Class TemplateVersionDeploymentDao

    • Constructor Detail

      • TemplateVersionDeploymentDao

        public TemplateVersionDeploymentDao()
    • Method Detail

      • getTemplateVersionDeployment

        public TemplateVersionDeployment getTemplateVersionDeployment​(String id)
        Return the template version deployment with the specified OID
        id - the OID
        the matching template version deployment record, or null if not found
      • getDueDeployments

        public List<TemplateVersionDeployment> getDueDeployments​(Date cutoffDate)
        Return the list of all due template version deployments, meaning all deployments whose deployment time is before a cutoff date and whose status is on "Ready"
        cutoffDate - the cutoff date
        the list of template version deployments, sorted descending by due date
      • getFutureDeployments

        public List<TemplateVersionDeployment> getFutureDeployments​(Form form)
        Return the list of all template version deployments scheduled for a future time for the given template. Note that only deployments with a status of "Ready" will be returned.
        form - a non-null form
        the list of matching template version deployments