Class JobEventLogService

  • public class JobEventLogService
    extends CayenneService
    Provides a Job Event Logging service.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JobEventLogService

        public JobEventLogService()
    • Method Detail

      • logErrorEventWithAction

        public void logErrorEventWithAction​(String message,
                                            JobAction jobAction)
        Log a job error event with the given message and job action
        message - error message (required)
        jobAction - the job action to be associated with the event log
      • logErrorEventWithJob

        public void logErrorEventWithJob​(String message,
                                         Job job)
        Log a job error event with the given message and job action
        message - error message (required)
        job - the job to be associated with the event log
      • logWarnEventWithAction

        public void logWarnEventWithAction​(String message,
                                           JobAction jobAction)
        Log a job warn event with the given message and job action
        message - error message (required)
        jobAction - the job action to be associated with the event log
      • logWarnEventWithJob

        public void logWarnEventWithJob​(String message,
                                        Job job)
        Log a job warn event with the given message and job action
        message - error message (required)
        job - the job to be associated with the event log
      • logInfoEventWithAction

        public void logInfoEventWithAction​(String message,
                                           JobAction jobAction)
        Log a job info event with the given message and job action
        message - error message (required)
        jobAction - the job action to be associated with the event log
      • logInfoEventWithJob

        public void logInfoEventWithJob​(String message,
                                        Job job)
        Log a job info event with the given message and job action
        message - error message (required)
        job - the job to be associated with the event log