System Logs

   Journey Manager (JM) The transaction engine for the platform.  |    System Manager / DevOps  |  23.04This feature was updated in 23.04

Manager captures a wide range of system and service run-time information and stores it in different log files. It provides a convenient UI for viewing this information, making it easier to troubleshoot diverse production problems.

Manager creates and maintains the following logs, which reside both on the file system and in the database:

Manager provides System Event Publisher, so you can publish various logging events into required queues. This is a flexible and secure solution when clients need to process and analyze log data using their desired tools, for example, Splunk.


Manager doesn't have an API to access log files directly. However, you can use the Log Query method of the Fluent API REST service to query some log data.  |  23.04 This feature was introduced in 23.04

Regardless of which tool you use to monitor log files, you need to keep an eye on the logs, especially, the error log and the event log. Inspect them regularly to be able to notice any irregularities and problems of all sorts. Make sure you look into issues that you do not fully understand, using additional logs such as the submission and request log to track users' activities, the audit log to track changes made by administrators, the system health log to track vital system statistics or the log files maintained by the application server.

If you have multiple administrators set up in Manager, the audit log should also be monitored to make sure no unintended or harmful changes have been made.

When you write different events into log files, we recommend that you:

  • Choose the correct log file for your scenario, for example, error log to keep track of all relevant to your application.
  • Make your log entries meaningful.
  • Add a correlation key to track multiple log entries. In some cases, a submission key is often sufficient.
  • Use try-catch blocks for known issues.

You should never:

Next, learn more about the Event Log.