Class SecurityLogger

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SecurityLogger
    extends Object
    implements IBindable

    Provides a Security Logger class for logging information during the execution of Security Manager SSO Filter scripts. Log message are logged to the server log file with the category com.avoka.core.groovy.SecurityLogger.


    The Groovy script example below imports the SecurityLogger class with the name 'logger' and then calls the debug, info, warn and error methods.

     import com.avoka.core.groovy.SecurityLogger as logger
     logger.debug 'this is a DEBUG level message'
 'this is an INFO level message'
     logger.warn 'this is an WARN level message'
     logger.error 'this is an ERROR level message'

    This will result in the following logger messages being logged to the server log file. Note only WARN and ERROR level messages are logged by default.

     13:30:33,011 WARN  [com.avoka.core.groovy.SecurityLogger] (pool-5-thread-1) this is an WARN level message
     13:30:33,012 ERROR [com.avoka.core.groovy.SecurityLogger] (pool-5-thread-1) this is an ERROR level message 

    Note you can modify the standalone.xml configuration file to change category filtering level to show INFO and DEBUG level messages.

     <logger category="com.avoka.core.groovy.SecurityLogger">
        <level name="WARN"/>
    • Constructor Detail

      • SecurityLogger

        public SecurityLogger()
    • Method Detail

      • debug

        public static void debug​(Object object)
        Log the given DEBUG level message.
        object - the DEBUG level message
      • debug

        public static void debug​(String object)
        Log the given DEBUG level message.
        object - the DEBUG level message
      • error

        public static void error​(Object object)
        Log the given ERROR level message.
        object - the ERROR level message
      • error

        public static void error​(String object)
        Log the given ERROR level message.
        object - the ERROR level message
      • info

        public static void info​(Object object)
        Log the given INFO level message.
        object - the INFO level message
      • info

        public static void info​(String object)
        Log the given INFO level message.
        object - the INFO level message
      • warn

        public static void warn​(Object object)
        Log the given WARN level message.
        object - the WARN level message
      • warn

        public static void warn​(String object)
        Log the given WARN level message.
        object - the WARN level message
      • getThreadLogMessage

        public static StringBuilder getThreadLogMessage()
        Return the thread local INFO level log.
        the thread local INFO level log
      • setThreadLogMessage

        public static void setThreadLogMessage​(StringBuilder log)
        Set the thread local INFO level log.
        log - set the INFO local debug level log
      • clearTheadLogs

        public static void clearTheadLogs()
        Clear the thread logs.