Class SObject

  • public class SObject
    extends Object
    Provides a SObject SalesForce service class.

    See the REST API SObject Rows reference for online resources.

    SObject SalesForce Example

    The Groovy script example below illustrates using the SObject service to update a contact on the SalesForce server. In this examples configuration Service Parameters are accessed via the serviceParameters map object, and it is assumed that the SalesForce Object ID of the contact is known.

     import com.avoka.component.salesforce.SalesForceClient
     import com.avoka.component.salesforce.service.SObject
     def username = serviceParameters["SalesForce Username"]
     def passwordToken = serviceParameters["SalesForce Password Security Token"]
     def clientId = serviceParameters["SalesForce Client Id"]
     def clientSecret = serviceParameters["SalesForce Client Secret"]
     def loginServerUrl = serviceParameters["SalesForce Login Server URL"]
     def contactId = serviceParameters["Contact ID"]
     def updateJson = "{""Phone"":""0999999999""}"
     // Create a SalesForce client using the service params with the configured connection details
     def salesForceClient = new SalesForceClient(username, passwordToken, clientId, clientSecret, loginServerUrl)
     // Create a SObject service
     def sObject = salesForceClient.getSObject()
     // Update the Phone Number of the contact
     sObject.patchOperation("Contact", contactId, updateJson)
    • Constructor Detail

      • SObject

        public SObject​(SalesForceConnection salesForceConnection)
        Create a new SalseForce REST API SObject object with the given SalesForce connection.
        salesForceConnection - SalesForce connection context
    • Method Detail

      • postOperation

        public String postOperation​(String sObjectName,
                                    String bodyJsonString)
                             throws IOException
        The POST operation will create a record on the SalesForce server.

        Groovy Example

        The Groovy script example below illustrates using the SObject object to create a contact record on the SalesForce server. In this example configuration Service Parameters are accessed via the serviceParameters array.

         import com.avoka.component.salesforce.SalesForceClient
         import com.avoka.component.salesforce.service.SObject
         def username = serviceParameters["SalesForce Username"]
         def passwordToken = serviceParameters["SalesForce Password Security Token"]
         def clientId = serviceParameters["SalesForce Client Id"]
         def clientSecret = serviceParameters["SalesForce Client Secret"]
         def loginServerUrl = serviceParameters["SalesForce Login Server URL"]
         def bodyJsonString = "{
             "FirstName": "First",
             "LastName": "Last",
             "Phone": "0999999999",
             "Email": "[email protected]",
             "AccountId": "0019000000QleXDABC"
         // Create a SalesForce client using the service params with the configured connection details
         def salesForceClient = new SalesForceClient(username, passwordToken, clientId, clientSecret, loginServerUrl)
         // Create a SObject service
         def sObject = salesForceClient.getSObject()
         // Create a new contact in SalesForce. The return value is the Contact ID
         def newContactId = sObject.postOperation("Contact", bodyJsonString) 
        sObjectName - The name of the SalesForce Object type (required)
        bodyJsonString - JSON String representing the data to insert (required)
        the ID of the new Object created
        IOException - if an IO error occurs
      • getOperation

        public String getOperation​(String sObjectName,
                                   String id)
                            throws IOException
        The GET operation will retrieve a record from the SalesForce server.

        Groovy Example

        The Groovy script example below illustrates using the SObject object to retrieve a contact record from the SalesForce server. In this example configuration Service Parameters are accessed via the serviceParameters array.

         import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
         import com.avoka.component.salesforce.SalesForceClient
         import com.avoka.component.salesforce.service.SObject
         def username = serviceParameters["SalesForce Username"]
         def passwordToken = serviceParameters["SalesForce Password Security Token"]
         def clientId = serviceParameters["SalesForce Client Id"]
         def clientSecret = serviceParameters["SalesForce Client Secret"]
         def loginServerUrl = serviceParameters["SalesForce Login Server URL"]
         // Create a SalesForce client using the service params with the configured connection details
         def salesForceClient = new SalesForceClient(username, passwordToken, clientId, clientSecret, loginServerUrl)
         // Create a SObject service
         def sObject = salesForceClient.getSObject()
         // In this example the contact ID is provided as a service parameter. In practice it can be retrieved using a Query object
         def contactId = serviceParameters["Contact ID"]
         // Retrieve a contact from SalesForce. The return value is the JSON representation
         def jsonResponseString = sObject.getOperation("Contact", contactId)
         // Example of how to use the results to populate an Avoka Transact form in a Prefill service
         Map<String, Object> responseMap = new JsonSlurper().parseText(jsonResponseString)
         def xmlDoc = new XmlDoc(schemaSeed)
         xmlDoc.setText("/AvokaSmartForm/SalesForceData/FirstName", responseMap.FirstName)
         xmlDoc.setText("/AvokaSmartForm/SalesForceData/LastName", responseMap.LastName)
         xmlDoc.setText("/AvokaSmartForm/SalesForceData/Email", responseMap.Email)
         xmlDoc.setText("/AvokaSmartForm/SalesForceData/Phone", responseMap.Phone)
        sObjectName - The name of the SalesForce object type (required)
        id - The SalesForce Object ID for the object to be retrieved (required)
        a JSON String representation of the object
        IOException - if an IO error occurs
      • patchOperation

        public String patchOperation​(String sObjectName,
                                     String id,
                                     String bodyJsonString)
                              throws IOException
        The PATCH operation will update an existing record on the SalesForce server.

        Groovy Example

        The Groovy script example below illustrates using the SObject object to update a contact record on the SalesForce server. In this example configuration Service Parameters are accessed via the serviceParameters array.

         import com.avoka.component.salesforce.SalesForceClient
         import com.avoka.component.salesforce.service.SObject
         def username = serviceParameters["SalesForce Username"]
         def passwordToken = serviceParameters["SalesForce Password Security Token"]
         def clientId = serviceParameters["SalesForce Client Id"]
         def clientSecret = serviceParameters["SalesForce Client Secret"]
         def loginServerUrl = serviceParameters["SalesForce Login Server URL"]
         def bodyJsonString = "{
             "Phone": "0988888888"
         // Create a SalesForce client using the service params with the configured connection details
         def salesForceClient = new SalesForceClient(username, passwordToken, clientId, clientSecret, loginServerUrl)
         // Create a SObject service
         def sObject = salesForceClient.getSObject()
         // In this example the contact ID is provided as a service parameter. In practice it can be retrieved using a Query object
         def contactId = serviceParameters["Contact ID"]
         // Update the phone number for the contact
         sObject.patchOperation("Contact", contactId, bodyJsonString)
        sObjectName - The name of the SalesForce object type (required)
        id - The SalesForce Object ID for the object to be updated (required)
        bodyJsonString - JSON String representing the data to update (required)
        the SalesForce patch operation response
        IOException - if an IO error occurs
      • deleteOperation

        public String deleteOperation​(String sObjectName,
                                      String id)
                               throws IOException
        The DELETE operation will delete an existing record from the SalesForce server.

        Groovy Example

        The Groovy script example below illustrates using the SObject object to delete a contact record from the SalesForce server. In this example configuration Service Parameters are accessed via the serviceParameters array.

         import com.avoka.component.salesforce.SalesForceClient
         import com.avoka.component.salesforce.service.SObject
         def username = serviceParameters["SalesForce Username"]
         def passwordToken = serviceParameters["SalesForce Password Security Token"]
         def clientId = serviceParameters["SalesForce Client Id"]
         def clientSecret = serviceParameters["SalesForce Client Secret"]
         def loginServerUrl = serviceParameters["SalesForce Login Server URL"]
         // Create a SalesForce client using the service params with the configured connection details
         def salesForceClient = new SalesForceClient(username, passwordToken, clientId, clientSecret, loginServerUrl)
         // Create a SObject service
         def sObject = salesForceClient.getSObject()
         // In this example the contact ID is provided as a service parameter. In practice it can be retrieved using a Query object
         def contactId = serviceParameters["Contact ID"]
         // Delete the contact from SalesForce
         sObject.deleteOperation("Contact", contactId)
        sObjectName - The name of the SalesForce object type (required)
        id - The SalesForce Object ID for the object to be deleted (required)
        the SalesForce delete operation response
        IOException - if an IO error occurs