Class FormServerPerformanceMetrics

  • public class FormServerPerformanceMetrics
    extends Object
    Provides health status metrics to store health status snapshots information.
    • Method Detail

      • getPerformanceMetrics

        public static FormServerPerformanceMetrics getPerformanceMetrics​(ServletContext servletContext,
                                                                         String nodeUrl)
        Return the FormServerPerformanceMetrics given the servlet context and server node URL
        servletContext - the servlet context
        nodeUrl - the server node URL
        the ServerPerformanceMetrics
      • add

        public void add​(FormServerPerformanceData serverPerformanceData)
        Add a health status snap shot to the metrics.

        Only one thread calls this method.

        serverPerformanceData - the server performance data
      • peek

        public FormServerPerformanceData peek()
        Return the latest process count

        Multiple threads will call this method.

        the latest server performance data