Class PromotionDao

    • Constructor Detail

      • PromotionDao

        public PromotionDao()
    • Method Detail

      • getPromotionLogForPK

        public PromotionLog getPromotionLogForPK​(Object id)
        Return the promotion log with the specified OID
        id - the OID
        the matching promotion log, or null if not found
      • getPromotionList

        public List<PromotionLog> getPromotionList​(Client client,
                                                   Form form,
                                                   TemplateVersion version,
                                                   boolean showHistory)
        Return the list of promotion log records matching the specified search criteria, ordered by creation time. The query prefetches form and template version data.
        client - the client object associated with the promotion log (optional)
        form - the form associated with the promotion log (required)
        version - the template version associated with the promotion log (optional)
        showHistory - whether to show all promotion log entries (true) or only the most recent one (false)
        the list of matching promotion log records
      • getPromotionList

        public List<PromotionLog> getPromotionList​(Form form)
        Return the list of current form promotion log records.
        form - the form associated with the promotion log (required)
        the list of matching promotion log records
      • getPromotionList

        public List<PromotionLog> getPromotionList​(String clientId,
                                                   String keyword,
                                                   String promotionStatus,
                                                   boolean showHistory,
                                                   Date startDate,
                                                   Date endDate)
        Return the list of promotion log entries matching the specified search criteria, ordered by creation time.
        clientId - the OID of the client associated with the promotion log (optional)
        keyword - the search keyword
        promotionStatus - the promotion status to match (optional)
        showHistory - whether to show all promotion log entries (true) or only the most recent one (false)
        startDate - the start date
        endDate - the search end date
        the list of matching promotion log entries