Class FluentDeliveryProcessService

    • Constructor Detail

      • FluentDeliveryProcessService

        public FluentDeliveryProcessService()
    • Method Detail

      • getErrorType

        public String getErrorType()
        Specified by:
        getErrorType in interface IFluentService
        the service error type to be used to classify the error logging records
      • setMaxDeliveryAttempts

        public void setMaxDeliveryAttempts​(int maxDeliveryAttempts)
        Set the maximum number of delivery attempts.
        maxDeliveryAttempts - the maximum number of attempts at delivery for this service
      • setMaxCheckpointDeliveryAttempts

        public void setMaxCheckpointDeliveryAttempts​(int maxCheckpointAttempts)
        Set the maximum number of times the submission checkpoint delivery process should be attempted.
        maxCheckpointAttempts - the maximum number of times the form submission checkpoint delivery process should be attempted
      • setRetryDelayMins

        public void setRetryDelayMins​(int retryDelayMins)
        Set the minimum submission delivery retry in minutes.
        retryDelayMins - set the minimum submission delivery retry in minutes