Class FormFunctionsExecutor

  • public class FormFunctionsExecutor
    extends Object
    Provides a Fluent Form Functions Executor class which will execute the configured fluent functions for the specified trigger type.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FormFunctionsExecutor

        public FormFunctionsExecutor​(String triggerType)
        Create a Fluent Functions Executor for the given trigger.
        triggerType - the for function trigger type.
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        public FormFuncResult execute​(HttpServletRequest request,
                                      Submission submission,
                                      Document formData,
                                      Map<String,​Object> parameters,
                                      org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem fileAttachment,
                                      UserAccount userAccount)
        Execute the form functions in sequence for the given trigger type.
        request - the user request (required)
        submission - the submission record (required)
        formData - the form data (optional)
        parameters - the command parameters (optional)
        fileAttachment - the uploaded file item (optional)
        userAccount - the user account record (optional)
        the form function result