Class SelectQueryJoinTranslator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SelectQueryJoinTranslator
    Add to a SQL SELECT by specifying custom JOIN expressions and additional WHERE clauses
    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      The placeholder for the target table (main table the SelectQuery is based on) that can be used in additionalJoinString and additionalClauseString
      • Fields inherited from class

      • Fields inherited from class

        adapter, addBindingListener, bindings, entityResolver, query, queryMetadata, sql, translated
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      SelectQueryJoinTranslator​(org.apache.cayenne.query.Query query, org.apache.cayenne.dba.DbAdapter adapter, entityResolver)
      Create a SelectQueryJoinTranslator instance
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected void doTranslate()  
      protected int getWhereEndIndex()  
      boolean isUseCountQuery()
      Return whether the translator will change the SELECT query to a SELECT COUNT query, returning the number of rows rather than the rows themselves.
      void setAdditionalClauseString​(String additionalClauseString)
      The string to be inserted at the end of the FROM section of the select query.
      void setAdditionalJoinParameters​(List<Pair<,​Object>> additionalJoinParameters)
      Query parameters to be used in the additional join string.
      void setAdditionalJoinString​(String additionalJoinString)
      The string to be inserted at the end of the FROM section of the select query.
      void setUseCountQuery​(boolean useCountQuery)
      If true, the translater will change the SELECT query to a SELECT COUNT query, returning the number of rows rather than the rows themselves.
      • Methods inherited from class

        appendGroupByColumn, appendGroupByColumns, appendLimitAndOffsetClauses, appendSelectColumns, buildDistinctStatement, buildResultColumns, createJoinStack, dbRelationshipAdded, getAliasForExpression, getAttributeOverrides, getCurrentAlias, getJoinStack, getResultColumns, hasJoins, isSuppressingDistinct, isUnsupportedForDistinct, resetJoinStack, supportsTableAliases
      • Methods inherited from class

        addToParamList, ensureTranslated, getAdapter, getBindings, getEntityResolver, getPathAliases, getQuery, getQueryMetadata, getSql, setAddBindingListener
      • Methods inherited from interface

        getBindings, getSql
    • Field Detail


        public static final String PLACEHOLDER_TARGET_TABLE_ALIAS
        The placeholder for the target table (main table the SelectQuery is based on) that can be used in additionalJoinString and additionalClauseString
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • SelectQueryJoinTranslator

        public SelectQueryJoinTranslator​(org.apache.cayenne.query.Query query,
                                         org.apache.cayenne.dba.DbAdapter adapter,
        Create a SelectQueryJoinTranslator instance
        query - the SelectQuery (required)
        adapter - the DbAdapter (required)
        entityResolver - the Cayenne entity resolver (required)
    • Method Detail

      • setAdditionalJoinString

        public void setAdditionalJoinString​(String additionalJoinString)
        The string to be inserted at the end of the FROM section of the select query. Aliasing needs to be done by the caller and match aliasing in the additionalClauseString. You can reference the alias of the target table name by using {@link this.PLACEHOLDER_TARGET_TABLE_ALIAS} You can also
        additionalJoinString - the additional join string (e.g. LEFT JOIN with additional criteria) Example: setAdditionalJoinString("LEFT JOIN job_property jp1 ON (" + SelectQueryJoinTranslator.PLACEHOLDER_TARGET_TABLE_ALIAS + ".job_oid = jp1.job_oid AND = ?)")
      • setAdditionalJoinParameters

        public void setAdditionalJoinParameters​(List<Pair<,​Object>> additionalJoinParameters)
        Query parameters to be used in the additional join string. If specified, the bindings for these parameters will be inserted at the start of the binding list.
        additionalJoinParameters - the additional join parameters (as pairs of DbAttributes and the value to be bound)
      • setAdditionalClauseString

        public void setAdditionalClauseString​(String additionalClauseString)
        The string to be inserted at the end of the FROM section of the select query. Aliasing needs to be done by the caller and match aliasing in the additionalClauseString. You can reference the alias of the target table name by using {@link this.PLACEHOLDER_TARGET_TABLE_ALIAS} DO NOT include a leading "WHERE" or "AND" keyword as this will be inserted by the translator as needed.
        additionalClauseString - the additional where clause string Example: setAdditionalClauseString("(jp1.value IS NULL)")
      • isUseCountQuery

        public boolean isUseCountQuery()
        Return whether the translator will change the SELECT query to a SELECT COUNT query, returning the number of rows rather than the rows themselves.
        whether the query will be modified to a SELECT COUNT query
      • setUseCountQuery

        public void setUseCountQuery​(boolean useCountQuery)
        If true, the translater will change the SELECT query to a SELECT COUNT query, returning the number of rows rather than the rows themselves.
        useCountQuery - whether the query should be modified to a SELECT COUNT query (off by default)
      • doTranslate

        protected void doTranslate()
        doTranslate in class
      • getWhereEndIndex

        protected int getWhereEndIndex()