Class JobFormStartService

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    IServiceDefinitionAware, IJobActionService

    public class JobFormStartService
    extends AbstractJobActionService
    Provides a 'Job Form Start' Action Service.

    This action service associates the initial form submission with the initial step. It can add a submission processing status messages to the initial Submission. These appear in the user's submission history.

    It can also send a status update via email.


    Below is a list of the Job Action Properties which can be use to configure this step action.

    Name Description Examples
    Process Message Text The submission processing status message text. As this is the form start the submission message will go against its associated submission. { "name": "Process Message Text", "value": "${} your application has been approved" }
    Process Message Send Email Specify whether to send an processing message email. { "name": "Process Message Send Email", "value": "true" }
    Process Message Email To Specify whether to send an processing message email. If not specified then the submissions contact email address will be used. { "name": "Process Message Email To", "value": "${}" }
    Process Message Email Subject Template Specify an alternative email subject template to the default Form and Organization email template: 'Email Submission Status Subject' { "name": "Process Message Email Subject Template", "value": "Welcome Email Subject" }
    Process Message Email Message Template Specify an alternative email subject template to the default Form and Organization property email template: 'Email Submission Status Message' { "name": "Process Message Email Message Template", "value": "Welcome Email Message" }
    Conditional Route Name This provides an alternate route name to that provided by the form. This my be based upon a dynamic value such as a velocity template or a property function. If a non blank value is returned then this will be used in place of the forms route name.
    Since: 17.10
      "name":  "Conditional Route Name",
      "value": "#if ( $formDataMap.routeName == 'Approve' && $formDataMap.loanAmount >= 20000 ) Exceeds Threshold #end"
      "name":  "Conditional Route Name",
      "value": "$func.invoke('Job Form Start Routing',