Class SalesForceClient

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SalesForceClient
    extends SalesForceClient
    implements IServiceDefinitionAware

    Provides a SaleForce REST API Client service.

    The SalesForceClient service uses the Service Connection details for all the SalesForce REST API configurations. This enables you to share the same "SalesForce" service connection details across all the Groovy Prefill and Delivery services using the SalesForceClient.

    Groovy Example

    An Groovy Script example is provided below, where a new SalesForceClient object is created using the ServiceFactory. The ServiceFactory create a service using the default service definition for the type "SalesForce Client".

     import com.avoka.fc.core.service.ServiceFactory
     def sfClient = ServiceFactory.getSalesForceClient()
    See Also: