What's New in 23.04

   PlatformApplicable to all products in Temenos Journey Manager.  |   All Personas |  23.04 This feature was introduced in 23.04

The 23.04 release has a number of new exciting features and enhancements across the whole range of Temenos Journey Manager products. The updated products and their changes are listed below.

Journey Maestro

This release of Maestro includes long awaited updates and bug fixes of many early features, so you'll be delighted to upgrade your current product to the latest version of our software.

Read the detailed Maestro release notes or check the main release features.

  • Added the Enable generating brand variables as CSS variables, conditions apply option to output CSS variables to a form during a form build process
  • Added the Server Status tab to the Management Dashboard to display a status of a Manager server
  • Added support to auto logout Dashboard and show session has ended in the Maestro editor
  • Added support to show all users, who have a current design open, in the Maestro editor
  • Updated 3-rd party libraries and dependencies, including security updates

Documentation has the following enhancements:

  • Updated some images to reflect Maestro UI changes in alignment with Journey Manager restyling as per Temenos rebranding
  • Improved Components Options documentation, making it clearer how to create rule helpers and rule templates and use them in a form correctly
  • Provided an overview article on accessibility best practices and linked to Maestro accessibility documentation
  • Improved Maestro documentation content accessibility, in particular for images
  • Corrected and aligned terminology across several topics
  • Published Avalon Template components, such as Page (Avalon), Page Controller (Avalon), Progress Bar, as well as the new template structure

Journey Manager

We are pleased to announce our latest release of Journey Manager is ready for you to download! It's packed with new features and bug fixes, which you have been waiting for.

Read the detailed Journey Manager release notes or check the main release features.

  • Configuration Service - in this release, we've introduced a few functionality that allows you to quickly and easily reconfigure a server instance by uploading a configuration file containing all relevant information. The configuration file is a JSON file with a flat structure defining server's properties as name / value pairs. However, the Configuration Service can't create a new configuration; it can only update the existing one. For more information, see Configuration Service.
  • Database Integrity Checker - we've added the Database Integrity Checker service and scheduled jobs to validate database integrity periodically. This service will generate a report for any issues in the Manager database that need to be addressed.
  • New Database Integrity Checker Event Type and Configuration Service Event Type - we've introduced 2 new event types in Event Log.
  • Import Log - we've added a new Import Type - Configuration Service - to Import Log to allow you to filter all Configuration Service import actions.
  • Form Space Properties - we've added the Require Client Key form space property to prevent unauthorized access to a rendered form by guessing a form code, which is used to generate a valid form render URL.
  • Jakarta EE - it aligns our underlying technology to the latest standards and trends, we've replaced Java EE with Jakarta EE, upgraded all relevant 3rd-party libraries and our configurations. We still use the WildFly application servers which uses Jakarta EE. For more information, see Migrate to Jakarta EE and Jakarta Transformer service.
  • Groovy Debug Logging - we've added the Production Mode option to disable Groovy services logging in production environments. For more information, see Configure Transact Function Parameters Edit.
  • Updated 3-rd party libraries with the normal library updates to address security vulnerabilities as well as with some updates to major core technologies


We are pleased to announce the update of two new Exchange packages for the latest release.

Read the detailed Exchange release notes or view each updated package below:

  • Iovation TAF - Version 1.5 - Corrected version number mismatch in service definition.

    VixVerify GreenID - Version 4.2 - Updated readme.html to Temenos branding.

Journey Analytics

We are pleased to announce the latest release of Journey Analytics is ready! The enhancements improve existing functionality and incorporate the following updates.

Read the detailed Journey Analytics release notes or check the main release features.

  • Multi-tenancy support - In 23.04 Journey Analytics is ready to support multi-tenanted Journey Manager instances via Organisations. Any issues around Segmentation of Journey Analytics data is also isolated by Organisation.

  • Queue processing improvements - Improvements have been made to task processing in our GCP queues to provide better error logging and clean up of old tasks.

  • EventConsumer API Changes - All EventConsumer APIs have been hardened in this release. Going forward, the following information is required, otherwise an HTTP 400 Bad Request status code will be returned:

    • tmInstance in request JWTs

    • customerId in request JWTs

    • organization, space, form and formVersion data for form analytics payloads

    • The following EventConsumer API requests are affected:

      • Metadata: receives data about the Form or Job sent when a user session begins

      • Session: receives data about each user session for a form transaction

      • Analytics: receives data about user actions during a form transaction

      • Job: receives data about Job events during a Job transaction

  • Benchmarking design - Initial conceptual design for Benchmarking has begun and will continue into 23.10.

  • Legacy Dashboard deprecated - The Legacy Dashboard has been removed from the code base and is no longer available to clients. Public documentation has been updated to remove content for the Legacy Dashboard.

What's Fixed

This release includes the following fixes:

  • Faster load time for Scope Selector data

  • Updated the design for empty charts in the Dashboard Completion History and Current Activity for a better UX

  • Increased the number of concurrent server requests possible

  • Previously unreported Safari users on iPad are now being identified more accurately

  • Completion History documentation improved

  • Updated old UI screenshots in public documentation.

Journey Workspaces

This Journey Workspaces release introduces many exciting new Workspaces features and enhancements, and a brand new Journey Applicants app. Read the Journey Workspaces release notes to learn about all the new features, improvements, and bug fixes in this release.

Key new features and enhancements:

  • Improved UI and UX: Journey Workspaces and Journey Applicants have a fresh new user interface and improved user experience.
  • Table row expansion: Expand table rows on the List, displaying additional information as a custom card.
  • Dedicated application and task panes: An improved application details screen with dedicated panes for application- and task-level content.
  • New task switcher: A new task switcher makes switching between tasks in an application seamless.
  • Consolidated notes: A dedicated Notes card brings all notes added across an application together in one location.
  • Reply to notes: A new comments feature lets users reply to any application note and view all the replies as a threaded conversation.
  • Simplified application timeline: A streamlined application timeline feature that displays just the different stages of application progression.
  • Custom card enhancements: Including:
  • Error framework improvements: The error reporting framework provides additional information about mapping field configuration errors.
  • Receipt improvements: Improvements to the receipts data source to ensure Workspaces users can view receipts across the application.
  • Mobile responsive design: A fully responsive Journey Applicants app for desktop and mobile in both landscape and portrait orientations.
  • Improved modal windows: Modal window improvements include an optimized viewing area based on its content type.
  • Material icons: Configuration now supports using any Material icons in Journey Workspaces and Journey Applicants.
  • Data source improvements: Configure the Workspaces List screen using data from job properties in addition to the transaction metadata.
  • On-screen configuration editor: Improvements to the experimental on-screen Workspaces configuration editor including a preview of changes.

Next, learn more about the Temenos Journey Manager platform.