Journey Manager (JM) The transaction engine for the platform. | System Manager / DevOps | 22.10 This feature was introduced in 22.10.
Manager allows you to create and configure a service connection to connect to DocuSignDocuSign is the leader in eSignature transaction management. The Temenos Journey Manager platform uses this solution to speed the rate at which all digital documents are completed, signed, and returned. using OAuth user authentication mechanism. Various services rely on this service connection to exchange contracts and sign documents electronically.
DocuSign is in the process of retiring basic user password authentication which will no longer be supported after March 2023. For more information, see DocuSign API Basic User Password Authentication Retirement.
The DocuSign OAuth service connection replaces the DocuSign service connection, which uses basic username and password authentication.
To configure a service connection:
.You must configure the valid DocuSign Integration Key for the link to work correctly.
Next, learn more about DocuSign integration.