Class MarketoClient

  • public class MarketoClient
    extends Object
    Provides a Marketo SOAP Web Service API Client.

    syncLead Example

    This Groovy Delivery Process service example created or updates the visitors Marketo LeadRecord using the submitted form data.

     import com.avoka.component.marketo.MarketoClient
     import com.avoka.component.xml.XmlDoc
     def xmlDoc = new XmlDoc(submissionXml);
     def email = xmlDoc.getText('//Name/Email')
     def attrs = [:]
     attrs["FirstName"] = xmlDoc.getText('//Name/Firstname')
     attrs["LastName"] = xmlDoc.getText('//Name/Surname')
     attrs["Company"] = xmlDoc.getText('//Name/OrganisationName')
     attrs["Phone"] = xmlDoc.getText('//Name/ContactPhoneNo')
     attrs["Country"] = xmlDoc.getText('//Name/Location/Country')
     attrs["State"] = xmlDoc.getText('//Name/Location/State')
     attrs["LeadSource"] = "X-Avoka SFF Web Trial"
     def url = ""
     def accessKey = "tvota1_4335999551B0A84F0161F5"
     def secretKey = "51513245184488185511BB00AA885501001167F70671"
     // Create Marketo WS Client
     def marketoClient = new MarketoClient(url, accessKey, secretKey)
     // Get Marketo Vistor Cookie
     def trackingCookie = marketoClient.getCookieValue(submission.getRequestCookie())
     // Create Lead Record
     def leadRecord = marketoClient.syncLead(email, attrs, trackingCookie) 

    getLead Example

    This Groovy Form Prefill service example looks up the users Marketo LeadRecord using a Marketo tracking cookie. If the LeadRecord is found the form is prefilled with the users lead record attributes.

     import com.avoka.component.marketo.MarketoClient
     import com.avoka.component.xml.XmlDoc
     def url = ""
     def accessKey = "tvota1_4335999551B0A84F0161F5"
     def secretKey = "51513245184488185511BB00AA885501001167F70671"
     // Create Marketo WS Client
     def marketoClient = new MarketoClient(url, accessKey, secretKey)
     // Get Marketo Vistor Cookie
     def requestCookie = request.getHeader("Cookie")
     def cookieValue = marketoClient.getCookieValue(requestCookie)
     if (cookieValue != null) {
         // Lookup Marketo Lead Record
         def leadRecord = marketoClient.getLead(cookieValue)
         if (leadRecord != null) {
              def attrs = leadRecord.attributes
              def xmlDoc = new XmlDoc(schemaSeed)
              xmlDoc.setText('/AvokaSmartForm/YourDetails/Name/Firstname', attrs["FirstName"])
              xmlDoc.setText('/AvokaSmartForm/YourDetails/Name/Surname', attrs["LastName"])
              xmlDoc.setText('/AvokaSmartForm/YourDetails/Name/OrganisationName', attrs["Company"])
              xmlDoc.setText('/AvokaSmartForm/YourDetails/Name/ContactPhoneNo', attrs["Phone"])
              xmlDoc.setText('/AvokaSmartForm/YourDetails/Name/Location/Country', attrs["Country"])
     return null 
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • MarketoClient

        public MarketoClient​(String url,
                             String accessKey,
                             String encryptionKey)
                      throws MalformedURLException
        Create a Marketo Web Service client based on the SOAP endpoint URL, access key (UserID) and encryption key.


         def url = ""
         def accessKey = "tvota1_4335999551B0A84F0161F5"
         def secretKey = "51513245184488185511BB00AA885501001167F70671"
         // Create Marketo WS Client
         def marketoClient = new MarketoClient(url, accessKey, secretKey) 
        url - the SOAP endpoint URL
        accessKey - the user access key (UserID)
        encryptionKey - the encryption key
        MalformedURLException - if the URL is not valid
    • Method Detail

      • getCookieValue

        public String getCookieValue​(String cookieHeader)
        Return the Marketo Cookie value from the given cookie request header.
        cookieHeader - the request cookie header
        the cookie value if found or null otherwise
      • getLead

        public LeadRecord getLead​(String cookie)
                           throws IOException
        Return the LeadRecord specified by the given Marketo cookie (_mkto_trk).
        cookie - the Marketo cookie value
        the LeadRecord
        IOException - if an error occurs
      • syncLead

        public LeadRecord syncLead​(String email,
                                   Map<String,​String> attributes,
                                   String cookie)
                            throws IOException
        Create or update a LeadRecord with the given email, attributes and Marketo cookie (_mkto_trk).
        email - the lead email
        attributes - the lead attributes
        cookie - the Marketo cookie value
        the LeadRecord
        IOException - if an error occurs
      • getProperty

        protected String getProperty​(String propName)
        Load property from the service class specific property file.
        propName - the classpath property name to load
        the property value
      • getSoapModel

        protected Map<String,​Object> getSoapModel()
        Create a base SOAP model with authorization parameters calculated and include.
        a base SOAP model with authorization parameters calculated and include.
      • createLeadRecord

        protected LeadRecord createLeadRecord​(Element element)
        Create a LeadRecord from the given 'leadRecord' XML response element.
        element - the 'leadRecord' XML response element
        the LeadRecord