All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbandonmentService |
Provides utility methods for submission abandonment.
AbandonmentService.AbandonMode |
AbstractDao |
Provides an abstract Data Access Object (DAO) for entity DAO classes to extend.
AbstractDatabaseVersionService |
Provides an abstract Database version management service.
AbstractDynamicDataHandler |
Provides an abstract DynamicDataHandler to enable sharing of common code.
AbstractDynamicDataWebService |
Provides an abstract Web Service end point form PDF forms using Dynamic Data.
AbstractEmailService |
Provides an abstract Email Service.
AbstractEmailService.EmailFormat |
Provide an Email Format instance for use in Velocity templates.
AbstractEmailService.TempForm |
Deprecated. |
AbstractEmailService.TempSubmission |
Deprecated. |
AbstractEmailService.TempSubmissionExtractData |
Deprecated. |
AbstractEmailService.TempUser |
Deprecated. |
AbstractFluentService |
Provides an abstract Fluent Groovy service.
AbstractGroovyService |
Provides an abstract Groovy service which implement common properties.
AbstractJob |
Provides an abstract Quartz Job class.
AbstractJobActionService |
Provides an abstract Job Action Service.
AbstractRenderReceiptService |
Provides an abstract PDF receipt rendering service for subclasses to implement.
AbstractRestServlet |
Provides an abstract REST service Servlet.
AbstractService |
Provides an abstract SharePoint service class to be extended by concrete SharePoint service implementations.
AbstractSubmissionDataStorageService |
Provides an abstract submission data storage service class.
AccessLogFilter |
Deprecated. |
AccountNotActiveException |
Provides an exception used to denote that a user account is inactive.
AccountUserDetails |
Provides an AccountUser UserDetails adaptor.
AccountUserDetails |
Provide an AccountUserDetails value object class.
AccountUserDetailsChecker |
Provides pre-authentication checks for a SmartForm Manager user record stored in the local database.
AccountUserDetailsService |
Provides a service class to access user details.
AcroFormRenderReceiptService |
Provides an iText AcroForm PDF Receipt Rendering service.
ActionContext |
Provide a Job Action execution context.
ActionDef |
Provides an immutable Action configuration class.
ActionPropertiesMap |
Provides an ActionStepProperties map adaptor.
ActionResult |
Provides the Job Action result class.
ActionResult.Status |
The delivery status values.
ActionStepProperties |
Provides a class to resolve action step properties.
AddAttachmentFileHandler |
Provides an add attachment file operation dynamic data handler.
AGLSFormMetaDataService |
Provides an AGLS implementation of the form meta data rendering service.
AmazonHSMLoginUtils |
Provides a utility class that logins to the HSM.
AmazonHSMSubmissionDataStorageService |
Deprecated. |
AmazonKMSSubmissionDataStorageService |
Deprecated. |
AmazonS3SubmissionDataStorageService |
Deprecated. |
AnonymousUserProvider |
Provides information around the anonymous user.
AppDocUtils |
Provides Unified Application Document utility methods.
ApplicationClientProperty |
Provides an association between an application package and a client property.
ApplicationConnection |
Provides an association between an application package and a service connection.
ApplicationDelivery |
Provides an association between an application package and a delivery channel.
ApplicationEmailException |
Provides an email-related exception.
ApplicationException |
Provides the base SmartForm Manager application exception.
ApplicationFileUploadException |
Provides an exception related to errors during electronic attachment upload.
ApplicationForm |
Provides an entity describing a relationship between an application package and a form.
ApplicationFormDao |
Provides a DAO for the ApplicationForm entity.
ApplicationPackage |
Provides an entity containing information about applications (sets of related services and forms belonging to the same organization).
ApplicationPackageArchiveService |
Provides a application package archive export and import service.
ApplicationPackageArchiveService.ImportOption |
Various import options controlling which entities will be imported
ApplicationPackageDao |
Provides a DAO for the ApplicationPackage entity.
ApplicationPackageService |
ApplicationService |
Provides an association between an application package and a service definition.
ApplicationServiceDao |
Provides a DAO for the ApplicationService entity.
AppPkgTestRunner |
Provides a FormCommandHander Test Runner class.
AsyncMessageService |
Provides a Submission Asynchronous Message service service.
Attachment |
Provides an attachment entity used to model supporting documentation for a submission.
Attachment |
Provide a Attachment element for representing Form Submission file attachments.
AttachmentDao |
Provides a DAO for the Attachment entity.
AttachmentService |
Provides user document service for managing uploaded file attachments.
AttachmentSummaryUtils |
Provides methods to create attachment summary XML data.
AttachmentViewServlet |
Provide an attachments download servlet for users reviewing their attachments.
Auditable |
Provides a marker interface for entities which should be audited.
AuditLog |
Provides an audit log entity used to track changes made to sensitive data.
AuditLogDao |
Provides a DAO for the AuditLog entity.
AuditLogService |
Provides an audit log service.
AuthenticationProvider |
Provides an security Authentication Provider configuration entity.
AuthenticationProviderDao |
Provides a Security Authentication Provider Data Access Object (DAO) class.
AuthenticationServiceImpl |
Provides an authentication service implementation.
AuthProviderParameter |
Provides an security Authentication Provider configuration Parameter entity.
AwsHsmDataEncryptor |
Provides a AWS HSM submission data encryption class.
AwsKmsDataEncryptor |
Provides an AWS KMS submission data encryptor class.
AWSServiceClient |
Provides AWS SQS service client for use with the System Event Publisher
AwsSubmissionDataStorageService |
Provides an AWS Submission Data Storage Service which uses the RDS to store submission XML data, and S3 to store
binary PDF receipts and file attachments.
AzureKeyVaultDataEncryptor |
Azure KeyVault Submission Data Encryptor Implementation Class.
AzureServiceClient |
Provides an Azure service client for use with the System Event Publisher
AzureSubmissionDataStorageService |
Provides an Azure Submission Data Storage Service which stores submission data, binary PDF receipts and file attachments to the Azure
blob storage facility.
BackgroundSaveHandler |
Provides an background save operation dynamic data handler.
BadRequestException |
Provides a HTTP 400 Bad Request exception class.
BaseArchiveService |
Provides the base class for the set of archive services.
BaseDao |
Provides the base Data Access Object (DAO) for entity DAO classes to extend.
BaseEntity |
Provides a base CayenneDataObject for application entity classes to extend.
BaseH2TestCase |
BaseJob |
Provides an abstract stateful Quartz Job class for Job classes to extend.
BaseService |
Provides base service classes for application services classes to extend
BaseService |
Provides the base service for service classes to extend.
BaseServlet |
Provides a base servlet for other servlet to extend.
BlankTestReceiptService |
Provides a Blank PDF receipt rendering service for use by forms developers running SFM locally on their
own computer without Adobe LiveCycle.
BuildProperties |
Provides build time server properties.
ByteArrayDataSource |
Provides a DataSource implementation based on a byte array.
CacheFactory |
Provides a object cache factory class.
Category |
Provides a category for form classification.
CategoryDao |
CaviumHsmDataEncryptor |
Provides an Cavium HSM submission data encryptor class.
CayenneRuntimeFactory |
A factory for creating CayenneRuntime objects.
CayenneService |
Provides a base Cayenne ORM service for service classes to extend.
CayenneTask |
Provide a runnable Cayenne task.
CayenneTestCase |
Provides a Cayenne JUnit TestCase which will initialize a new thread local
DataContext for each executed test.
CayenneTimerTask |
Provide a runnable Cayenne timer task.
CayenneUtils |
Provides Cayenne utility methods.
CdnVelocityTemplateService |
The CdnVelocityTemplateService class is used for click to replace cdn url.
CdnWriter |
Provides Cdn Writer class to do cdn url replacement.
CharsetUtils |
Provides charset encoding utilities.
ClamAVClient |
Provides an ClamAV Scan Engine Virus Scan Service.
ClamAVVirusScanService |
Provides an ClamAV Scan Engine Virus Scan Service.
ClassLoaderCache<E> |
Provide a Class Loader Cache to enable caching singleton variables in the current threads class loader.
ClassloaderUtils |
Provides a class loader utility.
Client |
Provides a client (or organization) entity.
ClientArchiveService |
Provides a client archive export and import service.
ClientArchiveService.ImportOption |
Various import options controlling which entities will be imported
ClientDao |
Provides a DAO for the Client entity.
ClientDataSecurityContext |
Provides thread local Groovy script client security execution context class.
ClientKeystore |
Provides the ClientKeystore entity.
ClientKeystoreDao |
Provides a Client Key Store entity.
ClientKeyStoreService |
Provides a Client key store service.
ClientMetadataValue |
Provides a metadata value associated with a client.
ClientMetadataValueDao |
Provides a DAO for the ClientMetadataValue entity.
ClientPortal |
Provides an association between an organization and a portal.
ClientPortalDao |
Provides a DAO for the ClientPortal entity.
ClientProperty |
Provides a property value associated with a specific client.
ClientPropertyDao |
Provides a DAO for the ClientProperty entity.
ClientReconciliationFile |
Provides an entity that holds payment reconciliation files received from payment gateway providers.
ClientReconciliationFileDao |
Provides a DAO for the Client Reconciliation File entity.
ClientRefData |
The ClientRefData entity.
ClientRefDataDao |
Provides a Dao for the ClientRefData entity.
ClientRefDataData |
ClientRefDataData entity child entity of the ClientRefData that holds the clob value.
ClientRefDataHandler |
Provides a Client Ref Data Handler class.
ClientRefDataQuery |
Provides a class for querying CSV property files for reference data lookup.
ClientRefDataQueryUtils |
provides a utility class for the CsvPropertyQuery
ClientService |
Provides a client service which handles client creation and deletion.
ClientUser |
Provides an entity defining a client user.
CloneService |
Deprecated. |
CloudSubmissionDataStorageService |
Provides a generic cloud submission data storage service abstract class.
Command |
Provides a command value object.
Comment |
Provide a Job or Transaction Comment value object class.
ComposerHtmlFormRenderService |
Provides a Composer HTML Form rendering service to render both the form and the associated HTML resources.
ComposerHtmlResourceFilter |
Provides a Composer HTML Form resource filter.
ComposerImportAction |
Provides a Composer package import summary action.
ComposerImportActionDao |
Provides a ComposerImportAction Data Access Object.
ComposerPackageData |
Provides an entity storing file contents associated with a composer package queue item.
ComposerPackageProviderServlet |
Provides a ComposerPackageLoaderPage callback servlet to return a Composer Package ZIP file.
ComposerPackageProviderUtils |
Provide Composer Package integration utility methods.
ComposerPackageQueue |
Provides an entity describing a form package created by SmartForm Composer
ComposerPackageQueueDao |
Provides a DAO for the ComposerPackageQueue entity.
ComposerReleaseComparator |
Provides a comparator for Composer versions
ComposerSymetricalCipher |
Provides an AES symmetrical encryption utility.
ComposerVersionUtils |
Provides Composer Data Version utility methods.
ConfigurationInitializer |
Provides a utility to load the default database data.
ContentTypeUtils |
Provides utility methods around submission content types.
Contract |
Provides design by contract programming validation functions.
Copy |
Provides a Copy SharePoint web service class.
CopyResult |
Provides a copy operation result class.
CoreConnection |
Provides a core connection wrapper for JDBC Connection interface.
CoreDataSource |
Provides a DataSource wrapper for JDBC DataSource interface to enable configuring JDBC query timeouts.
CoreJNDIDataSourceFactory |
Provides a core Cayenne JNDIDataSourceFactory class.
CoreUtils |
Provides FC core utility methods.
CsrfHeaderFilter |
Provide a Spring filter that adds the CSRF token to the XSRF-TOKEN cookie
CsvReader |
Provides a stream based parser for parsing delimited text data from a file or a
CurrencyUtils |
Provides currency conversion utility methods using BigDecimal operations.
CurrentVersionSelectorService |
Provides a service that returns the current form version unless the request parameter Params.REQUEST_FORM_VERSION is set and specifies a valid version number.
CustomPerformanceFilter |
Provides a custom Click Performance Filter which sets additional XSS protection HTTP Headers.
DaoFactory |
Provides a factory class for the SmartForm Manager DAOs.
DatabaseConfigService |
Provides a utility to load database configurations from specified XML.
DatabaseSubmissionDataStorageService |
Provides a database based submission data storage service class.
DatabaseUpdater |
Provides an database schema or data change version updater interface.
DatabaseVersionService |
Provides an database version management service for TM.
DataContextFilter |
Provides a servlet filter which binds DataContext objects to the request.
DataDocument |
Provides a platform neutral Data Document data transfer object class for Hessian RPC class.
DataKeystoreRolloverJob |
Executes the submission data purge job.
DataRetentionInfoDao |
Provides a Data Retention Info DAO.
DataRetentionInfoDao.DataInfo |
Provides a Data Retention Info class.
DataRetentionInfoDao.JobStatusGroupInfo |
Provides a job status aggregation group info reporting class
DataRetentionInfoDao.SubStatusGroupInfo |
Provides a submission status aggregation group info reporting class
DataRetentionInfoDao.SubStatusGroupInfoComparator |
Provides sub status group info comparator
DataRetentionInfoDao.TableSize |
Provides a Table Size class.
DataRetentionManagementServiceImpl |
Provides an implementation class for log purge services.
DataRetentionUtils |
Provides utility methods for calculating data retention policies.
DataSourceProvider |
Provides access to a ThreadLocal JDBC DataSource object.
DataStorageUtils |
Provides submission data storage service utility methods.
DataUtils |
This class provides utility methods used by DAOs around data manipulation.
DbVersionUpdate |
Provides an entity describing an automated update operation on the SmartForm Manager database.
DbVersionUpdateDao |
Provides a DAO for the DbVersionUpdate entity.
DeleteRequest |
Provides a DELETE Request class for performing simple HTTP request operations.
DeliveryCheckpointService |
Provides service for using submission delivery process checkpoints for creating robust multi-step delivery processes.
DeliveryDetails |
Provides an entity describing how and where a submission shall be delivered.
DeliveryDetailsDao |
Provides a DAO for the DeliveryDetails entity.
DeliveryEscalationJob |
Reminds client administrators of unacknowledged submissions.
DeliveryException |
Provides a submission delivery exception which can specify the error handling behaviour.
DeliveryFuncResult |
Provides a Fluent submission delivery function result class.
DeliveryFuncResultBuilder |
Provides a DeliveryFuncResult builder class.
DeliveryFunctionProcessor |
Provides Delivery Function execution capabilities.
DeliveryResult |
Provides a Submission Delivery Process Service result class, which can be returned by the IDeliveryProcessService .
DeliveryResult.Status |
The delivery status values.
DeliveryUtils |
Provides utility methods around submission and attachment delivery.
DeploymentProperty |
Provides an entity holding a deployment property.
DeploymentProperty.TxnUpdaterReturnBehavior |
DeploymentPropertyDao |
Provides a DAO for the DeploymentProperty entity.
DocumentType |
Provides a document type entity on which attachments are based.
DocumentTypeDao |
Provides a DAO for the DocumentType entity.
DocuSignClient |
Provides a DocuSign service client class.
DocuSignClientV2 |
Provides a DocuSign service client class.
DocuSignException |
Provides a DocuSign service exception class.
DocuSignRecipient |
Provides a DocuSign envelope Recipient class.
DocuSignUtils |
Provides a constants and utility functions for DocuSign services.
DropDownListUtils |
Provides a utility class for creating Composer Drop Down List values.
DuplicateSubmissionException |
Provides an exception indicating that a form instance was unexpectedly submitted multiple times.
DynamicDataHandler |
Provides an dynamic data operation dynamic data handler.
DynamicDataSubmissionResponse |
Provides a Dynamic Data service submission response builder.
EmailConfirmationHandler |
Provides an email confirmation operation dynamic data handler.
EmailDeliveryReminderJob |
Resends reminders for unacknowledged submissions.
EmailQueue |
Provides an email queue entry that can be queued and automatically retried.
EmailQueueDao |
Provides a DAO for the EmailQueue entity.
EmailQueueData |
Provides an email queue compressed body data entity.
EmailQueueJob |
Sends emails in the email queue
EmailQueueServiceImpl |
Provides an email queue service implementation.
EmailReceiptHandler |
Provides an email receipt operation dynamic data handler.
EmailSavedFormHandler |
Provides an email saved form handler operation dynamic data handler.
EmailService |
Provides an SMTP Email Service for backwards compatibility.
EmailService.EmailFormat |
Provide an Email Format instance for use in Velocity templates.
EmailShareFormHandler |
Provides an email share form operation dynamic data handler.
EmailVerificationServlet |
Processes email verification responses from users and redirects them to the Account Pending page.
EmbeddedAttachment |
Provides a Embedded Attachment value object that can be serialised via the network.
EncodingUtils |
Provides utility methods around string encoding.
EntityArchiveUtils |
Provides utility methods to copy attributes between entity data objects and XML element child element values.
EntityArchiveUtils.Property |
A property class.
EntityCacheGroups |
Provides a set of constants used for caching.
EntityStatusFilter |
Provides a servlet filter to check the availability status of various JM entities.
ErrorHandlerFilter |
ErrorLog |
Provides an error log entry, including detailed information such as the stack trace.
ErrorLogDao |
Provides a DAO for the ErrorLog entity.
ErrorLogData |
Provides an entity to encapsulate sensitive submission XML data related to an error log entry.
ErrorLoggerSvc |
Provides an ErrorLog Service.
ErrorLogService |
Provides an ErrorLog Service.
ErrorLogService.JsonLog |
Provides an ErrorLog JSON message.
EventLog |
Provides an event log entry with a severity indicator and a message.
EventLogDao |
Provides a DAO for the EventLog entity.
EventLogService |
Provides event log service including error, warning and info events.
ExchangeEmailService |
Provides an Microsoft Exchange Email Service.
ExecutionContext |
Provides the Execution Context utility.
Exposed |
FastStringBuffer |
Provides a unsyncronized StringBuffer.
FileAttach |
Provide a Transaction File Attachment value object class.
FileItem |
Provides a file item class.
FilenameExtensionFilter |
Provides a file name extension filter.
FileSystemSubmissionDataStorageService |
Provides a submission data storage service which stores file attachments on the file system.
FileSystemTransactionHistoryPublisher |
Publish transaction history records to a file system directory.
FileUpload |
Provides an entity containing information about a file uploaded to SmartForm Manager.
FileUploadAttachmentMetadata |
Provides a FileUploadAttachmentMetadata class for use with FormDynamicDataService REST calls.
FileUploadDao |
Provides a DAO for the FileUpload entity.
FileUploadData |
Provides an entity storing the file contents of a file upload.
FileUtils |
Provides File utility methods.
FluentDeliveryProcessService |
Provides a Fluent API Groovy script delivery process service.
FluentDynamicDataService |
Provides a Fluent Groovy API Form Dynamic Data service.
FluentEmailService |
Provides a Fluent API Groovy Email service.
FluentFormPrefillService |
Provides a Fluent Groovy API Form Prefill Service.
FluentFormSavedProcessor |
Provides a Fluent API Groovy script Form Saved Processor.
FluentFormSecurityFilterService |
Provides a Fluent Groovy API Form Security Filter Service.
FluentFormVersionSelectorService |
Provides a service that returns the form version to be used in rendering.
FluentFunctionService |
Provides a Fluent Function service.
FluentFunctionsProvider |
This class provides fluent functions which can be executed for a given trigger and submission.
FluentGroovyService |
Provides a Fluent API Groovy Service.
FluentJobActionService |
Provides a Fluent Job Action service.
FluentMediaTypeScanService |
Provides service for scanning file attachments media type.
FluentReceiptNumberService |
Provides a Fluent Groovy script receipt number service.
FluentRenderReceiptService |
Provides a Fluent Render Receipt Service for generating customized PDF receipt documents.
FluentScheduledService |
Provides a Fluent API Groovy script scheduled service.
FluentSecurityUtils |
Provides utility methods for handling security through Fluent APIs.
FluentSubmissionCompletedProcessor |
Provides a Fluent API Groovy script Submission Completed Processor.
FluentSubmissionDataValidator |
Provides a Fluent API Groovy script submission data validator.
FluentSubmissionPreprocessor |
Provides a Fluent API Groovy script Submission Preprocessor.
FluentTaskExpiryService |
Provides a Fluent API Groovy task expiry service which is called by TM when as task has expired.
FluentTrackingNumberService |
Provides a Fluent API Groovy script Tracking Number generation service.
FluentTransactionHistoryPublisher |
Provides a Fluent API Groovy script Transaction History publish service.
FluentUserAuthenticationProvider |
Provides a Fluent script based User Authentication Provider class.
FluentVirusScanService |
Provides a Fluent Virus Scan Service.
Folder |
Provides a folder entity used in Maestro to group form designs.
FolderDao |
Provides a DAO for the Folder entity.
Form |
Provides a form entity encompassing a form template as well as configuration.
Form |
Provide a Form value object class.
FormArchive |
Provides a Composer Form Archive POJO.
FormArchiveCache |
Provides a Composer Form Archive in memory cache.
FormArchivePreprocessor |
Provides a FormArchive rendering preprocessor to optimize the form archive for the given render options and
resource context.
FormArchiveUtils |
Provides a service to create a Form Archive POJO from the given FAR byte array.
FormArchiveValidationException |
Provides a Form Archive valdiation exception.
FormatUtils |
Provides utility methods around string formatting.
FormBean |
A java bean to store all associated form property.
FormBeanValidator |
Provides a Validator for the FormBean.
FormCategory |
Provides an association between a form version and a category.
FormCommandHandler |
Provides a Form Command Handler class to provide an improved Form HTTP API.
FormCommandProcessor |
Provides a Form Command Processor class which is responsible for performing the form command business logic.
FormDao |
Provides a DAO for the Form entity.
FormDataService |
Provides a service to create the form XML model to render with the form.
FormDesign |
Provides a form design entity used in Maestro.
FormDesignDao |
FormDesignListener |
Provides a Cayenne listener for the FormDesign entity.
FormDesignVersion |
Provides a version entity for form designs used in Maestro.
FormDesignVersionDao |
FormDesignVersionInclude |
Provides a join between a form design version and a library include used in Maestro.
FormDesignVersionProperty |
Provides a version property value entity for form design versions used in Maestro.
FormDesignVersionPropertyDao |
FormDynamicDataServlet |
Provides a servlet that will process dynamic form data requests made by HTML Forms.
FormFuncResult |
Provides a Fluent form function result class.
FormFunction |
Provides an form function entity.
FormFunctionsExecutor |
Provides a Fluent Form Functions Executor class which will execute the configured fluent functions for the
specified trigger type.
FormGroup |
Provides an entity defining a form group.
FormNameFilter |
Provides a servlet filter which filters form names and paths.
FormPageTracking |
Provides an annotation to mark portal pages for injection of additional tracking content at render time.
FormPageTrackingInterceptor |
Provides a form page tracking Click interceptor which will add form page
tracking content to the page model if the page is annotated with the
FormPageTracking and the form has a page tracking configured.
FormPageTrackingUtils |
Provides utility method to render 3rd party form page tracking content.
FormPortal |
Provides an association between a form and a portal.
FormPortalDao |
FormPrefillService |
Provides a service to get the form pre-population data for the given form and request.
FormReceiptSequence |
Provides a sequence used in receipt number generation.
FormReceiptSequenceDao |
Provides a DAO for the FormReceiptSequence entity.
FormRenderServlet |
The SmartForm Manager Form Rendering servlet.
FormServerPerformanceData |
Provides a Form Server Performance Data class to store server performance info.
FormServerPerformanceMetrics |
Provides health status metrics to store health status snapshots information.
FormService |
Provides Form creation and template version creation services.
FormStartHandler |
Provides a form start operation dynamic data handler.
FormSubmissionAccessController |
Provide a submission access controller service.
FormUtils |
Provides miscellaneous form related utility methods.
FormVersionArchiveService |
Provides a form and template version archive export and import service.
FormVersionArchiveService.ImportOption |
Various import options controlling which entities will be imported
FormWorkerController |
Provides a Form Worker Controller class to protect access to constrained resources.
FormWorkerController.RenderMetric |
Provides a rendering metric information class which parallels what is recorded in the request_log.
FormXmlCrypto |
Provides form XML data encryption and decryption functions.
FormXmlCrypto.CryptoException |
Provides a crypto exception.
FuncParam |
Provides a Fluent function parameter class.
FuncResult |
Provides a base Fluent function result class to return function invocation results.
GetAttachmentFileHandler |
Provides an get attachment file operation dynamic data handler.
GetAttachmentListHandler |
Provides an get attachment list operation dynamic data handler.
GetRequest |
Provides a GET Request class for performing simple HTTP request operations.
GoogleTwoFactorAuthenticationService |
Provides a service verifying a Google Authenticator token.
GroovyDeliveryProcessService |
Provides a Groovy Script based submission delivery process.
GroovyDynamicDataService |
Provides a dynamic form data service invoking a Groovy script.
GroovyEmailService |
Provides a Groovy Email service.
GroovyFormPrefillService |
Provides an Groovy Script based Form Prefill Service.
GroovyFormSavedProcessor |
Provides a GroovyScript form saved processor service.
GroovyFormSecurityFilterService |
Provides a templated Groovy-based implementation of the form security filter.
GroovyFormVersionSelectorService |
Provides a service that returns the form version to be used in rendering.
GroovyJobActionService |
Provides a Groovy Job Action Service.
GroovyLogger |
Provides a Groovy Logger class for logging information during the execution of Groovy scripts.
GroovyLogService |
Provides a Groovy Service Logging service.
GroovyReceiptNumberService |
Calculates receipt numbers by evaluating a Groovy script.
GroovyRenderReceiptService |
Provides a Groovy Script Render Receipt Service for generating customized PDF receipt documents.
GroovyScheduledService |
Provides a Groovy script based scheduled service.
GroovyScriptContext |
Provides thread local Groovy script execution context class.
GroovyScriptException |
Provides a Groovy Script execution exception class.
GroovyScriptRuntime |
Provides Groovy Script execution utility methods.
GroovyScriptTypeChecker |
Provides Groovy Script type checker.
GroovyServiceImpl |
Provide an interface to invoke arbitrary Groovy services.
GroovyServiceLog |
Provides a Groovy Service invocation logging entity.
GroovyServiceLogDao |
Provides a Groovy Service Log DAO class.
GroovyServiceLogData |
Provides a Groovy Service Logging data entity.
GroovySubmissionCompletedProcessor |
Provides a GroovyScript Submission Form Status 'Completed' Processor service.
GroovySubmissionDataValidator |
Provides a Groovy script submission data validation service.
GroovySubmissionPreprocessor |
Provides a GroovyScript Submission Preprocessor service.
GroovyTaskExpiryService |
Provides a Groovy Script Task Expiry service.
GroovyTestUtils |
Provides GroovyTest Utility methods.
GroovyThreadListener |
Provides a Groovy Thread listener to setup execution context information for Groovy Scripts on a separate
execution thread.
GroovyTrackingNumberService |
Create a tracking number by evaluating a Groovy script.
GroovyUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider |
Provides a Groovy script based UserDetails Authentication Provider class.
Group |
Provides a group entity that users can belong to.
Group |
Provide a Group value object class.
GroupAgentLock |
The Class GroupAgentLock.
GroupAgentLockDao |
The Class ServerHealthStatusMetricsDao.
GroupArchiveService |
Provides a group archive export and import service.
GroupDao |
Provides a DAO for the Group entity.
GroupGrantedAuthority |
Provides an Group GrantedAuthority adaptor.
H2Test |
Provides an in-memory H2 Test Case.
H2TestCase |
Deprecated. |
HeaderFilter |
Provides a servlet filter which adds settings to the header of a response.
HistoryNamedQueries |
Provides the available Cayenne named queries.
HostedPaymentCallback |
HostedPaymentCancel |
HostedPaymentError |
HostedPaymentForm |
Provides a credit card payment form.
HostedPaymentResponse |
HostedPaymentServlet |
Provides a servlet that handles payment responses from a hosted payment service.
HostedPaymentServlet.CALLBACK_TYPE |
A Enum to represent the payment callback types
HSSFUtils |
Provides HSSF Excel utilities.
HtmlFormRenderServlet |
The HTML Form Rendering servlet.
HttpClientFactory |
Provides factory methods for creating Apache HttpClient objects with system property configurations.
HttpClientUtils |
Provides Apache HttpClient utility methods.
HttpInvokerJob |
Provides a HTTP URI invocation job to send HTTP events to applications
without Quartz scheduling.
HttpRequest |
Provides an abstract HttpRequest class enabling simpler use of the Apache HTTP Components library.
HttpRequest.Method |
The HTTP Methods
HttpResponse |
Provides a HttpResponse value object class.
HybridCloudSubmissionDataStorageService |
Provides Hybrid Cloud submission data storage service class.
IAuthenticationProviderAware |
Provides an interface for authentication providers which are aware of their AuthenticationProvider configuration.
IAuthenticationService |
Provides an plug-able Authentication service interface.
IBindable |
Provides a Groovy script object binding interface.
IComposerHtmlFormRenderService |
Provides a Composer HTML Form rendering service interface to render both the form and the associated HTML resources.
Id |
Provides an entity ID utility methods.
IDataRetentionManagementService |
Provides an interface for submission data purge service.
IDefJsonSerializer |
Provides an interface serializing Job, Step and Action Definition objects as a JSON text.
IDeliveryProcessService |
Provides a service interface for the submission delivery process.
IDPropertyComparator |
Provides an ID property comparator class.
IDPropertyComparatorDesc |
Provides an ID property comparator class.
IDynamicDataHandler |
Provides a FormDynamicDataServlet dynamic data operation handler.
IDynamicDataService |
Provides a service interface for looking up dynamic form data.
IEmailQueueService |
Provides an email queue service interface.
IEmailService |
Provides an Email Service interface.
IEntity |
Provides an interface for the base Entity
IFileBasedReconciliation |
Provides an interface to define the contract of behavior that a payment gateway need to support to
be able to support a file based reconciliation process.
IFindDeliveryProcessIDService |
Provides a service which will find the delivery process ID for the given submission.
IFluentFunction |
Provides a Fluent Function interface for executing server side Transact Application logic.
IFluentService |
Provides a Fluent Service invocation interface.
IFormMetaDataService |
Provides a form meta data rendering service.
IFormPDFPreRenderService |
Provides an interface for pre-rendering the XFA form templates converting them into a PDF form and updating the
IFormSavedProcessor |
Provides a form saved processor service interface.
IFormSecurityFilterService |
Provides a pluggable filter service than can perform access checks prior to the FormSubmissionAccessController being invoked
IFormServer |
Provides the FormServer Interface.
IFormSubmissionAccessController |
Provide a submission access controller service.
IFormSubmissionAccessController.AccessPermission |
The form access permission.
IFormSubmissionAccessController.AccessStatus |
The security access status to the submission.
IFormSubmissionAccessController.JsAppAccessStatus |
The JsApp security access status to the submission.
IFormVersionSelectorService |
Provides a service interface to select the appropriate form version at form request time.
IGroovyService |
Provide an interface to invoke arbitrary Groovy services.
IGroovyThreadListener |
Provides a listener interface for Groovy Thread lifecycle events which will be invoked only if the Groovy script
not executed on the current thread.
IHostedPaymentService |
This interface defines a payment service which can be used to implement hosted payment page payment scenarios.
IJMImportOption |
Provides an interface for the import option enums used by JM archive services ({@see BaseArchiveService})
IJobActionService |
Provides a Job Action and Expiry service interface.
IJobController |
Provides the Job Controller service interface which orchestrates the job workflow.
IJobProcessor |
Provides a Job processor service interface called by the Job Controller schedule job to process all transactions.
IMediaTypeScanService |
Provides an interface for scanning file attachments media type.
ImportAction |
Provides an entity describing an archive import action.
ImportAction.ImportType |
ImportActionDao |
Provides an ImportAction Data Access Object.
ImportActionData |
Provides an entity containing file data for an archive import action.
ImportActionDetail |
Provides an entity containing a detail message about an archive import action.
ImportActionService |
Provides a service for import action objects.
ImportResult |
Provides an import bean containing information about a successfully completed import action.
ImportResult.ImportType |
The import type
ImportValidationException |
Provides an exception indicating that an import archive could not be validated.
InsightsEventPublisher |
Provides a Insights event publisher class.
InsightsEventPublisher.EventType |
The Insights Event Types.
InsightsFormHelper |
Provides a Transact Insights Helper object to get Google Service Account OAuth2 access tokens and store transaction metadata.
InsightsJobs |
A static convenience API that consumes InsightsEventPublisher
to publish Collab Job status events to Insights
IOfflineContextLoadService |
Provides a service interface for an offline context load.
IPaymentGatewayService |
Provides a generic payment service interface.
IPaymentsReminderService |
Provides an interface for payment reminder service.
IPortalAware |
Provides an interface for authentication providers which are aware of their Portal.
IReceiptNumberService |
Provides receipt numbers for submissions.
IRemoteAuditService |
Provides an interface for the remote audit services.
IRenderFormService |
Provides an interface for render form service.
IRenderReceiptDocument |
Provides an interface for generating a PDF receipt as a byte array.
IRenderReceiptService |
Provides an interface to render PDF receipt documents.
IScheduledService |
Provides a service definition interface which can be invoked by the ScheduledServiceJob.
ISecurityManagerAware |
Provides an interface for authentication providers which are aware of their SecurityManager.
ISecurityManagerService |
Provides a Security Manager service interface.
IServerHealthStatusService |
Provides the Interface IServerHealthStatusService.
IServiceDefinitionAware |
Provides an interfaces for services which are aware of their ServiceDefinition.
ISubmissionCompletedProcessor |
Provides a submission completed processor service interface.
ISubmissionDataEncryptor |
Provides an interface to perform submission data encryption and decryption.
ISubmissionDataExtractionService |
Provides a service to extract the XML data document from the form submission.
ISubmissionDataStorageService |
Provides a submission data storage interface.
ISubmissionDataValidator |
Provides a submission data validation service.
ISubmissionDeliveryController |
Provides an interface for Submission delivery service.
ISubmissionEmailVerificationService |
Provides an form submission email verification service interface.
ISubmissionPreprocessorService |
Provides a service that is called before a submission is stored.
ISubmissionReceiptService |
Provide an interface for the background submission PDF receipt service.
ISubmissionService |
Provides a submission service.
ISysEventPublisher |
Provides a System Event Publisher interface which is used to publish system event messages
ITaskExpiryProcessService |
The Interface ITaskExpiryProcessService.
ITestSuiteService |
Provides a services test suite to run a set of unit tests.
ITestSuiteService.TestResult |
Provides a unit test result class.
ITrackingNumberService |
Provides a transaction tracking number service interface.
ITransactionAbandonmentService |
Provides the interface for services who abandon submissions.
ITransactionHistoryCreationService |
Provides the interface for services who create transaction history records.
ITransactionHistoryPublisher |
Provides a Transaction History Publisher service interface which is used to publish transaction history data to
customer's data warehouse.
ITransactionHistoryPublisherService |
Provides a Transaction History Publisher service interface which is used to publish transaction history data to
customer's data warehouse.
ITransactionProcessor |
Provides a transaction processor service interface.
ITwoFactorAuthenticationService |
Provides a service to verify additional authentication factors (excluding the password) and enrol users for additional authentication factors securely via email.
IUnitTestableService |
Provides a Unit Testable Service interface
IUserQuery |
Provides an interface to determine whether a user exists with the implementing AuthenticationProvider.
IVirusScanService |
Provides an interface for scanning file attachments.
JCacheJMConfigurationFactory |
JCacheJMManagerProvider |
JCacheQueryCacheTraceWrapper |
A QueryCache decorator that adds extra debugging information.
Job |
Provides a Collaboration Job entity.
Job |
Provide a Job value object class.
Job.StepActionsComparator |
Provides a Job Step Actions Comparator.
JobAction |
Provides a transaction job action entity.
JobAction |
Provide a Job Action value object class.
JobActionDao |
Provides a Collaboration Job Action DAO class.
JobActionUtils |
Provides a utility class with common methods called by Job Action Services.
JobActionWaitService |
Provides a 'Job Action Wait' Action Service.
JobAndTrigger |
Defines the Job and Trigger object for quartz.
JobComment |
Provides a job comment entity.
JobControllerJob |
Provides a Quartz Job for processing Collaboration Jobs.
JobControllerService |
Provides a Collaboration Job Controller service.
JobDao |
Provides a DAO for the Collaboration Job entity.
JobDef |
Provides an immutable Job definition configuration class.
JobDeliveryService |
Provides a 'Job Delivery' Action Service.
JobDeliveryWaitService |
Provides a 'Job Delivery Wait' Action Service.
JobEventLog |
Provides a transaction job event entity.
JobEventLogDao |
JobEventLogService |
Provides a Job Event Logging service.
JobFormStartService |
Provides a 'Job Form Start' Action Service.
JobFunctions |
Provides Job Definition functions which can be called during the evaluation of a job definition.
JobGroup |
The JobGroup is a link table between the Job and the Group.
JobHistory |
Provides a job history audit entity class.
JobProcessMessageService |
Provides a 'Job Processing Message' Action Service.
JobProcessorService |
Provides a Job Processor Service for processing all Collaboration Jobs
JobProperty |
Provides a property (name/value pair) entity for a job.
JobPropertyDao |
JobReceiptWaitService |
Provides a 'Job Receipt Wait' Service.
JobStatusHistory |
Provides a history record of a job or job step status change.
JobStatusHistoryDao |
Provides a DAO for the Collaboration Job Status History entity.
JobStatusLifecycleListener |
Provides an Cayenne Lifecycle listener that logs status history entries when job or job step statuses change.
JobStep |
Provides a Collaboration Job Step entity.
JobStep |
Provide a Job Step value object class.
JobStep.ActionsComparator |
Provides a JobStep Actions Comparator.
JobStepDao |
Provides a DAO for the JobStep entity.
JobTaskAssignActionBuilder |
Provides a Job Task Assign Action Builder class using fluent interface design.
JobTaskAssignService |
Provides a 'Job Task Assign' Action Service.
JobTaskWaitService |
Provides a 'Job Task Wait' Action Service.
JsAppComposerRenderAdapter |
Provides IComposerHtmlFormRenderService interface adaptor for the JsAppFormRenderService.
JsAppDeployService |
Provides a JS App type deployment service.
JsAppDeployService.FormDataConfig |
Provides the JS App manifest Form Data Config.
JsAppDeployService.FormDef |
Provides the JS App manifest Form Definition.
JsAppDeployService.FormVersion |
Provides the JS App manifest Form Version.
JsAppFilter |
Provides a JS App filter class.
JsAppFormRenderService |
Provides a JS App Form rendering service to render the application HTML document.
JsAppRenderServlet |
Provides the JS App form rendering servlet.
JsAppUtils |
Provides JS App servlet utility functions.
JsonBuilder |
Deprecated. |
JsonSerializerUtils |
Provides a utility class for rendering JobDef, StepDef and ActionDef to build JSON output.
JUnitTestException |
Provides a runtime exception for unit testing.
LdapUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider |
Provides a configurable LDAP Local UserDetails Authentication Provider.
LdapUserQuery |
Provides an LDAP User Query authenticating the LDAP user credentials and returning the specified attributes.
LeadRecord |
Provides a Marketo Lead Record class which is used by the MarketClient.
Library |
Provides a resource library entity used in Maestro.
LibraryArchiveService |
Provides a library archive export and import service.
LibraryDao |
Provides a DAO for the Library entity.
LibraryListener |
Provides a Cayenne listener for the Library entity.
LibraryResource |
Provides a resource entity contained in Maestro libraries.
LibraryResourceDao |
Provides a Library Resource Data Access Object class.
LibraryResourceData |
Provides a library resource entity containing binary or text resource data used in Maestro.
LibraryResourceHistory |
Provides a form design library resource history item.
LibraryResourceHistoryDao |
Provides a Library Resource History Data Access Object class.
LibraryShare |
LicensingCellProcessor |
Provides a custom cell processor for licensing.
LicensingDateFormat |
A helper class used in licensing.
Lists |
Provides a Lists SharePoint web service class.
LocalKeystoreDataEncryptor |
Provides a Local database Keystore data encryption class.
LocalProcessRenderReceiptService |
Provides a receipt render service executing a local executable (
omJS, Chromium Puppeteer)
LocalProcessRenderReceiptService.ProcessParams |
LocalUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider |
Provides a Local User Account Authentication Provider.
Logger |
Provides a Logger class for logging information during the execution of Groovy scripts.
LoggerUtils |
Provides logger utilities.
LoginEntryPoint |
Extends Spring security to handle session timeout requests differently for AJAX.
LoginFailureHandler |
Provides a custom failure handler based on SimpleUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler that will increase failed login
attempts, do locking, and finally redirect.
LoginListener |
Provides a listener that reacts to login events.
MaestroVersionUtils |
Provides Maestro Release Version utility methods.
ManagementConsolePermissions |
Provides the permission names used in the TM management console.
MarketoClient |
Provides a Marketo SOAP Web Service API Client.
MarshalUtils |
Provides internal utility function which are not publicly available in the API.
MemoryCache |
Provides an in memory cache for frequently used values.
MetaData |
Provides a meta data element bean.
MetadataListValue |
Provides a valid value of a metadata tag of type list or list hierarchy.
MetadataListValueDao |
Provides a DAO for the MetadataListValue entity.
MetadataService |
Provides a meta data service.
MetadataTag |
Provides an entity defining a metadata tag.
MetadataTagArchiveService |
Provides a metadata tag archive export and import service.
MetadataTagArchiveService.ImportOption |
Various import options controlling which entities will be imported
MetadataTagDao |
Provides a DAO for the MetadataTag entity.
MockEntityService |
Provides service to generate persistent TM entities for use in Groovy Unit Tests.
MockEntityUtils |
This is an internal utility class providing common methods for unit tests.
MockEnvironment |
Provides a Mock Transact Server environment for automated testing purposes.
MockPrincipal |
MockRegistry |
Provides thread local registry for mock HTTP request/response pairs and service/result object pairs.
MockRequest |
Mock implementation of HttpServletRequest.
MockRequestContext |
Provides a mock request context.
MockResponse |
MockServletContext |
MockSubmissionDataStorageService |
Provides a Mock Submission Data Storage Service class removes dependency on external key management services
and JDK crypto policies for running unit tests locally or on CI servers.
NamedQueries |
Provides the available Cayenne named queries.
NopServletContext |
This class provides a servlet context implementation that does nothing.
Notification |
Provides a notification message that is displayed to the users of a specific portal.
NotificationDao |
Provides a DAO for the Notification entity.
NotPortalAccountException |
Provides an exception used to denote an authenticated user account is not associated with the portal.
OAuth2Authenticator |
Provides an oAuth2 authenticator client that can be used by a transact security Manager to authenticate against an oAuth2 provider
like Google.
ObjectConverterService |
Provides a utility object to covert between DataObject and ValueObject
OpenSAMLInitContextListener |
Deals with OpenSAML - initialization during start, etc.
OpenSAMLInitializator |
Initialize OpenSAML framework.
Pair<F,S> |
A strongly typed pair of items.
Params |
Defines parameters shared between the FC projects.
PasswordChangeUtils |
Provides change password page utility methods.
PaymentItem |
Provides an individual line item that is part of a payment made for a submission.
PaymentLog |
Provides a record for a payment made using the SmartForm Manager payment module.
PaymentLog |
Provide a Payment Log value object class.
PaymentLogDao |
Provides a DAO for the PaymentLog entity.
PaymentLogService |
Provides a Payment Log service.
PaymentReminderJob |
Resends reminders for unacknowledged submissions.
PaymentResponseException |
Provides an error that is used during payment when the response from the payment server was unexpected or faulty.
PaymentsReminderServiceImpl |
Provides an implementation class for log purge services.
PDFPluginTag |
Provides a PDF object tag rendering control.
PDFUtils |
A utility class for assisting with the manipulation of flat PDF files.
Permission |
Provides an entity representing the privilege to access restricted content.
PermissionDao |
Provides a DAO for the Permission entity.
PhantomJSRenderReceiptService |
Provides an PhantomJS PDF Receipt Rendering service.
PhantomJSRenderReceiptServiceV2 |
Provides version 2 of the PhantomJS PDF Receipt Rendering service.
PingHandler |
Provides an ping operation dynamic data handler.
Portal |
Provides a SmartForm Manager portal module, generally used for form hosting and rendering.
PortalAccessor |
Provides an access path to the current SmartForm Manager portal.
PortalArchiveService |
Provides a portal archive export and import service.
PortalArchiveService.Option |
The option enum includes various import options for the archive service to perform import and export.
PortalAuthenticationProvider |
Provides a Spring Security Authentication Provider which integrates with TxM Security Manager.
PortalDao |
Provides a DAO for the Portal entity.
PortalInitContextListener |
Provides a servlet context listener to initialize the portal paths.
PortalJavaScriptServlet |
Provides a Servlet which will render a JavaScript classpath based resource specified by the
servlet init-param 'JS_CLASS_PATH', and will substitute the '@{portal.context}@' value replaced by the
PortalPage |
Provides a named portal page.
PortalPageDao |
Provides a DAO for the PortalPage entity.
PortalPageHistory |
Provides a page history for the portal pages.
PortalPageHistoryDao |
Provides a DAO for the PortalPageHistory entity.
PortalPermissions |
Provides the permission names used in the Web Portal.
PortalProperty |
Provides a typed property for a portal.
PortalPropertyDao |
Provides a DAO for the PortalProperty entity.
PortalResource |
Provides a portal resource, such as an image.
PortalResourceDao |
Provides a DAO for the PortalResource entity.
PortalResourceHistory |
Provides a resource history for the portal resources.
PortalResourceHistoryDao |
Provides a DAO for the PortalResourceHistory entity.
PortalUser |
Provides an association between a user account and a portal.
PortalUtils |
Provides utility methods related to portals.
PostRequest |
Provides a POST Request class for performing simple HTTP request operations.
PrefillParamXpathMap |
Provides an entity request parameter prefill to form data model XML XPath map.
PrefillParamXpathMapDao |
Provides a DAO for the PrefillParamXpathMap entity.
PrefillParamXpathMapVO |
Provides a read only Prefill Param Xpath Map value object for performance caching.
PreparedStatementExecutor |
Provide a utility to execute PreparedStatements.
ProcessingStatus |
Provides an entity encapsulating a submission status set by the client.
ProcessingStatusDao |
Provides a DAO for the ProcessingStatus entity.
ProfilingMessage |
Provides a profiling message builder class.
ProfilingPreparedStatement |
Provides a profiling prepared statement class wrapper.
Project |
Provides a project entity containing folders and form designs used in Maestro.
ProjectDao |
Provides a DAO for the Project entity.
ProjectFormTag |
Provides an entity describing a tag of a project or form design version used in Maestro.
ProjectFormTagDao |
ProjectFormTagData |
Provides an entity containing data associated with a tag in Maestro.
ProjectInclude |
Provides a join between a project and a library include in Maestro.
PromotionDao |
Provides a DAO for the PromotionLog entity.
PromotionLog |
Provides a record of a form being promoted to a certain status, such as "Ready For Production".
PropertyComparator |
Provides a object property string comparator.
PropertyComparatorDesc |
Provides a object property string comparator that sorts the list in descending property order.
PropertyData |
Provides a Property Data type SharePoint class.
PropertyPrefillMap |
Provides a property prefill mapping from a property (described by name and scope) to an XPath in a schema seed.
PropertyPrefillMapDao |
Provides a DAO for the PropertyPrefillMap entity.
PropertyPrefillMapVO |
Provides a read only Prefill Param Xpath Map value object for performance caching.
PropertyReader |
Provides a object property reader utilties class.
PropertyType |
Provides a property type that can be assigned concrete values depending on its scope (client, form, user) and data type.
PropertyTypeDao |
Provides a DAO for the PropertyType entity.
PropertyUtils |
Provides Property Utilities.
PropertyValue |
Provides a Property Value type SharePoint class.
PropertyValueDao |
Provides property value lookup support Data Access Object (DAO).
PropertyValueService |
Provide a service for creating and updating property values.
PuppeteerRenderReceiptService |
Use Chromium Puppeteer to render a receipt.
PutRequest |
Provides a PUT Request class for performing simple HTTP request operations.
QuartzUtils |
Provided Quartz scheduler utility methods.
Query |
Provides a SObject SalesForce service class.
QueryTranslatorUtils |
Provides utility methods for Cayenne SelectQuery translators.
RandomFormVersionSelectorService |
Provides a service that returns a random form version unless the request parameter Params.REQUEST_FORM_VERSION is set and specifies a valid version number.
RandomReceiptNumberService |
Provides a Random Receipt Number generation service based on the RandomTrackingNumberService.
RandomTrackingNumberService |
Provides a transaction tracking number service interface.
ReceiptCommandHandler |
Provides a Receipt Form Load Command Handler class to support PDF receipt generation with PhantomJS.
ReceiptCommandServlet |
Provides a Receipt Form Load Command Servlet class to support PDF receipt generation with PhantomJS.
ReceiptDataService |
Provides receipt data handling services.
ReceiptRenderServlet |
The SmartForm Manager PDF Receipt rendering servlet.
ReceiptUtils |
Provides PDF Receipt utility methods.
ReconciliationFile |
Provides a payment Reconciliation File class.
ReconciliationItem |
A class to represent a line item from the reconciliation file.
ReconciliationUtils |
Provides utility methods to support the reconciliation process.
RedirectException |
Provides an redirect exception which can be used to redirect the user to another location.
RedirectException |
Provides an redirect exception which can be used to redirect the user to another location.
RedirectUtils |
Provides utility methods related to HTTP redirect.
RefDataCache |
Provides a Client Ref Data Cache for the ClientRefDataHandler.
ReflectionStringBuilder |
Provides a ReflectionToStringBuilder utility class.
ReleaseVersion |
Provides a release version used in Maestro.
ReleaseVersionDao |
RemoteUserProvider |
Provides information around the currently logged in user.
RemoveAttachmentHandler |
Provides an remove attachment operation dynamic data handler.
RenderReceiptHandler |
Provides an render receipt operation dynamic data handler.
RenderServlet |
Provides a base servlet class for various kind of render servlet.
RenderServlet.RenderContext |
Provides a render context class.
RequestContext |
Provides Servlet API request context object.
RequestContextFilter |
Provides a Filter for associating a RequestContext object with the current
RequestLog |
Provides a record around requests for a form, either for fill-in or receipt rendering.
RequestLogDao |
Provides a DAO for the RequestLog entity.
RequestLogService |
Provides a request log service.
RequestValidator |
Provides request command validation functions.
RequiredAttachment |
Provides an entity representing a SmartForm Manager managed attachment that is presented to the user after submission.
RequiredAttachmentDao |
Provides a DAO for the RequiredAttachmen entity.
RequiredAttachmentMetadata |
Provides a RequiredAttachmentMetadata class for use with FormDynamicDataService REST calls.
ResolveOutstandingPaymentsJob |
Provides a job to resolve any outstanding payments.
ResourceFilter |
Serve and cache static resources such as images, javascript and stylesheets.
ResponseUtils |
Provides HTTP response render utility functions.
RestApplicationPackageV1Servlet |
Provides a Application Package REST API Servlet.
RestDeliveryServiceV1Servlet |
Provides a REST Delivery Service API Servlet.
RestDeliveryServiceV1Servlet.CompleteRequest |
Provides a delivery CompleteRequest class.
RestDeliveryServiceV1Servlet.CompleteRequest.AttachmentRequest |
Provides a delivery AttachmentRequest class.
RestFormGroupsV1Servlet |
Provides a REST Tasks API Servlet.
RestFormGroupsV1Servlet.GroupVO |
Provides a create task request class.
RestGroovyServiceInvokeV1Servlet |
Provides a REST Groovy Service Invoke Servlet.
RestGroovyServiceInvokeV2Servlet |
Provides a REST Groovy Service Invoke Servlet.
RestJsAppDeployV1Servlet |
Provides JS App Deploy REST API Servlet.
RestServiceDefinitionsV1Servlet |
Provides a REST Service Definition API Servlet.
RestTasksV1Servlet |
Provides a REST Tasks API Servlet.
RestTasksV1Servlet.TaskVO |
Provides a create task request class.
RestTestCenterV1Servlet |
Provides a REST Test Center API Servlet.
RestTPacV1Servlet |
Provides a TPac REST API Servlet.
RestTransactionHistoryV1Servlet |
Provides a REST Transaction History API Servlet.
RestTransactionsV1Servlet |
Provides a REST Transactions API Servlet.
RestTransactionsV1Servlet.TaskVO |
Provides a create task request class.
RestTransactionsV1Servlet.UpdateVO |
Provides an update submission request class.
Result |
Provides the FormCmdTestRunner test Result class.
ResultSetProcessor |
Provides a Result Set Processor Interface
Role |
Provides a named collection of access privileges.
Role |
Provide a Role value object class.
RoleArchiveService |
Provides a role archive export and import service.
RoleDao |
Provides a DAO for the Role entity.
RolePermission |
Provides an association between a role and a permission.
RolePermissionDao |
Provides a DAO for the RolePermission entity.
RowData |
Provides a Row Data type SharePoint class.
S3TransactionHistoryPublisher |
Publish transaction history records to the AWS S3 object store.
SafeDeserialiseObjectInputStream |
Provides methods for the safe delserialising of object streams using lookahead method.
SafeRequestWrapper |
Provides an XSS Safe HTTP Request Wrapper which will not XSS unsafe request parameter names and values.
SalesForceClient |
Provides a SalesForce service client class
SalesForceClient |
Provides a SaleForce REST API Client service.
SalesForceConnection |
Provides a SalesForce service connection class.
SalesForceException |
Provides a SalesForce service exception class.
SAML2AttributesParser |
Provides a SAML2 (Security Assertion Markup Language) attribute parser helper class for SSO Filter authentication token scripts.
SAML2AttributesUtils |
Provides utility methods around SAML2 Attributes
SaveChallengeHandler |
Provides an save challenge operation dynamic data handler.
ScheduledJobHistory |
Provides a ScheduledJobHistory entity.
ScheduledJobHistoryDao |
Provides a Scheduled Job History DAO class.
ScheduledJobHistoryService |
Provides a Scheduled Job History logging service.
ScheduledServiceJob |
Provides a Job class to invoke Scheduled Services
SchedulerService |
Provides a schedule service.
SchemaExtractMap |
Provides a data extract mapping, defining elements that are to be extracted from the submitted XML data and stored in the SmartForm Manager database.
SchemaExtractMapBean |
A bean class holding a schema extract mapping contained in a form archive.
SchemaExtractMapDao |
Provides a SchemaExtractMap DAO class.
SchemaExtractMapVO |
Provides a read only Schema Extract Map value object for performance caching.
SchemaSeed |
Provides an entity containing a blank seed file for a form, as well as configuration such as prefill mappings.
SchemaSeedDao |
Provides a DAO for the SchemaSeed entity.
SchemaSeedService |
Provides schema seed related service methods.
SchemaSeedVO |
Provides a read only Schema Seed value object for performance caching.
ScriptValidator |
Provides Groovy Script validation functions.
SearchHashUtils |
Provides search hash utils for submission property and data extract values.
SearchPiiPurgeListener |
Provides a transaction search indexes purge Cayenne lifecycle listener class.
SecureCompilerConfiguration |
Provides a Secure Compiler Configuration.
SecureGroovyCompiler |
Provides a Secure Groovy Compiler.
SecureStaticConsoleScriptBuilder |
Provides a type checked groovy script builder.
SecurityLogger |
Provides a Security Logger class for logging information during the execution of Security Manager SSO Filter scripts.
SecurityManager |
Provides an Security Manager configuration entity.
SecurityManagerArchiveService |
Provides a service archive export and import service.
SecurityManagerArchiveService.ImportOption |
Various import options controlling which entities will be imported
SecurityManagerDao |
Provides a DAO for the SecurityManager entity.
SecurityManagerLog |
Provides an Security Manager Logging entity.
SecurityManagerLogDao |
Provides a DAO for the SecurityManagerLog entity.
SecurityManagerLogData |
Provides an Security Manager Logging Data entity.
SecurityManagerParameter |
Provides an Security Manager Parameter entity.
SecurityManagerService |
Provides a Security Manager service which is associated with a Security Manager configuration entity.
SecurityMgr |
Provide a Security Manager value object class.
SecurityPolicyManagerJob |
A job that removes expired security privileges.
SelectQueryJoinTranslator |
Add to a SQL SELECT by specifying custom JOIN expressions and additional WHERE clauses
SequencePatternReceiptNumberService |
Calculates receipt numbers by using the receipt pattern and receipt sequence defined in the form.
SequencePatternReceiptNumberService.SubmissionTime |
Submission time Velocity model class.
ServerHealthStatus |
Provides a health status object for the node.
ServerHealthStatusMetric |
The Class ServerHealthStatusMetric.
ServerHealthStatusMetricDao |
The Class ServerHealthStatusMetricsDao.
ServerNode |
A persistent class mapped as "ServerNode" Cayenne entity.
ServerNodeDao |
Provides a DAO for the ServerNode entity.
ServerNodeDao.ServerNodeType |
The server node type enum
ServiceArchiveService |
Provides a service archive export and import service.
ServiceArchiveService.ImportOption |
Various import options controlling which entities will be imported
ServiceClient |
Provides an implementation for cloud instances for use when send messages from the System Event Publisher
ServiceClient.ServiceClientType |
ServiceClientFactory |
ServiceConnection |
Provides an entity describing connection details to an external service.
ServiceConnectionArchiveService |
Provides a service connection archive export and import service.
ServiceConnectionDao |
Provides a DAO for the ServiceConnection entity.
ServiceDefinition |
Provides an entity describing a service definition.
ServiceDefinitionDao |
Provides a DAO for the ServiceDefinition entity.
ServiceFactory |
Provides a service factory which creates all kinds of service objects.
ServiceLocator |
Provides a Service Locator for looking up service classes.
ServiceParameter |
Provides a typed parameter used to configure a service.
ServiceParameterDao |
Provides a ServiceParameter DAO class.
ServiceParameterHistory |
The Class ServiceParameterHistory.
ServiceParameterHistoryDao |
Provides a DAO for the ServiceParameterHistory entity.
ServletUtils |
Provides Servlet Utility methods.
ServletUtils.BrowserType |
The decoded user agent browser types.
SessionListener |
Provides an HttpSessionListener implementations to log the last access time for the user when the session logs out.
ShaPasswordEncoder |
Provides a password encoder using Argon2 hashing algorithms.
SimpleDataSourceFactory |
Provides a simple JDBC DataSource factory class to be used by the database version management service.
SimplePingService |
Provides a simple implemention of a ping handler.
SimpleQuartzConnectionProvider |
Provides a Quartz connection provider class.
SmartFormTemplateSchema |
Provides the XML path constants of AvokaGenericInclude.xsd schema.
SmtpEmailService |
Provides an SMTP Email Service.
SmtpEmailService.EmailFormat |
Provide an Email Format instance for use in Velocity templates.
SObject |
Provides a SObject SalesForce service class.
Space |
Provide a Form Space value object class.
SPClient |
Provides a Microsoft SharePoint Client class with web service factory methods.
SPConnection |
Provides a Microsoft SharePoint connection class.
SPException |
Provides a SharePoint exception for SOAP fault messages generated on the SharePoint server.
SpringContextFilter |
Provide a Spring ApplicationContext filter, to make the Spring ApplicationContext available.
SpringContextProvider |
Provide a thread local Spring ApplicationContext.
SqlUtils |
Provides SQL utility functions
SSEClient |
Provides an Symantec Scan Engine Virus Scan Service.
SSEVirusScanService |
Provides an Symantec Scan Engine Virus Scan Service.
SSOAuthenticationFilter |
Provides an SSO Filter to perform pre-authentication processing.
SSOAuthenticationToken |
Provides an authentication token used for single-sign on (SSO) authentication.
SsoAuthToken |
Provides an SSO Authentication Token returned by the Saml2Parser in the Saml2ParserResult.
Status |
StatusUtils |
Provides a utils class for status functionality of a Space, Organisation, Form, or Template Version
StdErrorsKey |
Provides Form Command Standard Error Keys.
StepDef |
Provides an immutable StepConfig configuration class.
StringComparator |
Provides a string comparator that can sort in ascending or descending order.
StringComparator |
StringEncrypter |
Provides a string encrypter utility.
StringTemplate |
Provides a StringTemplate which utilizes the Velocity Engine.
Submission |
Provides an entity containing data submitted by the user along with additional information and status values.
Submission |
Provides a form Submission element.
SubmissionAcknowledgementService |
Provides a service to confirm to Submission Authentication required status.
SubmissionAsyncMsg |
Provides an submission asynchronous message entity.
SubmissionAsyncMsgBody |
Provides an submission asynchronous message body entity.
SubmissionAsyncMsgDao |
Provides a DAO for the SubmissionAsyncMsg entity.
SubmissionAttribute |
Provides a submission attribute entity for storing large text attribute values (2000) characters associated
with a submission record.
SubmissionBeanUtils |
Provides utility methods to create submission bean objects to be used for delivery.
SubmissionComment |
Provides a submission comments entity.
SubmissionCompleteProcessorException |
Provides a Submission Complete Processor Exception class.
SubmissionDao |
Provides a DAO for the Submission entity.
SubmissionData |
Provides an entity storing file contents associated with a submission.
SubmissionDataBean |
Provides a holder for extracted form submission data from LiveCycle ES.
SubmissionDataDao |
Provides a Submission Data DAO to provide safe read only access to submission data.
SubmissionDataExtractionService |
Provides a service to extract the XML data document from a Composer HTML form submission.
SubmissionDataPurger |
Provides a submission PII data items purger.
SubmissionDataService |
Provides a service to modify submission data.
SubmissionDeliveryCheckpoint |
Provides an submission delivery process checkpoint entity.
SubmissionDeliveryCheckpointDao |
SubmissionDeliveryControllerService |
Provides an implementation of SubmissionDeliveryController.
SubmissionDeliveryControllerService.FilenameFormat |
Provide an Filename Format instance for use in Velocity templates.
SubmissionDeliveryFunc |
Provides an submission delivery function entity.
SubmissionDeliveryFuncDao |
Provides a DAO for the SubmissionDeliveryFunc entities.
SubmissionEmailVerificationReminderJob |
Provides a job triggering email verification after submission.
SubmissionEmailVerificationService |
Provides an form submission email verification service class.
SubmissionException |
Provides a submission related exception storing the form and submitted data.
SubmissionExtractData |
Deprecated. |
SubmissionExtractDataDao |
Provides a DAO for the SubmissionExtractData.
SubmissionExtractDataService |
Provides service methods around submission data extract values
SubmissionExtractJson |
SubmissionExtractSearch |
Provides a submission data extract search item hash value.
SubmissionFormat |
Provides a formatter populating submission information into a pattern string.
SubmissionGroup |
Provides an submission group entity.
SubmissionHistory |
Provides a record of a particular version of a submission.
SubmissionHistoryDao |
Provides a DAO for the SubmissionHistory entity.
SubmissionHistoryData |
Provides an entity storing the file contents of a submission history entry.
SubmissionMilestone |
Provides an entity recording submission milestones.
SubmissionMilestoneDao |
Provides a DAO for the SubmissionMilestone entity.
SubmissionProperty |
Provides the entity class to store submission properties.
SubmissionPropertyDao |
Provides a Dao for the SubmissionProperty entity.
SubmissionPropertySearch |
Provides a submission property search item hash value.
SubmissionPropertyUtils |
Provides service methods around submission property values
SubmissionReceiptServiceImpl |
Provides an implementation for the submission receipt service.
SubmissionRetentionSettings |
A simple bean class to pass around submission related data retention settings.
SubmissionService |
Provides a submission service.
SubmissionServiceDao |
Provides a DAO for the SubmissionServiceLog entity.
SubmissionServiceLog |
Provides an entity describing a service used by a submission.
SubmissionServiceUsageDao |
Deprecated. |
SubmissionServlet |
Form submission handling Servlet.
SubmissionStatusService |
Provides submission status service which is responsible for managing submission state changes.
SubmissionStatusService.StatusChange |
The submission status change.
SubmissionSummaryBean |
Provides a bean for submission summary counts.
SubmissionTargetResolver |
Provides an interface for the submission target resolver.
SubmissionTargetResolverImpl |
Provides an implementation for the submission target resolver.
SubmissionTaskService |
Provide service for creating Saved Submissions and Tasks.
SubmissionTaskService.FormTaskParam |
Provides a form task parameter object.
SubmissionTaskService.ReviewTask |
Provides a review task parameter object.
SubmissionTaskService.SavedFormParam |
Provides an anonymous saved form parameter object.
SubmissionTrendBean |
Provides a bean for submission counts for a certain date.
SubmissionUtils |
Provides submission related utility methods.
SubmissionValidationError |
Provides a submission validation error entity.
SubmitAttachmentManuallyHandler |
Provides an submit attachment manually operation dynamic data handler.
SvcConn |
Provides a Service Connection value object.
SvcDef |
Provide a Service Definition value object class.
SysEventBuilder |
Provides support for building system event messages.
SysEventBuilder.ISysEventBuilder |
Provides an System Event Builder.
SysEventFilter |
Provides a ServletFilter which should queue a system event message using SysEventBuilder.
SysEventQueue |
The SysEventQueue class provides an global JVM in-memory queue for JSON system event messages.
SystemAlertService |
Provides a System Alerting service to notify administrators when significant errors occur.
SystemEventPublisher |
Provides a implementation of ISysEventPublisher for the System Event Publisher
Used to publish system event messages.
SystemHealth |
Provides an entity encapsulating a number of metrics describing system load and health.
SystemHealthDao |
Provides a DAO for the SystemHealth entity.
SystemHealthJob |
A job that creates system health entries and publishes them to Amazon Redshift.
SystemHealthService |
Provides service methods for the SystemHealth entity.
SystemInfoDao |
Provides a DAO for the Client entity.
SystemInfoDao.TIInstance |
Provides a TIInstance enumeration.
SystemMonitoringJob |
SystemProfileHelper |
Provides convenient access to the SystemProfile elements in a form's seed XML.
SystemUtil |
Provides a set of utilities around the environment SmartForm Manager is installed on.
TaskRenderServlet |
Deprecated. |
TaskService |
Provides a task service.
TemplateDesignMetadataPublisher |
Provides a TemplateVersion Form Design Metadata (FDM) publisher.
TemplateVersion |
Provides a version of a form template, defining the actual form template files (e.g.
TemplateVersionBean |
A java bean to store all associated template version property.
TemplateVersionBeanValidator |
Provides a Validator for the TemplateVersionBean.
TemplateVersionDao |
Provides a DAO for the TemplateVersion entity.
TemplateVersionData |
Provides an entity storing the file contents of a template version.
TemplateVersionDataDao |
Provides a DAO for the TemplateVersionData entity.
TemplateVersionDeployment |
Provides an entity that records a template version change (either having occurred in the past or scheduled for the future).
TemplateVersionDeploymentDao |
Provides a DAO for the TemplateVersionDeployment entity.
TemplateVersionDeploymentJob |
Provides a job that processes TemplateVersionDeployment entries, changing the current version of specified form templates.
TestSuiteResultsTable |
Provides a Test Suite Results table for use in emails.
TestSuiteService |
Provides a services test suite to run a set of unit tests.
TikaMediaTypeScanService |
Provides Tika Media Type Scan Service.
TimeUtils |
Provides a time utility class.
TPac |
Provides an entity modelling TPac packages.
TPacArchiveService |
Provides a service archive export and import service.
TPacArchiveService.ImportOption |
Various import options controlling which entities will be imported
TPacDao |
Provides a DAO for the TPac entity.
TPacData |
Provides an entity containing the binary package data for a TPac package.
TransactionHistory |
Provides an entity containing lightweight historic data about a transaction.
TransactionHistoryCreationService |
Provides a Transaction History creation service.
TransactionHistoryDao |
Provides a DAO for the TransactionHistory entity.
TransactionHistoryDao.BrowserCount |
Provides a Browser count summary class.
TransactionHistoryDao.DeviceCount |
Provides a device count summary class.
TransactionHistoryDao.FormCodeName |
Form Code and Name value object class
TransactionHistoryDao.OsCount |
Provides a Operating System count summary class.
TransactionHistoryDao.RefererCount |
Provides a Referer count summary class.
TransactionHistoryPublisherDao |
Provides a DAO for the TransactionHistory entity with regards to transaction history publishing.
TransactionHistoryPublisherImpl |
Provides a simple implementation of a Transaction History Publisher, delegating to a customizable Groovy script.
TransactionHistoryPublisherJob |
Publishes transaction history data.
TransactionLicensingJob |
Publishes transaction audit data.
TransactionLicensingService |
Provides methods for publishing transaction audit data to Amazon S3
TransactionLookup |
Provides a Transaction Lookup entity.
TransactionLookupDao |
Provides a DAO for the TransactionLookup entity.
TransactionProcessingJob |
TransactionProcessor |
Provides the default service of type "Transaction Processor".
TrashCanDeliveryProcess |
Provides a null "Trash Can Delivery" process to be used for form testing purposes.
TrashCanEmailService |
Provides an Trash Can email service for development and testing purposes which does not sent emails.
TwoFactorAuthenticationUserDetailsChecker |
Provides a user details checker that checks additional authentication factors if configured.
Txn |
Provide a Transaction value object class.
TxnCheckpoint |
Provides a Transaction Delivery Checkpoint value object.
TxnDeliveryFunc |
Provides a Transaction Delivery Func value object.
TxnExecutor |
Provides a Cayenne Transaction Executor class, which will execute the specified
function in a Cayenne Transaction.
TxnExecutor.IFunction |
Provides a closure function to call in the transaction executor.
TxnVoBuilder |
Provides a Txn value object builder class.
UnitTestSecureCompilerConfiguration |
Provides a Unit Test Secure Compiler Configuration.
UnsupportedVersionException |
Provides an exception indicating that an entity (such as a form) is not supported by this TM version.
User |
Provides a User type SharePoint class.
User |
Provide a User value object class.
UserAccount |
Provides a user account used by SmartForm Manager.
UserAccountDao |
Provides a DAO for the UserAccount entity.
UserAccountFilter |
UserAdminPrefs |
Provides the User Admin Console portal preferences.
UserAgentInfo |
Create a User Agent Information reporting class.
UserAgentUtils |
Provides a user agent utilities.
UserAuthEvent |
Provides a user authentication event entity.
UserAuthEventDao |
Provides a UserAuthEvent Data Access Object (DAO).
UserAuthEventService |
Provides methods related to UserAuthEvent instances.
UserBulkImportParser |
Provides parsing of a user bulk import file in XLS format.
UserBulkImportResult |
Provides a bean storing the outcome of a user bulk import operation.
UserBulkImportService |
Provides methods around user bulk import.
UserGroup |
Provides a UserGroup SharePoint web service class.
UserGroup |
Provides an association between a user account and a group.
UserGroupDao |
Provides a DAO for the UserGroup entity.
UserPortalPref |
Provides a User Portal Preferences class.
UserPortalPrefDao<T> |
Provides a User Portal Preferences Data Access Object (DAO).
UserPortalService |
UserPortalService.InvalidPasswordException |
Provides an invalid password exception.
UserProfile |
Provides a user profile containing a set of user properties and their values (e.g.
UserProfileDao |
Provides a DAO for the UserProfile entity.
UserProfileService |
Provides UserProfileService SharePoint web service class.
UserProperty |
Provides a property value associated with a specific user.
UserPropertyDao |
Provides a DAO for the UserProperty entity.
UserRole |
Provides an association between a user and a role.
UserRoleDao |
Provides a DAO for the UserRole entity.
UserService |
Provides service methods involving UserAccount and related entities.
ValidationError |
A java bean to store all associated validation errors.
ValidationError |
Provides a Form function validation error.
ValidationUtils |
Provides utility methods around validation.
ValueObject |
Provides a base Value Object (VO) for all application value object to extend.
VelocityDataSourceResourceLoader |
Provides a specialized Velocity Resource loader which loads content from the portal_page and portal_resource tables.
VelocityDataSourceResourceLoader.ExceptionUtils |
Version |
Version utility that supports versions in format "a.b.c-qualifier".
VersionAttachment |
Provides the definition of a required attachment associated with a form template version.
VersionAttachmentDao |
Provides a template VersionAttachment data access object.
VersionComparator |
Provides a simple comparator that compares two version strings.
VersionMetadataValue |
Provides a metadata value associated with a form template version.
VersionMetadataValueDao |
Provides a DAO for the VersionMetadataValue entity.
VersionNumberComparator |
Provides a comparator for version numbers in the format a.b.c (e.g.
VersionPropertyComparator |
Provides a version property comparator that is using a version comparator to compare the property values.
VersionPropertyValue |
Provides a property value associated with a form template version.
VersionPropertyValueDao |
Provides a DAO for the VersionMetadataValue entity.
VersionValidator |
Provides Version Validator Methods.
VirusScanException |
Provides a VirusScanning exception.
VirusScanJob |
Performs a virus scan work.
Web |
Provides a Web type SharePoint class.
WebappResourceLoader |
Resource loader that uses the ServletContext of a webapp to
load Velocity templates.
Webs |
Provides Webs SharePoint web service class.
WorkspaceDao |
Provides Work Space DAO operations.
WorkspaceDao.JobCriteria |
Job search criteria.
WorkspaceDao.SubmissionCriteria |
Submission search criteria.
WSTrustSAMLAuthenticator |
Provides a WS-Trust SAML2 Authenticator parser class for delegated user authentication.
Xml10FilterReader |
Provides an XML 1.0 filter reader.
XmlDoc |
Provides a XML Document class for use in Groovy scripts.
XmlInputMap |
Provides an mapping from an XML prefill file into a schema seed.
XmlInputMapDao |
Provides a DAO for the XmlInputMap entity.
XmlInputMapVO |
Provides a read only Xml Input Map value object for performance caching.
XmlPrefillService |
Provides a XML prefill service.
XmlPropertyUtils |
Provides utility methods around schema seed XML manipulation.
XmlUtils |
Provides XML utility methods.
XPath |
Provides an XPath implementation that "flips" the standard way of doing Jaxen around - it allows you to
define the element once, and then evaluate multiple xpath expressions against that node.
XssUtils |
Provides XSS utilities.
_ApplicationClientProperty |
Provides the _ApplicationClientProperty database entity.
_ApplicationConnection |
Provides the _ApplicationConnection database entity.
_ApplicationDelivery |
Provides the _ApplicationDelivery database entity.
_ApplicationForm |
Provides the _ApplicationForm database entity.
_ApplicationPackage |
Provides the _ApplicationPackage database entity.
_ApplicationService |
Provides the _ApplicationService database entity.
_Attachment |
Provides the _Attachment database entity.
_AuditLog |
Provides the _AuditLog database entity.
_AuthenticationProvider |
Provides the _AuthenticationProvider database entity.
_AuthProviderParameter |
Provides the _AuthProviderParameter database entity.
_Category |
Provides the _Category database entity.
_Client |
Provides the _Client database entity.
_ClientKeystore |
Provides the _ClientKeystore database entity.
_ClientMetadataValue |
Provides the _ClientMetadataValue database entity.
_ClientPortal |
Provides the _ClientPortal database entity.
_ClientProperty |
Provides the _ClientProperty database entity.
_ClientReconciliationFile |
Provides the _ClientReconciliationFile database entity.
_ClientRefData |
Provides the _ClientRefData database entity.
_ClientRefDataData |
Provides the _ClientRefDataData database entity.
_ClientUser |
Provides the _ClientUser database entity.
_ComposerImportAction |
Provides the _ComposerImportAction database entity.
_ComposerPackageData |
Provides the _ComposerPackageData database entity.
_ComposerPackageQueue |
Provides the _ComposerPackageQueue database entity.
_DbVersionUpdate |
Provides the _DbVersionUpdate database entity.
_DeliveryDetails |
Provides the _DeliveryDetails database entity.
_DeploymentProperty |
Provides the _DeploymentProperty database entity.
_DocumentType |
Provides the _DocumentType database entity.
_EmailQueue |
Provides the _EmailQueue database entity.
_EmailQueueData |
Provides the _EmailQueueData database entity.
_ErrorLog |
Provides the _ErrorLog database entity.
_ErrorLogData |
Provides the _ErrorLogData database entity.
_EventLog |
Provides the _EventLog database entity.
_FileUpload |
Provides the _FileUpload database entity.
_FileUploadData |
Provides the _FileUploadData database entity.
_Folder |
Provides the _Folder database entity.
_Form |
Provides the _Form database entity.
_FormCategory |
Provides the _FormCategory database entity.
_FormDesign |
Provides the _FormDesign database entity.
_FormDesignVersion |
Provides the _FormDesignVersion database entity.
_FormDesignVersionInclude |
Provides the _FormDesignVersionInclude database entity.
_FormDesignVersionProperty |
Provides the _FormDesignVersionProperty database entity.
_FormFunction |
Provides the _FormFunction database entity.
_FormGroup |
Provides the _FormGroup database entity.
_FormPortal |
Provides the _FormPortal database entity.
_FormReceiptSequence |
Provides the _FormReceiptSequence database entity.
_GroovyServiceLog |
Provides the _GroovyServiceLog database entity.
_GroovyServiceLogData |
Provides the _GroovyServiceLogData database entity.
_Group |
Provides the _Group database entity.
_GroupAgentLock |
Provides the _GroupAgentLock database entity.
_ImportAction |
Provides the _ImportAction database entity.
_ImportActionData |
Provides the _ImportActionData database entity.
_ImportActionDetail |
Provides the _ImportActionDetail database entity.
_Job |
Provides the _Job database entity.
_JobAction |
Provides the _JobAction database entity.
_JobComment |
Provides the _JobComment database entity.
_JobEventLog |
Provides the _JobEventLog database entity.
_JobGroup |
Provides the _JobGroup database entity.
_JobHistory |
Provides the _JobHistory database entity.
_JobProperty |
Provides the _JobProperty database entity.
_JobStatusHistory |
Provides the _JobStatusHistory database entity.
_JobStep |
Provides the _JobStep database entity.
_Library |
Provides the _Library database entity.
_LibraryResource |
Provides the _LibraryResource database entity.
_LibraryResourceData |
Provides the _LibraryResourceData database entity.
_LibraryResourceHistory |
Provides the _LibraryResourceHistory database entity.
_LibraryShare |
Provides the _LibraryShare database entity.
_MetadataListValue |
Provides the _MetadataListValue database entity.
_MetadataTag |
Provides the _MetadataTag database entity.
_Notification |
Provides the _Notification database entity.
_PaymentItem |
Provides the _PaymentItem database entity.
_PaymentLog |
Provides the _PaymentLog database entity.
_Permission |
Provides the _Permission database entity.
_Portal |
Provides the _Portal database entity.
_PortalPage |
Provides the _PortalPage database entity.
_PortalPageHistory |
Provides the _PortalPageHistory database entity.
_PortalProperty |
Provides the _PortalProperty database entity.
_PortalResource |
Provides the _PortalResource database entity.
_PortalResourceHistory |
Provides the _PortalResourceHistory database entity.
_PortalUser |
Provides the _PortalUser database entity.
_PrefillParamXpathMap |
Provides the _PrefillParamXpathMap database entity.
_ProcessingStatus |
Provides the _ProcessingStatus database entity.
_Project |
Provides the _Project database entity.
_ProjectFormTag |
Provides the _ProjectFormTag database entity.
_ProjectFormTagData |
Provides the _ProjectFormTagData database entity.
_ProjectInclude |
Provides the _ProjectInclude database entity.
_PromotionLog |
Provides the _PromotionLog database entity.
_PropertyPrefillMap |
Provides the _PropertyPrefillMap database entity.
_PropertyType |
Provides the _PropertyType database entity.
_ReleaseVersion |
Provides the _ReleaseVersion database entity.
_RequestLog |
Provides the _RequestLog database entity.
_RequiredAttachment |
Provides the _RequiredAttachment database entity.
_Role |
Provides the _Role database entity.
_RolePermission |
Provides the _RolePermission database entity.
_ScheduledJobHistory |
Provides the _ScheduledJobHistory database entity.
_SchemaExtractMap |
Provides the _SchemaExtractMap database entity.
_SchemaSeed |
Provides the _SchemaSeed database entity.
_SecurityManager |
Provides the _SecurityManager database entity.
_SecurityManagerLog |
Provides the _SecurityManagerLog database entity.
_SecurityManagerLogData |
Provides the _SecurityManagerLogData database entity.
_SecurityManagerParameter |
Provides the _SecurityManagerParameter database entity.
_ServerHealthStatusMetric |
Provides the _ServerHealthStatusMetric database entity.
_ServerNode |
Provides the _ServerNode database entity.
_ServiceConnection |
Provides the _ServiceConnection database entity.
_ServiceDefinition |
Provides the _ServiceDefinition database entity.
_ServiceParameter |
Provides the _ServiceParameter database entity.
_ServiceParameterHistory |
Provides the _ServiceParameterHistory database entity.
_Submission |
Provides the _Submission database entity.
_SubmissionAsyncMsg |
Provides the _SubmissionAsyncMsg database entity.
_SubmissionAsyncMsgBody |
Provides the _SubmissionAsyncMsgBody database entity.
_SubmissionAttribute |
Provides the _SubmissionAttribute database entity.
_SubmissionComment |
Provides the _SubmissionComment database entity.
_SubmissionData |
Provides the _SubmissionData database entity.
_SubmissionDeliveryCheckpoint |
Provides the _SubmissionDeliveryCheckpoint database entity.
_SubmissionDeliveryFunc |
Provides the _SubmissionDeliveryFunc database entity.
_SubmissionExtractData |
Provides the _SubmissionExtractData database entity.
_SubmissionExtractJson |
Provides the _SubmissionExtractJson database entity.
_SubmissionExtractSearch |
Provides the _SubmissionExtractSearch database entity.
_SubmissionGroup |
Provides the _SubmissionGroup database entity.
_SubmissionHistory |
Provides the _SubmissionHistory database entity.
_SubmissionHistoryData |
Provides the _SubmissionHistoryData database entity.
_SubmissionMilestone |
Provides the _SubmissionMilestone database entity.
_SubmissionProperty |
Provides the _SubmissionProperty database entity.
_SubmissionPropertySearch |
Provides the _SubmissionPropertySearch database entity.
_SubmissionServiceLog |
Provides the _SubmissionServiceLog database entity.
_SubmissionValidationError |
Provides the _SubmissionValidationError database entity.
_SystemHealth |
Provides the _SystemHealth database entity.
_TemplateVersion |
Provides the _TemplateVersion database entity.
_TemplateVersionData |
Provides the _TemplateVersionData database entity.
_TemplateVersionDeployment |
Provides the _TemplateVersionDeployment database entity.
_TPac |
Provides the _TPac database entity.
_TPacData |
Provides the _TPacData database entity.
_TransactionHistory |
Provides the _TransactionHistory database entity.
_TransactionLookup |
Provides the _TransactionLookup database entity.
_UserAccount |
Provides the _UserAccount database entity.
_UserAuthEvent |
Provides the _UserAuthEvent database entity.
_UserGroup |
Provides the _UserGroup database entity.
_UserPortalPref |
Provides the _UserPortalPref database entity.
_UserProfile |
Provides the _UserProfile database entity.
_UserProperty |
Provides the _UserProperty database entity.
_UserRole |
Provides the _UserRole database entity.
_VersionAttachment |
Provides the _VersionAttachment database entity.
_VersionMetadataValue |
Provides the _VersionMetadataValue database entity.
_VersionPropertyValue |
Provides the _VersionPropertyValue database entity.
_XmlInputMap |
Provides the _XmlInputMap database entity.