Class SmtpEmailService

    • Constructor Detail

      • SmtpEmailService

        public SmtpEmailService()
    • Method Detail

      • sendEmailMessage

        public void sendEmailMessage​(String subject,
                                     String message,
                                     String fromAddress,
                                     String replyToAddress,
                                     String toAddress,
                                     String ccAddress,
                                     String bccAddress,
                                     Map<String,​byte[]> attachmentMap,
                                     Submission submission)
        Send an email message.
        subject - email subject
        message - email message body
        fromAddress - the from address
        replyToAddress - the reply-to address
        toAddress - email to address
        ccAddress - email address to cc
        bccAddress - email address to bcc
        attachmentMap - attachments map
        submission - the submission the email relates to (optional)
      • queueEmail

        public EmailQueue queueEmail​(Portal portal,
                                     String from,
                                     String to,
                                     String subject,
                                     String body,
                                     String category)
        Create an email on the email queue

        Note that this method contains database transactions.

        This method is provided for backwards compatibility.

        portal - the portal object
        from - from address
        to - to address
        subject - the email subject
        body - the email body
        category - the category of the email queue
        the resulting email queue entry
      • queueEmail

        public EmailQueue queueEmail​(Portal portal,
                                     String from,
                                     String to,
                                     String subject,
                                     String body,
                                     String category,
                                     Map<String,​byte[]> attachmentMap)
        Create an email on the email queue

        Note that this method contains database transactions.

        This method is provided for backwards compatibility.

        portal - the portal object
        from - from address
        to - to address
        subject - the email subject
        body - the email body
        category - the category of the email queue
        attachmentMap - the map of attachments (optional)
        the resulting email queue entry