Class SubmissionReceiptServiceImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • SubmissionReceiptServiceImpl

        public SubmissionReceiptServiceImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • setEnableReceipting

        public void setEnableReceipting​(boolean value)
        Set whether PDF receipt generation is enabled.
        value - the value whether PDF receipt generation is enabled.
      • setNumberSubmissionsToProcess

        public void setNumberSubmissionsToProcess​(int value)
        Set the number of submissions for the submission receipt job to process per run.
        value - the number of submissions for the submission receipt job to process per run
      • setMaxRenderAttempts

        public void setMaxRenderAttempts​(int maxRenderAttempts)
        Sets the max render attempts.
        maxRenderAttempts - the new max render attempts
      • getNumberWorkerThreads

        public int getNumberWorkerThreads()
        Return the number of concurrent worker threads use to render the submission receipts (per available form servers) to use to render the submission receipts. For example if this value is set to 2 and there are 2 available form servers then we will use 4 concurrent worker threads.
        Specified by:
        getNumberWorkerThreads in interface ISubmissionReceiptService
        the number of concurrent worker threads use to render the submission receipts
      • setNumberWorkerThreads

        public void setNumberWorkerThreads​(int numberWorkerThreads)
        Set the number of concurrent worker threads (per available form servers) to use to render the submission receipts. For example if this value is set to 2 and there are 2 available form servers then we will use 4 concurrent worker threads.
        numberWorkerThreads - the number of concurrent worker threads use to render the submission receipts