Class XmlPrefillService

  • public class XmlPrefillService
    extends Object
    Provides a XML prefill service.
    • Constructor Detail

      • XmlPrefillService

        public XmlPrefillService()
    • Method Detail

      • mergeXmlData

        public void mergeXmlData​(Document sourceDocument,
                                 Document targetDocument,
                                 List<XmlInputMap> xmlInputMaps)
        Merge the source Document with the prefilled mappings into the target document. This method traverse the XML mapping lists and copy the value of source Xpath location to the target Xpath location.
        sourceDocument - the source XML document
        targetDocument - the target XML document
        xmlInputMaps - the XML mapping lists
      • mergeXmlData2

        public void mergeXmlData2​(Document sourceDocument,
                                  Document targetDocument,
                                  List<XmlInputMapVO> xmlInputMaps)
        Merge the source Document with the prefilled mappings into the target document. This method traverse the XML mapping lists and copy the value of source Xpath location to the target Xpath location.
        sourceDocument - the source XML document
        targetDocument - the target XML document
        xmlInputMaps - the XML mapping lists
      • mergeXmlData

        public void mergeXmlData​(Document sourceDocument,
                                 Document targetDocument,
                                 Map<String,​String> xmlPrefillMappings)
        Apply the specified prefill mappings to copy content from the source document to the target document.
        sourceDocument - the source XML document containing prefill data (required)
        targetDocument - the target XML document to which prefill data shall be applied (required)
        xmlPrefillMappings - the XML prefill mappings (key = XPath in the source document containing a prefill value, value = XPath in the target document where the prefill value shall be stored)