST API to support the development of rich UI experiences for ‘Back of House’ staff who support complex workflows and provide help desk functions to end users. The API utilizes Swagger and Spring Security.

Static content externalization

Added a new Maestro form rendering mode which significantly reduces the time it takes to load large forms. This is important as long application loading times can significantly increase the bounce rate with users simply closing the browser window before starting the application.

System Event Publisher

Added a new user authentication event feed to send user login events. Enhanced scheduled purge time and actual purge time for a transaction.

Security hardening

Added support for:

  • Added Validation of date field to the workspace portal to fix internal error when provided date is invalid.
  • Security around service connection password in the manager UI.

Removed confirmation page and receipting from the Server Monitor Form configuration.

Library upgrades

Upgraded the dependent libraries, including:

  • Open JDK 11
  • User Agent Utils 1.21
  • Spring Framework 4.3.19
  • Spring Security 43.1.7
  • Bouncycastle 1.60
  • SDK 3.9
  • org.apache.xmlgraphics batik 1.10


  • JLine

Platform support enhancements

Added support for:

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017 database.
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016 operating system.

Fluent API

Added new API.

Behavior changes

Enhanced management of submissions' lifetime.

Removed features


  • FopRenderReceiptService receipt render service and org.apache.xmlgraphics library
  • Use of Flash in the Manager UI
  • Apache Camel Support for Groovy Services

For more information, see Manager 18.11 Release Notes.


Release Key Features Description

System event publisher

Introduced the System event publisher to connect external systems through an AWS SQS queue, in near real time, where the messages can be picked to provide up to date information about the states of form transactions in Journey Manager.

Library upgrades

Upgraded the dependent libraries, including:

  • Apache Groovy Lang 2.4.15
  • Eclipse BIRT Runtime 4.6.0
  • JDBC Database Drivers (MySql, Oracle and SQL Server)
  • JUnit 4.12
  • Oracle Java JDK 1.8u172

Platform support enhancements

Added support for new Insights, including:

  • Centrally stored ECCL Script
  • Fluent API to send Insights Segments from server side Groovy Scripts

Fluent API

Added new API

Behavior changes

Enhanced the transaction abandonment and data purging to ensure PII data is removed accordigly.

For more information see Manager 18.05 Release Notes.


Release Key Feature Description

Transact Functions

Introduced Fluent Functions to allow you to use functional programming within Journey Manager, so you can now write a function once and simply trigger it at whatever points or points you need.

Continuous Integration

Provided improved CI-based testing support. Created a definition of what is included in the application package and versioned in GIT or another SCM tool.

Transact SDK

Combined developer tools into a unified Transact SDK to provide a single set of tools to help developers make the most of integrating with Transact API while using Continuous Integration (CI/CD).

Reference data

Introduced Transact Reference Data to decouple reference data from the form, decrease the form loading time, and enable you to deploy once and use in many forms.

Semantic versioning

Unified versioning across the platform for consistency including full semantic versioning across all forms and services. Semantic Versioning enables two teams to work in parallel on more than one form solution and permits hierarchical management of versions. Additional features include support for up to 3 levels of versions and version branching.

Security hardening

Add support for Strict Security Headers to enforce that each HTTP request within authenticated user session is checked to make sure it is the originated source that created the session. The HTTP request's IP Address and Browser User Agent are checked.

Collaboration Jobs

Enhanced collaboration jobs to support group sharing.

For more information, see Manager 17.10 Release Notes.


Release Key Features Description

Data retention policy enhancements

Retention duration time is reduced to make sure Journey Manager is used as a system of engagement and not a system of records:

  • Transactions - reduced from 180 days to 90 days.
  • Transaction history - reduced from 2 years to 180 days.

Transaction history data warehouse integration

Added the following publishing services to publish transaction history directly to a data warehouse:

  • AWS S3
  • File system
  • Fluent Groovy

Automated deployments

Introduced a new script-able install or upgrade mode for deployment automation, which supports Continuous Integration (CI) testing. This mode is beneficial to both hosted services and IT professionals in that it helps to automate provisioning and upgrading, which in turn can improve quality by reducing operator errors.

Fine grained form space authentication policies

Enhanced forms authentication policies, which depend on form space they are in.

Fluent Groovy API

Added new Fluent service types.

  • Form version Selector
  • Receipt Render
  • Transaction History Publisher
  • Virus Scan Service

Application packages

Added new configurations for Organization Properties, Delivery Channels, and Service Connections.

Security manger logging

Introduced a new Security Manager logger that can be used in all Security Manager Groovy scripts.

Update to latest Maestro form from within Manager

Enhanced Maestro form updates from Journey Manager, so it uses the latest build of the Maestro form without exporting a Maestro Form Version Archive and then importing it Manager.

Maestro localization support

Introduced localization to Journey Manager and Maestro, which allows multiple languages to be added to a single form. This feature allows a form to change languages based on the users of the form.

Collaboration Jobs

Form and service version pinning:

  • The form code for Review Tasks is no longer necessary. Task Assign actions that do not specify a Form Code will by default use the same form code and version as the previous submission.
  • The Form Version can be explicitly set in the Job Definition.
  • The Job Action Version can be explicitly set in the Job Definition.

Collaboration Jobs

History logging, so the state of the job is recorded and logged at the end of each branch of processing completes.

For more information, see Manager 5.1 Release Notes.


Release Key Features Description

Fluent Groovy API

Introduced completely new and improved API, which can be used from Groovy scripts.

Maestro form version import

Added support for Maestro form version import defaults, which provides specialized import behavior if a form version archive was created in Maestro.

For more information see Manager 5.0 Release Notes.


Release Key Features Description

Application packages

Added support for:

  • Form bundle and form chaining
  • Receipts with Groovy scripts
  • Dynamic task assignment
  • Cancellable tasks
  • Publish and subscribe data extract sharing
  • Unified navigation support


Added support for AWS Key Management System (KMS) data encryption in the Cloud Service Enterprise VDC edition.

Groovy service tests

Added comprehensive Groovy Services test framework to support accelerated development and development best practices.


Added Transactions, Service Definitions and Groovy Service Invoke REST API.

Security hardening

Added security role and group grant leases, improved SEM logging support and Apache Mod Security configurations.

Service improvements

Added Form Security Filter, Groovy Receipt service types, service versioning support, Groovy Service Logging, improved documentation, service editing and form and service definition Organization Application Packages.

Transact Integration Gateway

Introduced TIG, which provides a light weight on-premise integration module for performing deliveries and proxy calls to internal systems. This module replaces the TIA and TDA modules.

For more information, see Manager 4.3 Release Notes.

Next, learn more about deprecated features.