Enable Deprecated Features

   Journey Manager (JM) The transaction engine for the platform. |   System Manager / DevOps |  |   21.11 This feature was updated in 21.11.

Manager allows you to enable deprecated features, if you depend on them in your current installation and configuration.


Manager 18.05+ removes deprecated features of Manager module by default. You can, however, enable these features if they're required.

To enable deprecated features:

  1. Select System > Modules Config.
  2. Locate the Transact Manager module and click Edit.
  3. Select the Properties Edit tab.
    Manager configure the Transact Manager module
  4. Select the Show Deprecated Features checkbox.
  5. Click Save to update the changes.

The list below identifies the current deprecated features that support the Show Deprecated Features property.

Version Deprecated Features Details


Forms menu options


Specific form selection

  • Form Version Promotion tab from the form dashboard removed.
  • The Form Tags tab or for a selected version of the form removed.


The Organizations option from the Forms menu bar when a specific organization is selected

  • The Form Tags tab removed.
  • Switch to the Delivery Channel tab removed.
  • By adding or editing a delivery channel where the Delivery Method is REST Service, the PDF Receipt Embed Files checkbox removed.

The following deprecated features can't be enabled using the Show Deprecated Features property.

Version Deprecated Features Details


TransactField App functionality removed Removed support for the TransactField App product as it has reached End-Of-Life, which also includes T.Field Device Log and T.Field Sync Log.


FOP removed FOP receipt service has been removed.


Remove the PDF export option from licensing reports Remove the PDF export option (the Download PDF button) from the Transaction and Job Licensing reports because it uses iTextiText is a library for creating and manipulating PDF files in Java and .NET., which requires a commercial license. The Excel spreadsheet export is still supported.


Wet Signature Template LiveCycle Wet Signature receipt generation removed.

Next, learn about all Journey Manager features.